Why are women/girls so rude?

2015-10-14 4:02 pm
Not all of course, but all the the women I have met. I'm a 20 year old female, and I have no female friends, only guy friends. im straight, and I don't sleep around so don't tell me that's why I have no female friends.

This is going to sound conceited, but it adds to my question. All of my life Adults have always made a huge emphasis about how nice/sweet I am. Also, I used to be an uglier child but that's when I had the most female friends. As I've gotten older and started to care more about my appearance, I've lost literally all female friends. Now I can't make any. I will start to get along with a girl and she will end up ignoring me and acting rude. I'm not clingy. Like I said, I'm nice (I think and that's what people tell me). And I'm definitely not cocky, in fact I'm more on the low self esteem side, but I don't let it show.

My parents will ask me how it's going with my friends, and I'll always have to tell them that girls have stood me up once again. But my guy friends are super loyal and just awesome. I'd just like to have like 2 female friends to go shopping with or something....:/

Am I doing something wrong? Please help. I just need advice

回答 (210)

2015-10-14 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're not doing anything wrong, but females are sucky friends. They're jealous, envious, covetous creatures who are NOT loyal to their girl friends. Matter of fact, some even romance their alleged "besties" boyfriend, husband, crush etc. and try to compete all across the board with the competition. Some are just insecure, others are narcissistic and refuse to let another girl out do them. I was in the same boat as you and trust this, you and me are NOT alone. You made a good choice by befriending guys because with them, what you see is what you get. Usually, they're more devoted and more fun then any chick could ever be. Don't worry or over think this because it's just female nature. Think about 2 female cats, 5 male, all good but the females....bloodshed! You're wiping blood down off the walls for days if their anywhere near each other. lol:) Hope this helps? Good luck
2015-10-14 4:10 pm
omgosh ! I can relate to this so much! I'm a straight girl with no real girl friends either. I had one but she changed and the others I lost due to her. So now I'm a lone wolf and I love being friends with guys because they're so much more chilled than girls ( mostly ) I don't sleep around either , which seems to put me on the outer. It's almost like you have to be a ***** to have friends right ?! haha i'm super nice too and I always thought that was a good thing but again that puts me on the outer, my advice to you is this. Don't change who you are to make friends. Has there ever been any girls you were friends with ? what kind of girls were they, actually can i also make the comment that i was a hideous child too and had no problems making friends up until i changed. I want to suggest something to you but i'm not sure what. I guess I can only offer that you're not going through it alone. Guess we have to meet girls like us with similar interests maybe try joining a club or a sports team or something where you're forced to be around the same people time and time again or a job at a fashion shop forming bonds will form friendships. That's all i can suggest right now. hope you make some nice girl friends soon.
2015-10-15 2:37 am
God bless you. Your just being yourself so dont stop now just because you cant find female friends. I have noticed that many many young women have become catty, and jealous so maybe they are scared of the beautiful woman you've become. You don't have to change for anyone. I was the same way as well. I was not that pretty, had a boy haircut, hung out only with boys because I felt girls were backstabbers and trivial. I had one girl friend who was true blue, loyal. I was also proud to be a virgin because so many other girls were giving it up fast. Be yourself. Girls will come later. In the meantime continue to focus on school and yourself. Stay humble and sweet as you are. Ok? Now that I'm older, married, looking kind of good, long flowing hair its all good. I am married to a very handsome military man and have three beautiful kids who I have nurtured with love and told them dont ever be phony and be true to the friends who are true to you. If you see that they are talking about others then know they are talking about you as well when your not around them. God bless.
2015-10-14 4:06 pm
Well, there's a certain amount of immaturity in women -- right up through middle age and beyond! Some people just don't know how to grow up. So you will meet some rude women all your life long.

But there are many sincere women. The key is to find people whose values match your own. If you like yoga, go to yoga classes. If you love music, go to concerts. If you love books, ask people about books. Same is true for political leanings.

When you find people whose values match yours, it will click. Then just do the usual -- ask questions, be sincerely interested in the answers, and be other-centered. You are fine!
2015-10-15 1:31 am
I know. I'm 16 and I have NO friends. It sucks. All the girls in my school are conceited and rude as hell. All the guys though would rather **** brains out and there's not much choice to have real friends for me :/ they all ditch me anyway so I ignore them. But somedays I wished I had a friend I can hang out with...
2015-10-14 4:11 pm
It's hard to say if you're doing anything wrong, I can only guess at the issue. My guess is that you're very pretty and the girls you've tried to befriend are a) intimidated, b) jealous, c) insecure, or d) immature, or for some reason you just choose bitchy women.
What about your guy friends' girlfriends, do you ever hang out in a group and could make a friend or two that way? If not, my best advice is to choose an activity (perhaps more female centered to achieve your goal) that you enjoy doing, like playing soccer, and join a womens rec league. Something like that can be a real boon to one's social life.
2015-10-15 9:33 pm
Honestly I'm exactly the same. I'm 21 and have one female friend and even then I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me very much haha. I try to make girl friends, I have some stereotypically male interests but I'm very much into makeup/beauty/fashion/ more traditionally feminine pastimes too.

I don't dislike women or intentionally avoid them and I do really crave female companionship more often than not. I'd rather have girl friends than the amount of guy friends I have because a lot of the guys I consider myself friends with end up treating me like crap because I don't want anything more than a platonic relationship. I've lost a lot of seemingly solid relationships with guys because of that.

I wasn't a very attractive child/teen (well until I was like 17-18 imo) and I had a load of female friends. I'm not sure if that has any relevance but we're in the same boat.

