Can you have a heart attack in boot camp?

2015-10-15 4:34 am
I'm a 16 year old guy and I'm joining either the marines or army and I'm now finding out people have actually died in boot camp from heart attacks. Is that true and is it a common thing? I thought they completely checked you before you join. I have been getting heart pains but idk if it's from anxiety or heart problems.

回答 (13)

2015-10-15 5:16 am
It's very unlikely but you *can* have a heart attack anywhere.
2015-10-15 4:36 am
Absofreakinglutely. Sometimes even though you are medically checked completely. S--- happens. That's life.
2015-10-15 4:24 pm's always an option. Not fun and not recommended, but there's nothing stopping you from trying.
參考: 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
2015-10-15 4:39 am
football,, at least three high school football players died so far in the 2015 season..........nothing is safe.
2015-10-15 4:38 am
they will check you out it is not common at all.
2015-10-15 5:42 pm
If you have a F*cking heart attack in boot camp...its God's way of saying"get the hell out of the Military!"
2015-10-15 3:12 pm
Get a full physical.

Soon would be good.
2015-10-15 4:39 am
if you pass out help will be right there, just make sure you drink plenty of water, actually they'll make you finish your canister whether you want to or not lol. get used to it. good luck!!
2015-10-15 4:57 am
I am an U.S. Army veteran and have been through a load of schools, which obviously includes boot camp. To answer your question, no, you won't have a heart attack in boot camp. The feelings you are having are from nerves, get some sleep and stay away from the caffeine.
2015-10-16 1:03 pm
you can have a heart attack while taking a crap at home.
2015-10-15 9:53 am
No it's not common. Not a single person in my platoon had a heart attack. Go figure??
You have a physical before you go in & this should find any heart issues. Plus how many 18 - 24 year olds would have heart issues to start with?? 50 - 60 year olds have heart attacks. Generally not young men (or women).
2015-10-15 4:56 am
Heart pains at 16 aren't common. You probably have stomach pain or heartburn (which is actually pain in the esophagus [throat] from acid reflux). But see a doctor now because it could be serious.
2015-10-15 4:51 am
Of course it is not common.
After all, you get a physical exam before joining, and that should find the people with heart problems of any kind. It happens, very rarely, that somebody has a heart defect they don't know about, and has not caused trouble before, and suddenly dies from it. Extremely rare though.
If you are getting heart pains, you might ask for a medical checkup. Highly unlikely to be anything wrong with your heart. You could be having "heartburn" which is actually in your stomach and esophagus. Eating some celery will usually stop it [until next time]. Maybe you hyperventilate - this is pretty common. It is harmless but can feel scary, and it is easy to stop an attack once you know how. Or it could be something else entirely.

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