why did bernie sanders not attack hillary clinton?

2015-10-14 9:47 pm

回答 (21)

2015-10-15 12:11 am
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i dont know but shes a witch
2015-10-14 9:54 pm
That's not how he campaigns. Thank goodness.
2015-10-14 9:50 pm
Because not all presidential candidates have to attack their fellow candidates. Trump and the GOP have created unrealistic ideas about what a presidential race is.

Sanders wants to talk about the issues, not go after Clinton. It serves his moral belief that it is idiotic, but it also makes him look like the better man.
2015-10-14 9:58 pm
Bernie has stressed, and continues to stress, that that's not the kind of campaign he wants to run.
2015-10-14 9:49 pm
Because they are adults, debating on issues, not the ability to attack one another. They should be the example for all campaigning and debates going forward, but that is wishful thinking. Misinformation, lies, and attacks win votes.
2015-10-14 10:14 pm
Because it wasn't the Republican Clown Debate, it was the Democratic Presidential debate. Glad to see America get to see the incredible difference.
2015-10-14 10:09 pm
Democrats are like social workers, they want to do good in the world, not be nasty and creepy without any reason. He is old school, a gentleman, and she is older woman, they just dont do that.

I think it is petty to attack a fellow party member, the Repubs can do that. they shouldnt waste time on attacking each other for the same old thing, just get their ideas out. Of course Hillary copied Bernie's views.

I am sick to death of the news channels repeating Hillary won, she is the nominee. I hope to hell she isnt. She is a big effing phony who has no convictions.
2015-10-14 9:54 pm
Bernie wants a spot in the Hillary administration. He could be Secretary of the Department of Very Low Quality Porn.
2015-10-15 7:16 am
Because, if you distill down what each of the candidates said during the Democrat debates there is not one whit of difference in what they proposed.... e.g..... more taxes, more freebies, more debt.
2015-10-14 11:55 pm
Maybe he just wants to treat the electoral system with some dignity, unlike the GOP that looks more like a chimpanzee jamboree than a nomination race.
2015-10-14 11:11 pm
IN a debate a participant states a position and opposing participants are permitted to explain
their "opposing" opinions. In the context of Democrat/Republican "political" debates each candidate
should state a goal for any issue discussed and responding candidates counter with opinion how
the other's position won't/can't benefit the voters.

PERSONAL accusations or slanders do not belong in such debates. Any participant who resorts to
such actions merely shows weakness and probable inability to fulfill the responsibilities winning
the final election would bring. (Trump! Tramp ! ! )
2015-10-14 9:52 pm
Bernie took a pledge that he wouldn't attack Hillary. She see's it as a sign of weakness and attacks. He stands by his word. At least, for now.
2015-10-14 10:29 pm
Before I answer this question, I would like everyone to know that my answer is not supporting anyone on the democratic side. I am 100% republican. Always have been, always will be. Anyways, I think Bernie Sanders helped Hillary is because he wants to make himself look like he isn't a shifty guy like Hillary can seem like at times and it makes him look like an honest truthful man. He is definitely the best nominee on the democratic side in my opinion, but neither Hillary or Bernie should be president in my opinion.
2015-10-14 9:53 pm
Too busy kissing each others azzes.
2015-10-14 9:49 pm
This was the biggest failure of the night. He probably was promised a cabinet position.
2015-10-14 9:48 pm
Him, CNN and the other candidates were ordered to 'stand down'

It wasn't a debate. It was a coronation
2015-10-16 1:22 am
Bernie is hedging his bet that if he don't get the nomination Hilary will ask him to be VP.
2015-10-15 5:59 am
Because she is a witch.
2015-10-15 3:30 am
the whole thing was scripted like a wwe event
2015-10-14 9:48 pm
He didn't want to engage in "sexism"
2015-10-14 9:48 pm
He should have. A good socialist will not bow before Capital.

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