The important thing is to remember we're all individuals! I'm sure you'll find some awesome friends eventually! Keep trying!
2015-10-15 5:27 am
I am the same exact way. I feel like girls can be really annoying though, and guys are just easier to get along with. I notice also since I'm
Older now and better looking then when I was younger, I fee like the girls feel threatened to bring me around their S.O because they don't want their S.O looking at me or something lol. But honestly I am in the same boat as you!
Screw it, guys are more fun anyway.
2015-10-16 12:40 am
OMG I can relate to at least most of this. I was nice and polite when I was younger. Always considered a pretty girl. Couldn't make female friends as an adult, only male. It ended up that at one point that all my good friends were male, BUT eventually they wanted to have sex with me. Today, I have a best friend and that's my boyfriend of more than five years. He does things for me that even my ex-husband didn't do for all those 11 years. And now that's good enough for me. So I think once you find that one person in your life, female or male, it will be enough.
2015-10-16 12:19 am
Let's be real with one thing. EVERYBODY IS FAKE. Everyone backstabs someone at some point. Now for your issue, this world is full of competition. So if girls act hate or rudely towards you then it's just pure jealousy
2015-10-15 11:12 pm
You're right not all but 'many' are rude, caddy, petty, unkind, mean etc.... I can count the real & good female friends I've had in my life on one hand probably. I've always preferred male friends before I married and since then, my husband is the best friend I have but a few really good female friends I've had for YEARS and they live miles away. It's hard to find good ones - most are not worth your time and emotional drama & energy they drain you of....
Sorry - sad but true.
2015-10-15 6:47 pm
I never really thought about it until I wound up with a bunch of women as coworkers. I always just thought I was a "lone wolf," especially after I had to give up my guy friends when I got married. (My mother-in-law put the idea of jealousy in to hubby's head.) I'm 53and don't really bother trying to be friends with women anymore. My female coworkers are into soap operas and gossiping about other coworkers. They won't bother with me, because I question how accurate the rumors are since rumors can be hurtful and become very damaging. Also, I just can't get into soap operas. My female coworkers also get very jealous. If they think the "grass is greener on the other side," then it must be, so they feel they need to try to find some way to knock that person down. It's kind of their way of "validating" their false beliefs. It's another form of bullying. Notice I said most of my female coworkers. I did finally find 1 female coworker, who makes a great friend. We enjoy each other's company and ask each other for advice. The only problem is that the other coworkers talk to her too and tell her all kinds of rumors. I have no problems with my male coworkers. They seem to concentrate on their work and not bother anyone, so I just keep reminding myself to be more like the guys. It's just more fun. The important thing isn't who your friends are, it's how much do they care about you. Sorry I couldn't answer why are they rude...I guess they were never taught manners when they were children like I was. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
2015-10-15 3:17 pm
it's not just the girls, young males are among the worst ever.
2015-10-15 1:07 pm
2015-10-15 11:50 am
women get very stressed easily if you dont make them angry they wont be so bitchy
2015-10-15 10:53 am
Some women are rude because they know they are attractive and have the attention of a lot of guys, so they can get what they want and only think of themselves.
2015-10-15 1:26 am
Ignore some of these answers. They are generalizing half the population, their generalizing a gender. (Ha, that sounds so weird.) It's not that girls themselves are obnoxious, clingy and annoying. It is just the majority of woman you come across that are like that. Saying all women are jealous and envious creatures is like saying all men are self-conceited, loud-mouthed, arrogant slobs. There are plenty of good people in the world who are nothing like that. In High school we all have our stereotypical cliques, and if you notice.. We have the same type of groups in real life. You've just gotta find the one with all the nice people.
參考: I'm a girl myself with an equal amount of guy and girl friends.
2015-10-16 5:12 pm
It happens to every girl at some point, I think. Most girls that are rude to me are jealous and insecure; I've been in clubs or decent bars where friends of my girl friends don't talk to me, don't introduce themselves, glare, and are just standoffish for no reason.
Whenever a girl gives me a hard time when we don't even know each other, I figure she's jealous or mean. But I don't invest my time into people like that, either; if a girl acts like I'm an enemy within the first 5 minutes, I just look through her and continue the conversation with whomever I'm talking to. It doesn't happen as often as high school, but I also find it pathetic when grown, adult women still act like 15 year old girls.
Guys aren't often as emotional and/or insecure when it comes to the opposite sex, probably because it is the opposite sex. Hence, I have more male friends than women; not because there may be sexual attraction, but because most men are more chill and relaxed and just want to have a good time, and I am an easy going girl:)
參考: 23 year old lady
2015-10-15 8:47 am
Sadly im a guy, i have two older sisters whom tend to bring their friends over a lot and they pretty much spend their time back stabbing other girls. Once i was at the mall and this girl came up to this group of girls and said hi and had a nice conversatiom which I thought was pleasant, but then as soon as she left this girl in the group rolled her eyes and called her a ******* B**th... I dont get all this hate between women. Makes my super glad im a guy.
2015-10-15 2:29 pm
Hey!! Not All Girls Are Rude Thank you lol
2015-10-15 8:53 am
Omg tell me about it! My friends have recently all stabbed me in the back several times this year (girls and guys) and my best friend (girl) has completely changed around me. I'm thinking maybe it's because you speak to boys and they may be jealous. I remember a while ago my girl friends would always be like "you speak to so many guys! How do speak to boys?" I never really took notice of it until I got a boyfriend 11 months ago and ever since they have been soooo different with me. So yeah maybe it's that, but seriously girls are bitches lmao. Better not having fake friends tbh! Hope this helped x
2015-11-12 2:03 am
Whenever a girl gives me a hard time when we don't even know each other, I figure she's jealous or mean. But I don't invest my time into people like that, either; if a girl acts like I'm an enemy within the first 5 minutes, I just look through her and continue the conversation with whomever I'm talking to. It doesn't happen as often as high school, but I also find it pathetic when grown, adult women still act like 15 year old girls.
2015-10-17 8:28 am
2015-10-16 5:13 pm
You'll find rude people within both genders. It seems that you're trying to imply that girls don't like you becauae you're "pretty" and that is partly true. Women are competitive with each other and a lot are jealous of more "attractive" women however these are more like the dirty looks on the street girls, or the classmates who stare at you. Being pretty doesn't really interfere with social lives because not all girls are hating bitches. In fact a lot of pretty girls befriend other pretty girls and form those cliches. So if you really have NO girl friends, the problem is you not them.
2015-10-16 4:48 pm
In my opinion, you just haven't found other women like you yet. Maybe your hobbies and interests have a larger male following that's why it's easier for you to find men that you have something in common with. My suggestion would be to get more involved socially in what interests you ie. if you're into literature, join a book club or a weekly writing group, go to free lectures etc. Start conversations with the women you find there and you're more likely to find people you can connect with.
Remember, friendships don't have to last a lifetime. Children have the idea that if you are friends with someone it's for life. It's not. A good friendship that lasts 6 months, 1 year or 5 years can be just as fulfilling and meaningful as one that lasts 20 years.

Hope this helps,
2015-10-16 12:53 pm
Too general.
#7GTAnna #7GTVanessa

My bestys are perfect. True friends never failed meh.

Problem is similar as Jesus though, some people in the crowd are preposterously envious which causes enmity.

Choose Gabriel, not Jesus.

In Beverly Hills it's as tho the apple was never stolen from the tree. #CIArt cough you cough #busted

Thanks be to God though.
#GodForever #GodForever
2015-10-16 3:17 am
Everything is a competition with these girls if their not the prettiest they'll try to ruin you. Steal ur man and your friends and hex you in the process. Their just jealous. You have no idea the lengths some people go through to crush someone it's the way they were raised to be mean ruin someone else's reputation whilst spreading gossip the world is tough to adapt to find your niche it's better to be alone than to be in bad company mean girls win nice girls just stay quiet you'll make a fool of yourself. This is why I admire a bold woman. The girl that gossips has more people on her side because she's won them with words and trash. While the quiet one keeps to herself her real friends can open her up without it being awkward. Or stabbing her in the process coal from fictitious people I don't want to deal with that so I keep my distance.the world drives me mad. Everything is the opposite.
2015-10-16 1:39 am
I'm just generalizing when I say this, but women/girls tend to be more jealous of each other and not very straightforward about it.
Girls/Women worry about alot of the smaller things that guys often don't sweat.
Guys can sometimes be easier to get along with in the sense that they tend not to overthink things and just want to have fun as friends.
You generally have to be more open with your female friends than you do with your male friends.
2015-10-15 9:02 pm
"cuz they always have dildos up there a*ssholes"

