What is the best places to visit in Spain?

2015-10-15 11:07 am
HI.... I really would like to visit Spain. But I'm not sure where to go and which places good to see. I live in India and have never been to spain before. Anyone can give me suggestions?

回答 (5)

2015-10-15 12:20 pm
2016-01-17 7:01 am
Madrid is my favorite by far but Granada and Seville are also really great.
2015-10-22 6:05 am
I personally like Madrid. There are many more places to explore like Temple of Debod, Plaza de Cibeles, Puerta del Sol and Gran Via. And for staying I recommend you to choose a boutique hotel.
2015-10-18 8:22 am
Go to Barcelona, Valencia, Cuenca, Madrid, Avila, Toledo, Seville, Granada. You cannot go wrong with that. Spain is an easy country in which to get along.
2015-10-15 11:53 am

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