Please explain this quote!?

2015-10-16 5:12 am
"Vietnam is a nasty place to fight. But there are no neat and tidy battlefields in the struggle for freedom; there is no 'good' place to die. And it is far better to fight in Vietnam, than fight some years hence in Hawaii, or our own frontiers."
Can somebody please explain this quote and the ideological perspective behind it and what lank this has to the principals of liberalism? Sorry, I have no idea who said this quote!! But thank you all in advance!!! I really need help on this! Thank you!!!!!! I believe it has something to do with the Vietnam War during the Cold War.

回答 (3)

2015-10-16 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Visit local library for books on the Vietnam war and communism/capitalism struggles along with "domino theory".
Plenty of books on the subject matter.
Not really enough room to explain it as ur education is lacking in USA USSR history.
Not ur fault just way modern education is.
參考: Been there done that got the Scares
2015-10-16 5:23 am
Fighting for something is hard, but would you rathert be proactive to stop a crisis from happening or defend yourself later?
2015-10-16 5:21 am
It's just about how the speaker of the quote says it's better to fight outside of one's board than within them. Kind of an isolationist, if you ask me.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:37:46
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