"and bi polar disorder is due to lack of sodium, and since blood is salty.... do the math people."
2015-10-15 8:05 pm
Women are rude but quick to accuse others of being rude. I'm an adult male, my entire life women have always been rude. I simply ignore it, life is so much simpler that way.
2015-10-15 8:01 pm
I can't give you advice but I'd like to say I'm just like you :) I'm half super girly half super tom boy and I always get along better with the boys! But I'd kill for a girl to go shopping with or get our hair done :( girls are just b*tchy and well a lot are slutty by getting better looking you're now a threat to their men (stupid I know) it's people like you and I that need to find others like our selfs that care about girls without seeing them as a threat, I'd say just stay true to yourself and keep looking sorry :(
2015-10-15 8:01 pm
IM IN THE EXAM SAME BOAT I DONT GET IT EITHER!!! I am unable to make female friends at all! and like you i wish i could have a couple to talk to and go shopping with.. ( it was bad enough seeing my best friend one day after i rambled on for bit look at me and say.. you know im a guy right !! LOL ) so i completely understand! So far i found that as im getting older all i can do is NOT get my hopes up when i meet a girl just be yourself and see where it goes from there. and if it doesnt work out turn the page move on... I know its hard when it looks like failure after failure but i've learned to not get as bummed about it because at least we have our loyal wonderful men friends! so we should focus on them and if one day a good girl friend comes up then AWESOME if not then at least without having your hopes up you dont get hurt and move on! I know this isnt exactly the answer to your question that you wanted however knowing why wont change anything itll just upset you more the best thing to do is not get your hopes up believe me!

Best of luck!

And for those of you that say that adults call her sweet and nice because theyre mature.... UNFORTUNATELY your all wrong... even women 40 years older than me are as mean and cruel as ones my age... so dont rely on age either... because believe me when i say this it turns into a hell of a kick in pants later on!! but keep in mind i know not ALLLLL women are like that.. only the ones we've unfortunately met so far! XD
2015-10-15 8:00 pm
well it's a huge possibility they're extremely jealous. often a girl/woman doesn't want to be friends with somebody that receives a lot of attention from men because it will make them feel worse about themselves or insecyre, they wouldn't want to be compared to someone that people find more attractive or has a better personality. attempt being friends with a girl who seems shy, eventually she will probably open up to and realize she really isn't shy
2015-10-15 2:29 pm
You need friends to go shopping with??? I've never had any female friends. I don't need any and I don't want any! My men friends are more fun. Males are much easier to talk to. Plus, the things they talk about are much more interesting than all that girly talk and girly stuff. I spend all of my time around men, which is why I'm as tough and strong as they are! I like being a tomboy.
2015-10-15 1:05 pm
That's what you say i don't think they're rude
2015-10-15 11:28 am
Guy friends want to **** you.

"not clingy or not cocky." means you super clingy and cocky.
2015-10-15 10:42 am
and you think men are different ?
do you have brothers ...
do you hear their complaints about their friends ?
in every gender, culture, skin colour ... there are good and bad, right.
2015-10-15 10:16 am
Bad company produces Bad Character. Change your friends.
2015-10-15 8:13 am
i don't think every girls are rude.
2015-10-15 8:13 am
If everyone's a problem, then the problem is you.
2015-10-15 3:21 am
Because we aren't sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a fairy tale.
2015-10-15 3:54 pm
First of all, you are not probably easy to going with. So other females dont like you, right? Being friends with guys is not realy a friendship, they never take you that. On the other hand, yes, most females are spoiled and arrogant.
2015-10-15 1:14 pm
I think it mainly depends on what time of people you meet.

Chances are that most of the girls you meet believe that, even if you don't sleep around, you still 'use' the company of guys. That you feel insecure and surround yourself with guys, and 'flirt' with them. Even if you don't think of it that way, most girls will at first glance. They'll be slightly jealous or envious and feel that you're just with them to gain the guys attention. These are the type of girls you should steer clear of. Really. They might try to get close to you, but often it'll be just to get nearer to your guy friends. And it also depends with the guys you hang out with. Not to be vain, but if they're hot more girls will be jealous of you. But, on the flip side, more girls will try to get closer to you, to get to the guys.

Girls generally don't like to be beaten, or feel in danger. So if you're uglier some of them will hang out with you to make themselves feel better. Maybe thats why you you struggle to find girl friends. You're too hot. :)

Remember it could also be you. If you act rude, give a bad impression, or act like you would rather hang out with your guy friends, they WILL get the message. Even if theres none there. Girls are sensitive like that. Be cool, act normal and treat them like they're important. Have a equal conversation. People in general like to feel important. Therefor improve your listening skills, and you'll become everyone's best friend. Not to mention, you'll learn a lot of gossip!

Make sure to meet them in the right environment. The best time is when you're without any guy friends. Visit fun places, and join clubs. Take part in extra activities so that you'll be able to make new friends. Go somewhere interesting, and they'll connect you to that feeling. Don't be boring, depressing or anti-social. Don't be a fake though. If you pretend, you'll eventually get tired and mess up. Go to places you love, and talk about things you love. If they don't like it, too bad, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Finally if you comfort them about something, you'll automatically get a fast-track to being their BFF. Always be sympathetic, but don't be too nice. Sometimes you have to be strong.

Even though getting a great girl friend is hard, when you do have one it'll be amazing. You can tell them anything without worrying about being judged. Especially girl stuff, like whos hotter, how periods suck and so on. Guy friends are great, but girl friends are necessary. I have both, and thats the best thing ever. Better than pizza, and thats saying something.

Even if it does feel hard, still go for it. It'll be worth it. I promise.

Don't give up! You'll find your girl BFF someday!
2015-10-15 11:00 am
its your fault you are doing something wrong. entire female population can't be all bad it's you and the vibes you give off. maybe you seem like a lads girl or a tomboy and they think they will have nothing in common. you make more effort.
guys don't necessarily make better friends and many men don't have friends. its a skill, learn it its not because you are hot don't kid yourself please.
and if you think its your looks and jealousy pushing women away then your male friends are also in the friendship for your looks and the hope of a threesome with you. see, it cuts both ways.
2015-10-15 10:14 am
At its worst, the female gender role finds itself in the crime genre, specifically court room dramas to determine where they are on the innocent/guilty spectrum.

That said, I'd say it's extremely difficult to conclude objectively, simply because there are so many variables.

For example, you said you get on great with your guys friends. I wonder if these girls are jealous of that and punish you for it? When you say your girl friends stop liking you when you took care of your appearance, is it possible they were using you as a stepping stone before for their own looks?

It's also possible that the girl friends you have had are simply unpleasant, aggressive people.

If so, don't worry, there are PLENTY of lovely girls out there. My friends are just a few of them.
2015-10-14 11:07 pm
most women today are trash I live in Texas and here they are all golddigging drugheads
2015-10-14 4:04 pm
Because of period pains
2015-10-15 2:50 pm
You do not tell us what you look like - a lot of women have problems with women, esp if they happen to be inferior to yourself. In a word, they are rivals in the fight for the attention of the males in the group.

