Instead of showing the landlord pay stubs, can I show the landlord tax returns or bank statements? I am a writer who needs to rent?

2015-10-14 10:35 pm

回答 (15)

2015-10-15 2:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some landlords and property managers would accept alternative documents as proof of income. So will not.

You would have to find a landlord or property manager that would accept this alternative income document as proof of income.

You are able to verify if a tax has been filed or not. There is a IRS number you are able to call. This number will not verify the entire tax return but the figures on a certain line on the income tax return that was filed. If the line verified match the one you have in your hand, you can pretty well say this is a filed income returned.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2015-10-14 10:44 pm
that would be up to the landlord, but i wouldn't see why he wouldn't.
2015-10-15 1:36 am
landlord says he needs pay offer tax returns and bank statements...landlord counters with an extra 200 dollar application will fail , not get the apartment and be out 200 dollars
2015-10-15 1:11 am
That's up to the landlord. When I rent, I want to see evidence of current, on-going income, but if the other documents show financial stability, it might fly.
2015-10-14 11:19 pm
Yes, a LL will accept your tax returns. He may or may not accept your bank statements because you could easily blow through any savings and then not be able to pay the rent.
參考: FL landlord
2015-10-16 4:45 am
Its up to the landlord
2015-10-15 6:12 pm
you can show the landlord anything he will accept as proof of your income, all he is trying to do is see that you are not a deadbeat and he can expect to get paid the rent each month
2015-10-15 3:45 pm
if you are self employed, you need to show something that reflects regular income - bank deposits might work
2015-10-15 3:12 pm
Ask the LL that, only they can tell you what they will accept.
2015-10-15 1:13 am
That is up to the landlord.
2015-10-14 11:55 pm
Ask him or her. A lot of people are self-employed and have alternates to pay stubs.
2015-10-14 11:50 pm
Most landlords will take tax returns for self employed people.
2015-10-14 11:15 pm
2015-10-14 10:53 pm
You may offer to do so. he's not required to grant them any weight.. and probably will not if there is no pattern, consistency or stability, or if you have poor credit for ANY reason.
2015-10-15 5:17 am
A tax return can be altered and there is no way to prove it is your actual tax return but bank statements that show your income and have your name only on them should be proof. But each place has its own set of rules and that is what you have to follow.

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