why is hillary clinton so popular?

2015-10-14 9:49 pm

回答 (20)

2015-10-15 12:07 am
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she sucks
2015-10-14 10:04 pm
Because she has what it takes as you could see in her performance last evening. Shes capable and sure of herself. And to top it off she has the benefit of her husbands expertise and know how, to continue to get America going in the direction President Obama has laid out. A vision we can be proud of. We cant find that on the other side.
2015-10-14 9:56 pm
Because she always tells the truth, hard to find these days.

HRC 2016
2015-10-14 9:53 pm
Because she is smart and is a good person. Its obvious that she has our best interests at heart. She is far from my favorite, but I can understand why she is popular.
2015-10-14 9:52 pm
She is the most capable. She keeps it together, calm and poised.
2015-10-14 10:12 pm
Because she's got the goods. We need her experience, her outlook and her dedication to working families in this country. People are getting the news all over the country that the Republicans have been lying about her and are so scared of her they've used millions in taxpayer money to run a snipe hunt against her. That's a federal crime by the way. So now we know that they are the liars and the criminals, not her.
2015-10-14 10:02 pm
ANYBODY would be more popular than any of those Republican idiots who are running for president! Besides, Hillary's husband Bill is still a very beloved, popular former president...and that really p*****s off those evil conservatives who still hate his guts for no reason!
2015-10-14 9:54 pm
If you are a Democrat the Washington establishment has already picked your candidate for you.
The other four filler candidate were there just to make last nights sham debate look like a Democratic process.
None of the selected losers made any attempt to challenge or upset the front runner.

The Democrat nomination process reminds me of a third world election.
The conclusion is not in doubt.
2015-10-14 9:56 pm
Hillary pretends she HATES Corporations and businesses so she can get the votes of those who seek more welfare paid for by American Businesses while forcing more off-shore manufacturing so more end up unemployed.
It is Her way of driving up the votes for Democrat Socialists.
Just DON'T check the number of campaign dollars she collects from Big Banks and other Capitalists who want her to grant Them MORE Power.
Among the Democrat Candidates on the stage last night she Did demonstrate she has the highest level of brain power among those select few Democrat Leaders. - She only suffers from a total lack of ethics, character and honesty.
2015-10-15 11:27 pm
Yes, that's why Bill likes her.
2015-10-15 2:09 am
She's a PARTY CANDIDATE. PARTY sheeple say "baa-a-a" and go where the shepherds guide.
REMEMBER Geraldine Ferraro? DEMOCRAT Vice-Presidential candidate? She was a "test" by
the Democrats KNEW Walter Mondale would lose so they had him select a FEMALE running-
mate to "test the waters" how the Voters would react.
UNDER Democrat PARTY direction Hillary Rodham was selected for "Bigger things". She REJECTED
Bill Clinton's marriage proposal repeatedly until HE under Democrat guidance became a DEMOCRAT
Figure in Arkansas -- "Bigger Things".
NOW it's "HER TURN". EXCEPT she has QUIT every Political job she has held. Senator; quit halfway
through second term to "run for president" -- Quit her campaign to surrender Nomination Delegates
to Barack Obama; rewarded with Secretary of State. Quit so the Democrat Party could offer John
Kerry the job and OBAMA received Kerry's 2012 Nomination delegates.
THE PARTY had the choice between Kerry or Mrs Clinton to succeed Obama: IT'S HER TURN.
Kerry can still run in 2020.

SHE IS UNFIT to be President. Trump is UNFIT to be President. IT IS LONG PAST Time for
voters to IGNORE Republican AND Democrat PARTY politics. Elect a WORKING Citizen NOT
a Political Puppet.
2015-10-14 10:01 pm
A lot of people see her as a "proxy" to another 4 years of Bill Clinton.
2015-10-14 9:57 pm
It's like a train wreck, you just have to watch.
2015-10-14 9:55 pm
because she bribes the people with her boobs
2015-10-14 9:52 pm
Because she's one of the only female politicians in America so some people will support her just for that
2015-10-14 9:52 pm
It is either the cackle or the cankles. Not sure which.
2015-10-14 9:51 pm
She isn't.
2015-10-14 9:52 pm
All three people that showed up at her last rally could not stop talking about how popular she was.
2015-10-14 9:51 pm
Most women like H because H is uglier than they are.
2015-10-14 9:56 pm
She's popular cuz she's a laughing stock. A joke.

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