Everyone forgets that we Humans are standing tall apes with brains far too big for our own good. Thus we are in a constant war of nerves with each other, a form of rivalry which the Greeks turned into a democratic format, thus allowing these issues to be thrashed out, as it were.

You are by no means unusual. My partner (she who must be obeyed) made a life study of the late Elizabeth Taylor - Screen Goddess and etc. What my partner noticed is that Liz Taylor seldom ever kept the company of women and instead was almost always surrounded by an admiring group of men or just one man of the moment.

So, you are in very good company indeed. Elizabeth Taylor was not just a pretty face and had amassed a fortune by the time of her death amounting to a sum not short of one billion US Dollars.
Plus her twice husband Richard Burton had placed the biggest diamond anyone had seen since the Crown Jewels on her hand.

Same thing with Margaret Thatcher - I don't recall ever seeing her spending much time in the company of other women. No indeed - her role was to be boss chief and that's what she did and good at it she was too.

How to say no and mean it.
2015-10-15 2:46 pm
All I can read in the extras is about you, not how they act. Maybe it's something to do with your low self esteem and not showing it, maybe when they act as what they think is confident it comes across as rude to you. I didn't see the bit about your 'friends' standing you up - I've no idea why they do this. Mum has a friend like this turns out she has other problems and doesn't mean to be rude.
2015-10-15 12:24 pm
Hi Jenna, you know not all women and girls a not rude you know. So keep that in mind please.

There is so many reasons, why girls and women speak rudely now. So many reasons. Theirs on such thing as a person who was just born to swear. We all have reasons that we started to swear. For example, you were born in a violent history family, was treated badly, was bullied, was mixing with the wrong type of people. Just keep hearing rude words and speaking around your environment. These are the so many reasons, that females picked up bad words and just got the habit of talking badly.

Its sad thing, but that's reality. But you know? you can lose that attitude if you decide you wont speak or say bad words. Because guess who was swearing and was saying bad words for a log time? The answer is ME. I dont swear or say any bad words. The reason i don't speak badly anymore is, when ever i spoke badly back in the years. I found out my face was becoming nasty and not nice looking person. Becoming negative and losing my nice positive self.

So i didn't want to lose my positive, nice self. So i decided i will never ever swear again. Which came true. It was had to lose my swearing habit. But i feel happy i could lose that bit of me.

Anyway, i was bullied for six years and wasn't happy with myself. Thats why i was swearing for a long time. But you know you change, if you decide. Because i could. So if you make a goal you want to lose your bad habit of swearing, you can do it. So never give up.

Hope i helped and hope you understand what i meant???
2015-10-14 4:08 pm
We're the same. But the only difference is that I'm a male. But I feel you. Girls are so sensitive, most of the girls can be immediately disappointed if you're smelly or oily. They love to backstab but they hate being backstabbed. Most of the girls love to hang out with pretty girls, but there are also lots of girls who hang out with normal teenage girls. You just need to be yourself, in that way people will like you even more. And oh, most of girls hate jokes that are not funny so avoid that.
2015-10-15 12:53 pm
It is nothing but pure jealousy . This can be confirmed by the fact that according to the opinion of all the adults known to you that your are nice and sweet .One has to accept it because it comes from matured knowledgable adults who understand things much better . It is the young immature girls who are not friendly with you . But according to you not all the women act in this manner . Another reason why some girls and women dislike you or rude is due to the fact that you have been liked by guys with whom you have cordial relations but nothing beyond that .To a certain extent you are lucky because not all girls and women are rude towrds you . So select one or two girls out of the faithful lot to be your shopping companions . You have nothing to worry because you have done no wrong to anyone You are quite an independent smart girl who can move about keeping your chin up . Since you are in your twenties why not select a smart guy to be your pal so that you will not feel lonely .
2015-10-15 5:46 pm
You have two questions:
(1) "Why are women/girls so rude?"
(2) "Am I doing something wrong?"

The answer to the second question is: Yes, but there is no indication in your text exactly what you are doing that would affect the attitudes of rational associates. If they are not rational, it is outside of your ability or anyone else's to influence the reasoning from which they act--they are not reasoning.

The answer to the first question is irrelevant since you have already contradicted yourself and it cannot be taken seriously as written: "Not all of course, but all the the women I have met. I'm a 20 year old female..."

If all the women you have met are rude--whatever that means--then you cannot know whether or not all women are rude. So how did you come to that conclusion? It is a non sequitur:

"Non sequitur is a Latin phrase that means 'that which does not follow'. It means that the conclusion reached does not follow from the premise(s). Often examples of non sequitur arguments are hilariously disconnected, but those encountered in the wild can be subtle and may not be easily uncovered. The reason that such arguments are fallacious in logic should be fairly obvious."

The remainder of your text ending with a request:

"... I'm a 20 year old female, and I have no female friends, only guy friends. im straight, and I don't sleep around so don't tell me that's why I have no female friends... This is going to sound conceited, but it adds to my question. All of my life Adults have always made a huge emphasis about how nice/sweet I am. Also, I used to be an uglier child but that's when I had the most female friends. As I've gotten older and started to care more about my appearance, I've lost literally all female friends. Now I can't make any. I will start to get along with a girl and she will end up ignoring me and acting rude. I'm not clingy. Like I said, I'm nice (I think and that's what people tell me). And I'm definitely not cocky, in fact I'm more on the low self esteem side, but I don't let it show... My parents will ask me how it's going with my friends, and I'll always have to tell them that girls have stood me up once again. But my guy friends are super loyal and just awesome. I'd just like to have like 2 female friends to go shopping with or something... Please help. I just need advice"

I suggest that you determine why you want the attention of other females. At your age it is not exactly normal for women to go out and seek other women to praise, ditto for men your age, so you ought not to expect it.

That does not mean it is abnormal for people to have same sex friends and enjoy spending time with them.

Among human beings there are often time constraints that they must abide by in order to make a living and still get what they want biologically or career-wise.

You may be coming up against that situation in regard to the selected women you know.

Naturally, men will be more interested in you than will women. Human beings have a biological propensity to seek mates, even if they have no clue as to why or how it is that having sex leads to making babies.

It would be far more realistic to focus on what you can do for your own mind and life rather than seeking absolute positive regard from grown women. Each human being is unique and they have their own problems, their own personalities, their own sentient experience, their own goals.

There is some probability that you have just chosen rude people by random occurrence. That would be a long shot--although it does happen, for example, within cliques with a shared social cognition schema by which members have a certain amount of contempt for outsiders--by whatever metric, of which there are many ranging from ethnocentrism, to political affiliation, through mind control cult loyalty.

Those would be people you ought not to associate with. Nothing good can come from them.

