hence / therefore 的擺位用法?

2015-10-16 9:14 am
常見 Hence 後直接加 S.V.O. (無","分隔)
e.g. Hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.

但 Therefore 好似少見會寫成咁,通常會用","分隔 SVO
e.g. Therefore, everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.

其實 hence 及 therefore 都係 adverb,擺位是否以上兩者也可?
即 Hence, everyone ....
Therefore everyone .... 也沒問題

回答 (1)

2015-10-17 6:41 am
hence = therefore(用來帶出結果,後面都不用逗號)
I think, therefore I am.=我思,故我在。(放在對等的第二個子句之前)
He was not there, therefore he is innocent.=他不在現場,故無罪。
He was hence unable to agree.=因此他不能同意。(放be動詞後面)
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 1990. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
Whatever is hidden is harmful (hence revelation equals security).
European music happens to use a scale or eight notes, hence the use of the term octave.
The Socialist Party was profoundly divided and hence very weak.

It may be possible or not; however, we shall see.表示對等關係的「連接副詞」however,前面用分號,後面用逗號。
Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in he mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close.

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