Is my life goal realistic?

2015-10-16 3:12 pm
When I was in secondary school, I wish I were rich and very successful in life. Now that I'm in college, I just want to live a simple and happy life with a guy I can grow old with. If I have a job that I like where my boss is not terrible and I do not starve in the streets, I will be happy.

A lot of people I know seem to be ambitious about what they want to do in the future/making a lot of money in the future. Also, people tell me to find a job which pays well as money is important and I need to save enough for money for retirement. Is seeking simplicity and happiness a good thing, or should I aim for more?

回答 (2)

2015-10-16 3:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should aim for what you find fulfilling and NOT what you think others are doing or what they might expect you to do.
2015-10-16 3:13 pm
no, you should work harder instead of getting happiness

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