But since your metric for rudeness is undefined in your post, there is no way of judging from your text what your situation is in regard to group dynamics.
2016-12-24 7:37 pm
參考: When Will Earth End? http://givitry.info/EndTimesProphecy
2015-10-20 10:05 am
Women who don't look perfect by society's standards are usually nicer in my opinion because being pretty is like a disease. you will be walking around with 10 dollars, no job, and dirty clothes without deodorant but know you can get 50 for just taking your clothes off and not being touched--If you wanted sex you could walk into a bar and snap your fingers. Drinks, food and a good time are always free. You quit challenging yourself to be an individual and don't have to find happiness from within. this fosters narcissism and unhealthy behavior. When you have money you can get away with anything just about, and when you are an attractive female--people overlook your faults more rapidly because there is a greater focus. Also, people feel sorrier for girls at a young age and do the same unhealthy reinforcement. If you are attractive, you can go to any bar and get vip treatment. Four attractive women walked into the bar tonight and the only way for me to get treated like that is to bring in a hundred dollars for every person. If you go to some tribe and they think you are the chosen one then watch them bow, but you eventually will let some things slide. Women gotta be sexy and men gotta be rich and here's why: 100% percent of women's problems comes from the attitude that romance is sitting there while some guy comes up and begins conversation. Sex is when a guy does it all right and situations are sexier than connection. For a guy--the thrill is in the passion and touch and sights, but women lust with some kind of set of ideals. Women complain about being objectified, but my potential success is the only thing that could make me desired by a single woman. 50 Shades of Grey sold a lot to women, but he wasn't a pauper. If he was it would have been a thriller instead of romance. Women watch shows about wedding dresses and even expect you to buy them a useless diamond. It just sits there looking pretty--it depreciates in value faster than a car. You are expected to provide for them for the rest of their life, and women leave a sick man faster than a speeding bullet. You can always be the subject of someone's attention--how could that be damaging?
參考: Sick, decently attractive guy who's been single for 6 years.
2015-10-19 2:06 pm
Women are jealous of women only. They getting rude of their woman friends. But they are not so rude about their Guys friends. They feel jealous, envious about their woman friend but about guys friends they choose opposite options. That's it...
2015-10-19 8:23 am
bitches be bitches
2015-10-19 5:07 am
Try befriending a lesbian XD

No really all the lesbians I've met are super cool
2015-10-19 4:34 am
I know exactly how you feel. If I had to ask that question, my words would've ben identical.
2015-10-19 3:04 am
You are hanging out with the wrong friends. Not all girls are the same. There are some girls who are evil and even other girls wonder why they these girls exist. Just go meet other people and don't let bad experiences hold you back from new experiences. Sometimes it's a good thing that some people are not our friends. You will find out later as you get older.
2015-10-18 11:24 pm
Women seem to be very insecure, and to boost up their ego, they will tear down another female. They also do this to get attention from men that are around. I witness this behavior most of the time around females where ever I would be especially in pup lic. They gossip, and say mean things about other females even if they do not know them.
2015-10-18 7:33 pm
Don't worry I feel the same way
2015-10-18 6:55 pm
I noticed that a lot of women are just real HATERS....they are jealous and feisty!
2015-10-18 6:30 pm
they arent
2015-10-18 3:28 pm
In my opinion (if it counts) Girls tend to have one or two Best Friends and all the others are horrible or what ever, but men usually have a group of good friends they can rely on and as for the other bloke we just don't bother. Make our lives a lot easier.
2015-10-18 2:46 pm
we just are, haha
2015-10-18 12:54 pm
Your doing nothing wrong. I'm like this aswell I'm in a college class with 20 guys and 3 girls and not once have the girls came and spoke to me. Guys make much better friends there's no drama sure they can be a bit Pervy but they don't really mean it, all of them say I'm like a sister to them. You don't really need female friends, ask a couple of your guy friends to go shopping with you chances are they'll actually like shopping aswell.
2015-10-18 5:17 am
Men are rude and emotionally abusive too not just girls. Vice versa
2015-10-18 2:19 am
I'm a guy. and i didnt know that girls are like this. this is really funny
2015-10-18 1:57 am
They could just not be a nice person! don't let it offend you!.
2015-10-18 1:39 am
Not all are
2015-10-18 1:07 am
It's all about jealousy, I have the same problem to be completely honest.
I just can't seem to get along with most women due to their attitudes. It's pretty annoying.
2015-10-17 11:54 pm
The same reason men and boys are.
2015-10-17 11:46 pm
what i did was make older lady friends. my two besties are 70 and i am 52. we have been friends since i was in my thirties. i have friends to do things with -- common interests are walking, pets, antiquing, dining, entertaining, hanging out. we are so comfortable, if we fall asleep on the sofa while hanging out and watching TV, it's not rude, it's normal.

if i were you i would try for a 30 year old friend, or something. someone who is past the b itch phase.
2015-10-17 10:55 pm
It sounds like you are meeting a lot of "witches with a capital B" but don't worry. It just seems like you are meeting the wrong snooty girls . We are NOT all like that. Good luck finding a meaningful relationship with someone great!
2015-10-17 4:19 pm
because they think they the best in this world
2015-10-17 12:28 pm
I understand exactly what you mean!!
Thats the same for me. I have more guy friends than girl friends. I've constantly tried making friends with girls but we either dont talk much or they ignore me. I do have a few clise girl friends from high school but thats about it.

One of my close guy friends got a gf and apparently his gf hated me when she first saw me before i even knew her and before she went out with my friend or even met him.. its a mystery sometimes.
2015-10-17 7:18 am
They're either brought up in the wrong way, or you're just looking at this the wrong way. On average men are more rude and perverted than women.

P.S. I'm one of the few exceptions.
2015-10-17 4:43 am
my sister is SUPER pretty, and funny and nice, but most girls hate her because of that #lowlife.
2015-10-17 3:44 am
i am un girl best i am still not rude about it so u r effensive too meat and i forever disrepeakst u??
2015-10-17 2:49 am
2015-10-17 2:45 am
I'm 21 and I have nearly given up with people already lol! I have the same problem but I have a boyfriend so I don't like to have guy friends lol that's just me though. But I have always gotten along with guys better. A lot of women well most women are just bitchy. I used to trust people too much and get hurt cuz I didn't think anyone was capable of acting this way or betraying me in a certain way. And when I had girl friends yes they always stood me up. And I mean always. So I would always get into an argument with them and fall out. So I have lost a lot of friends as I can't deal with their bullshit anymore. I just cannot be fake. but sometimes you have to for some sutuations to keep the peace! Too much drama with women lol! Even though I'm a women myself. I find a lot of people confusing!
2015-10-17 2:12 am
bueno that depends on the heys you gave one hey all your life , obvious you never met all the girls. you gotta be beethoven like 7 heys on the girls. remember also theres josephine, giuletta and theresa maybe your finding the "wrong girl". my experience is if you are a girl and look for girls find someone a bit taller, tall girls tend to be "lesbian". also dont look for the same girl all the time you all kirye depresive girl nooo find also trish and mary excuse me i mean the emotion dont think im crazy on a videogame. say in acting the equivalent is the hermoine is trish, miley is kirye and mary is gaga.
2015-10-17 12:53 am
Because the majority of girls are always in completion with one another. They are to bothered about the way they look and getting attention off men. It's so annoying I wish girls could stop being so bitchy.I wish I could say as women get older they become more friendly but they really don't they just get worse
2015-10-16 6:36 pm
Well to be honest women can be catty and immature but not all it depends on the person not the gender
2015-10-16 4:51 pm
Honestly I am a man and have the same issue with men. Old men I am peachy with and girls are far and in between with me.

