Why we waste so many years of our lives working hard, studying?

2015-10-16 3:09 pm
Why we waste so many precious years of our lives studying and working hard to earn a ******* piece of paper so called "degree"... When we know we wont get a job and in the end fall into depression and killing ourselves? Why I've wasted 16 ******* years of my life working hard to achieve a piece of paper and still I wont get a job... I've no money in my pocket I've to live on my parents money when I should be they one carrying all their expenses? Studies doesn't make a a difference... I am so ******* depressed I can't even tell anyone what's going inside of me. First bullying by all the pupils in educational institutes all 16 years now this ******* unemployment... I am so done... I want to cry out loud... I don't see a way out I am totally lost in this world of darkness....

Daniel nobody ask for your dumbass opinion so its better to stfu! Secondly to all those who think I don't work hard to get a job or not motivated to get a job let me tell you ever since I passed out of my university with very good grades (it has been a year of struggling to get a job) I've been continuously struggling and yet no company has responded me... My degree is in software engineering....


What does that piece of paper worth if I can't get a job on it....

回答 (5)

2015-10-16 3:14 pm
1. we dont work and study for the paper... we work and study for the knowledge the paper represents
2. i know LOTS of people that get jobs right out of college, but they are almost only STEM jobs (google it if you dont know) if you get a junk degree like liberal arts of course you will NEVER find a job...
3. if you got a usefull degree, science,tech,engineering,medicine, you will ALWAYS find a job since those fields are growing very quickly, doubling in size every 10 years...
4. most people have to move out of the city they originally lived in to find a good job... just apply to everywhere and someone will answer.
2015-10-16 3:11 pm
maybe you chose the wrong degree because you're a dumbass?

I have six people in my family that have degrees and earn tons of money :chemical engineer ,mechanical engineer ,doctor of nursing , management accountant ,head of marketing,investment banker...
2015-10-16 7:21 pm
http://www.rwm.org/rwm shows another way, as do "Popular Economics" "Superfreakonomics" "Conscious Capitalism" "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You" and "Man, Master of His Destiny."
2015-10-16 3:16 pm
Well if you did not have that schooling, would you have a job? Lets face it with less schooling, you would have less opportunities. So what your suggesting is that it was a waste. Well that is not the case, the time that you spent getting educated made you a better prospect than every single person who has a high school diploma. Certainly a lot of them have jobs, not because they wanted them, but because they needed a job to survive. At the moment you don't need a job to survive, so your not motivated to get a job. If you wanted to get a job, you would have one already. But you really don't need one because you don't have any real bills, You have no heating bill, no rent, no food, so you have no real reason to get a job. This is on you bro, not on the school that you went to, or anyone else. You have to get off your butt and just go and get anything. That will make you feel better. It would get you out of the house, and give you access to outside interaction which will pick up your spirits. Part time at a home depot can be good, and it gets you out of the house for a few hours each day. It does not take a college degree, just a desire to do something.
2015-10-16 3:15 pm
Well, it's a shame that you're depressed. That certainly sux. But the merit of school is something else. You probably WILL turn 18 or 20 and want a job at some point. Having that degree does matter. A lot. And it's not just an empty piece of paper. It means you 1) completed something, something big and hard and important, and 2) a potential employer can assume that you can read and write competently, and know most of the other things your degree says you know. If you were an employer who would you choose? A guy with a certification of certain knowledge and capability, or a guy without?

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