Try different area.
2015-10-16 4:49 pm
I lucked out by somehow landing in a gold mind of awesome females. We all have fun and matter our personal values, morals and beliefs we can work together. And if we're talking behind your back it's because we're planning your surprise birthday party.
2015-10-16 4:32 pm
Not al women
2015-10-16 4:27 pm
I agree. A lot of women thrive on drama and jealousy or back stabbing is always on the menu. The other thing is there are always competition when there's really not. I rid myself of all female friends. My only problem is I am now married so guys are no longer an option. Gay guys are perfectly fine. At least they are brutally honest and they all love me because I'm prertty and very sweet... And so full of it ;-) .
2015-10-16 3:57 pm
well it starts with their period. they cant control it. it makes them all retarted and ***** like. they are ruthless. we should of never gave them the right to vote. all they should be doing is making babies
2015-10-16 3:55 pm
I'm not rude...
2015-10-16 3:52 pm
Probably longstanding loyalties, females are much less threatened by females than men are by other men yet if you insult a girl's friends you insult her so wounding can occur similar interests is the best way to meet anyone really.
2015-10-16 3:49 pm
2015-10-16 3:31 pm
2015-10-16 3:15 pm
Jelously is bitxxxh
2015-10-16 3:08 pm
They do not let go of the anger.
2015-10-16 2:57 pm
I hate you
2015-10-16 2:53 pm
Am a guy of 23years old. whenever i approach a girl, they seem kind of a *****, no offence ladys here. but when i call out to them they just snob me, not knowing what i have to say. thats the reason i dont ask girls for directions. am the shy type so when they snobs me i feel like the earth should swallow me. its reply an annoying experience. before i forget, its it right to say to a girl you dont know and tying to reach out by " execuse me"
2015-10-16 2:39 pm
I'm a straight man and have been single for years - because I find women rude and argumentative, even if I have only been speaking to them for a few minutes. This isn't me trying to ask them out - I'm just being introduced to them or saying hello politely as you normally would to a stranger. I met a woman a few weeks ago and all she did was question everything I said to her, as though I was being interrogated. Everything to her had some duplicitous meaning and yet she was the one who asked me all these random questions in the first place.
2015-10-16 2:14 pm
Because most women do not trust other women. I have no women friends either - but that is by choice. My last "friend" slept with my boyfriend. Now, she DID save me from staying with an *** but what kind of friend does that to someone??? I cannot think of any other female in my life - sisters and mother included - who have not in some way chosen a man over me at some point. Women are catty, nasty creatures. I will stick with myself and my gay male freinds. They have ALWAYS been loyal.
2015-10-16 1:11 pm
Wow. Good to know I'm not the only one. I find other woman to into clothes and makeup. Gosip and soap operas .Doesn't interest me.
2015-10-16 1:01 pm
depends on the situation!!
2015-10-16 12:54 pm
Cause they can be
2015-10-16 12:01 pm
I wouldn't say your doing anything wrong its just you hit it off best with male personalities!! All the best x
2015-10-16 11:49 am
all are not the same...world is a place of good/bad, rude/soft...i mean mix people..so in the way there is some rude but good also...and i think the good number is big...;-)
as for example: My wife is the best women in the world....on the other hand on of my friend's wife is very crazy and rude too..that's all....so can't said that all women/girls so rude...that women u meet or u talking about she is rude maybe..........
2015-10-16 11:39 am
I used to be like this until I read a few papers on the subject. I thought of women a rude and needy and imposible to get along with. Most of the psychological paper I read said it may be me that had the problems. I still am friends with mostly men but I found a few good woman friends. You need to not be as hard on yourself and most of all on them. Also if you are friends with misty men learn from them how to not take things personally and how to quickly let things go. I am 40 and it took me 20 years to get to this point so know it doesn't happen over nigh .
2015-10-16 10:27 am
I actually agree with the OP, in recent years ive found women to be drama queens and pretty much two faced.
the thing about guys is, yeh a lot of them are jerks but they are pretty much what you see is what you get, they don't pretend to be your friend and stab you in the back.

girls on the other hand can just be all nice to your face and behind your back slag you off
2015-10-16 9:02 am
Same problem here, wonder if the girls r just jealous of u. That tends to happen alot, especially if they think u r competion.
2015-10-16 8:30 am
Yeah I know what you mean. I don't have any girl friends either. I'm a guy though, so I can't help but think I must be ugly, annoying, or just doing something wrong in conversation. But yes most of them just ignore me. I am rarely called nice, but then again I'm rarely called anything. I know I am a nice person, that's all that matters. If those bitches don't want to befriend you it's their loss. You are a nice girl and you don't associate with bitches.
2015-10-16 7:16 am
Many are very catty.
2015-10-16 7:05 am
I think girls are all like that and I don't really get it when they do does things..
2015-10-16 5:46 am
because they got something that men needs.
2015-10-16 5:24 am
I can relate to you so well, i have literally ONE female friend & ive lost all my other ones throughout the years, to be completely honest, you're going to keep meeting people thoughout life, so dont worry. Youll find a group of girls to shop with, and being friends with only boys is perfectly fine. Girls tend to become petty / fake from my experiences, stick to the people who treat you how you deserve to be treated!
2015-10-16 5:21 am
It's just the way they've become. Bad role models sadly.
2015-10-16 5:16 am
I am right there with you! I am usually good at making friends, usually with guys (not that I sleep around either) but a girl will be nice to me and we will talk but then out of the blue disappears and wants nothing to do with me. I do not understand it myself. Good luck and I sure wish I had a shopping buddy too!
2015-10-16 4:55 am
Because most girls only care about themselves now a days it is SSOOOO rare for a girl just to complement a guy lol they r all stuck up and u just have to deal with it and act like a douche bag the. They'll like u. Also if you have a big penis they'll like you more.
2015-10-16 4:52 am
There are a lot of women like you. Some women (and many men) cannot stand the bitchiness a lot (but not all) groups of women deal in.
The only thing a women needs to have male friends is to not be bitchy, be real. The guys like having women around obviously, and they feel protective of them. So girls get to do a lot more in safety. The guys will have a lot of crushes, which is nice for the girl too.
2015-10-16 4:39 am
With alot of females, its about competition, me being the only female out of five brothers, i never really felt competitive towards other females.
But i 100% understand.
i communicate and socialize better with guys!
(No not in a "flirty" way) as in, i feel more comfortable hanging with guys than i do females. Why? Because females can be annoying jealous *****.
2015-10-16 4:23 am
Not all are
2015-10-16 3:43 am
I honestly have the same problem. I have two girl friends, but they've been my friend since high school. And I recently moved across the country and I'm trying to make new friends. I was having a lot of trouble, especially because I'm living on base. When I got my puppy, and started taking him out more, I met a few girls that had dogs and wanted to set up time for our dogs to play. Common interest is the best way to make friends with girls. I also joined a few sites to make friends, and for the most part, the girls I had encountered were nice, but never wanted to hang out. So I think that there is just a bunch of girls that think they are better than the rest. And you and I are the same age, so if you happen to live in CA, I wouldn't mind being your friend!
2015-10-16 3:20 am
They like to compete with other girls. They want to be the center of attention and they they are prettier than every other girl. Guys are different they don't care about that.
2015-10-16 3:12 am
2015-10-16 3:08 am
Please don't give into these accepted American stereotypes, experience new cultures and talk to new people besides where you live you could learn a lot
2015-10-16 2:53 am
You are not doing anything wrong. Continue on the way you are.
2015-10-16 1:55 am
I have lost female friends because I am attractive. They are jealous and lash out at me. I have a few women friends who tell me I am attractive and are supportive of me. You just have to find those type of female friends.
2015-10-16 1:40 am
Most of the time its the men
2015-10-16 1:28 am
Its naturally women are rude. They have to maintain various kind of activities in one hand. They are rules as a mother,house wife,household worker,service holder,cooker and so on.
2015-10-16 1:19 am
Its cause they just are.
2015-10-16 1:17 am
No your not doing anything wrong, most females i find are 'bit*hy". To coin a phrase. You will find other women who are of like mind, to yourself, and can actually hold a conversation, that is stimulating, and not just rude or bullish. Usually the ones who smile back at you , but don't know you from Adam, are the ones that are the more genuine friends, than the others who look down their noses at you 😉
2015-10-16 12:12 am
not all girls are rude
2015-10-16 12:06 am
2015-10-15 11:45 pm
I don't thinks it's fair to stereotype. Not all women/girls are the same
2015-10-15 11:34 pm
because they're Lizards and sent from Satan to test us.
2015-10-15 11:17 pm
girls are bitches, there's nothing wrong with what you're doing.
2015-10-15 10:44 pm
western culture. i they feel entitled"
2015-10-15 10:07 pm
Girls all hate each for some reason
2015-10-15 9:56 pm
Yep :)
2015-10-15 9:55 pm
As a rule of thumb, I don't find women more rude then men. But I do see Americans as rude and arrogant. Watch the behavior of fans of the opposing team at a ball game. Listen to cell phones going off in church.
2015-10-15 9:55 pm
I dont even have real friend, i am not even a girl
2015-10-15 9:18 pm
Women are evil to begin with so don't befriend them
2015-10-15 8:39 pm
Women are bitchy
2015-10-15 8:32 pm
2015-10-15 8:00 pm
Ur talking to the wrong women
2015-10-15 7:50 pm
There are rude men as well, some human beings are that way!
2015-10-15 7:50 pm
Probably because you're so explosively ignorant
2015-10-15 7:23 pm
You're just you,that's what important
2015-10-15 7:22 pm
No nothing is wrong...it happens...u just be a sweet & loving friend to females...any human being need a friend who is good of heart..Dependable & who will always be there for u...just be a loving sis to them...the temporary kinda girls will go & permanent kinda girls will be your buddies..as i have seen as a boy..we also face 2 kinda people..Selfish & the ones who love u!btw yes boys love girls as friends..even i see the girls r more caring...:)
2015-10-15 7:14 pm
2015-10-15 7:13 pm
U tell me
2015-10-15 7:07 pm
I'm the same way. I'm 18 and all of my friends are guys. I don't like any of them, but I love hanging around them. Here's why: it seems like everything with girls is a competition. Who can be prettier? Who has a better personality? Who can have the cutest clothes? Who can get the better looking guy? You're constantly judging each other. It's pathetic, but true. With guys, you can be yourself and they don't care.
2015-10-15 6:49 pm
2015-10-15 6:44 pm
I can relate so much!!!! My guess is girls get jealous or prefer mean female companions they can compete with who challenge them.
2015-10-15 6:37 pm
Women in general can be rude, or really mean, but it doesn't mean that all are.I'm not. I'm just very sarcastic. (But I do have limits on that.) It's all in the brain--we're wired with emotions that can easily change in a few mere seconds.
2015-10-15 5:56 pm
they just are.
2015-10-15 5:49 pm
2015-10-15 4:50 pm
im an expert here as i work with the public everyday. most gals think they are princesses and must be treated as such. they all think their privates are unique to the world and you should honor them. many have grown up being told how wonderful and unique they are. truth is they are a dime a dozen and men shouldnt sweat any of them. my soon to be exwife is a total selfish snotty princess who thinks shes number one...ignore them at all costs.
2015-10-15 4:48 pm
I don't have female friends either. I'm not sure why but I can never find a down-to-earth female friend either. Most of them are envious, competitive, and malicious. Especially if you're thin and pretty. It sucks but that's how it is. Women envy you and men only want to use you.
2015-10-15 2:18 pm
Many are not. They are the same as men really
2015-10-15 2:18 pm
I can relate
2015-10-15 1:29 pm
every one is different including women. Women have it harder then men I accept that as a man. Rudeness may be a way of dealing with this frustration.
2015-10-15 1:21 pm
Women are not nice to each other although exceptions exist that is true jealousy and other hidden reasons are behind this
2015-10-15 8:07 am
Probably because they are jealous that guys like you more.
2015-10-15 6:38 am
Yes they are
2015-10-15 6:20 am
Because they are selfish.
2015-10-15 6:01 am
Some girls have bad parents and they treat daughters badly. They are rude and obnoxious because of their parents example.
2015-10-15 5:56 am
Nice question.... But answers is only one...
They know that they have something which every man wants....
2015-10-15 5:35 am
It varies from person to person.
2015-10-15 5:20 am
It's because you're stupid! Idk maybe you get boring. Also nobody wants to hangout with people who have low self esteem because it's annoying all they do is whine.
2015-10-15 5:18 am
A sense of competition.
參考: Me, a girl
2015-10-15 5:08 am
I find boys to be the mean ones
2015-10-15 4:45 am
Don't worry about the gender of your friends. After you marry and have children, you will have many other desperate and lonely mothers to hang with.
2015-10-15 4:38 am
cause they get away with it
2015-10-15 4:21 am
It all depends on the type of women you try to talk to, some girls you should observe before you talk, I in general love to talk to almost anyone, I try not to judge, but I look at how they act
2015-10-15 3:25 am
Because their brains are degenerate.
2015-10-15 3:20 am
2015-10-15 3:06 am
Because females have jealousy and males usually don't have. I mean the females have jealousy more than male. But i can give u tips to get if u want female friends. When u speak with them don't tell them everything what u feel. U don't have to lie nor fake just don't tell every single things.
2015-10-15 2:34 am
it's ok I find guys be better friends for me too. I have like only 1 female friend.
2015-10-15 1:35 am
Because we are raised in a way that makes us envious, hateful, and ignorant towards people who seem better than us and people we see as beneath us. Plus girls are just flaky as hell and don't really know what it means to be loyal. I once had a friend who would talk about everyone of her friends. Mostly in a way that would make me feel horrible about myself. Find someone who you can trust and doesn't seem like a fake *****.
2015-10-15 1:29 am
Because they are probably planning some nasty trick to pull on you.
2015-10-15 1:18 am
Like you said not all women are mean but I think, like men, we have this competitive aspect to our personalities that make us feel threatened when it comes to other women or people because we may feel protective of what we have. I can't speak for all women but I tend to hang out with more males because of how laid back most of them are about certain topics. You should hang out with people and ween out the ones that don't judge you or other people all the time. Or, those who are really laid back and open minded.
2015-10-15 1:05 am
It's natural some girls are just far more competitive than other girls so they will try to belittle you. If you don't feel like your doing something wrong trust me your not.
2015-10-14 11:51 pm
Sory for that. There are plenty good girls that are sincere.
2015-10-14 10:50 pm
May be ask your guy friends. I guess that's start.
2015-10-14 10:47 pm
Not all are, of course. This group is beyond rude.
2015-10-14 10:32 pm
maybe they are jealous of you
2015-10-14 7:04 pm
You've never really had any female friends. Doesnt that tell you something? You are the problem, not them.
2015-10-14 4:27 pm
Probably the fact that you are always hanging around with guy friends make them feel like you don't want "girl" friends.
2015-10-14 4:10 pm
Not being offensive but maybe you are trying to impress people, but they can see what you are doing.
There is such a thing as trying too hard to get friends, so don't panic, simply wait for it to happen.
2015-10-14 4:07 pm
the saying is better to have two loyal friends than on thousand false ones. don't worry if you have no one to shop with. one of your male friends may go with you if you ask in the right way. be honest and say you need some advice about clothes but you have no female friends to go with and beside they may tell you what suits you when it does' not because of envy.
2015-10-14 4:05 pm
Welcome to the real world: Some people are bitches, some aren't,
2015-10-16 6:24 pm
Women are ticking time bombs .... One false move and KABOOM!!!! 💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣
2015-10-16 10:38 am
Not all girls and women are rude and mean...
Please don't generalise based on typical gender stereotypes. Maybe the girls and women you know are mean and rude but plenty of guys I know are too. Plus I know plenty of really kind women

That's just who they are as people. Maybe girls and women are mean to you because they perceive you as being weak/ an easy target.
2015-10-16 4:26 am
Here's the reason as I see it, and it won't be accepted by most, because people don't want to see humans as reactive animals. I do think it's worse today than a couple decades ago, but there has always been competition for resources going on. Women are all in competition for males, and most of us guys have always been taught that there is a scarcity of girls, 10 to 1 or whatever we've been told. But the reality of it can be seen in the way girls treat their competition - and they are competing for the rare guy out there - successful, flashy, desirable, that will get them the highest status and envy of the otherbitchez. It's why they'll give sex to that guy if they can keep it hidden - just watch the Bachelor to see that. Anything to give a girl the edge for the resources. They hate their competition - and when you were less attractive you were less competition, hance the nicer treatment.
And today it is worse, I think, because of the advent of the leggings - now a mildly non-ugly girl can prance around and cause guys to grab themselves. Ten years ago, 10% of girls in jeans gave guys a hard-on at 1st glance, today 80% of slim girls in leggings do that.
Once guys realize all of this, I think you'll see guys trying harder in school to ensure they get that desirable quotient that'll get datass shook in their face.
2015-10-15 5:13 pm
Yes I feel the same as you except I'm a guy and most of my friends are girls, I only have 1 friend who happens to be the same gender as me. But I go to a special needs school, where there are actually hardly any girls, only 3 in the whole of year 11 can you believe that? Therefore girls are RARE for me to find! So I therefore don't have many friends whatsoever, only 3 at school. Only 2 of them I have been able to ask for their mobile number. Only 1 I have been able to invite round my house and hang out with out of school. I'm sure I will get better soon.
2015-10-15 4:47 pm
You're not doing anything wrong, those girls are just bitches and honestly, they sound like they're the jealous type, hating that you're so nice and decent looking, who also gets on well with guys. That kind of BS.

You're just really unlucky with the girls you meet sadly. Whatever you do though, don't change yourself to fit people's needs.
2015-10-15 3:39 pm
2015-10-15 3:21 pm
causer they bitches
2015-10-15 3:00 pm
They really aren't but sometimes they get jealous and do stupid things.
2015-10-15 2:50 pm
Because women are all the same and want to own everything.
This is why violence against women exists in this world. Kinda thankful too. If you abuse women, you do good men like me and others a favor by keeping us out of jail.
參考: American Society
2015-10-15 12:10 pm
Because they feel they are the supreme in the world.
2015-10-15 12:02 pm
trust me ive had to put up with so much bitchyness my whole life my so called bestfriend from nursery up till year 9 bullied and attacked me and so did my other so called friend all because they were showing off infront of their new mates it was terrifying and disgusting... your gonna get bitchyness everywhere you go anyway but lately girls everywhere have been so rude and such bitches i now have literally 0 friends because they ve either bullied me or been two faced but yeah just carry on life with you guy friends
2015-10-15 11:59 am
2015-10-15 10:55 am
They think they are cut above the rest
2015-10-15 10:50 am
Nice question. I wanted know this answer.
2015-10-15 10:32 am
They're wicked shlt
2015-10-15 10:01 am
I am Sunny Young and single at present.My career is a doctor.I need a men who can love me back..
I also uploaded my hot photos on Sugar Mingle .CoM under the name of hoho 212..It's the largest
and best club for seeking Army,Navy,Marines.I just hope you don't mind me being a ..Please Check
it out!I'm serious~~~~
2015-10-15 9:49 am
Keep looking there are other females out there just like you looking for female friends as well. I think it's great that your nice but don't be too trusting or too nice to anyone until they earn it from you. I mean keep your manners and be respectful. If someone doesn't want your friendship their loss, be glad they not to have them in your life.
2015-10-15 8:55 am
im a male and feel the same way. youre not alone in this world sister.
you know the old saying right?
if they didnt have a pssy then they wouldnt make a good friend.
no offense of course.
you seem like one of the good ones..
2015-10-15 7:31 am
Mothers were/are rude Peer group are rude
2015-10-15 7:31 am
Honestly, this generation is going through some really difficult situations in regards to general society interaction. In addition, it seems like alot of people are not only about there own person vendettas but more so like it seems that the parents i.e. "Baby Boomers" really messed up raising their kids. There's constant bullying, general hate that millennials take out on chosen people, it's really messed up.
2015-10-14 6:40 pm
Because modern society has turned our gender into a bunch of whiny *** bitches. I've noticed that less attractive girls have a lot more female friends. I myself, only have one female friend that I really connect with, but that is because we've been friends for almost 10 years. I know how you feel, growing up I hung out with more girls than I do now. I take care of my looks, I do my hair, put on make up, wear nice clothes, watch my eating, and workout, so because of that I'm thin, and petite at only 4'11. Older women don't give me any problems. Women my age (I'm 24) or in their late 20's, early 30's? Yikes. I've had women my age call me a slut or a whore just for walking into a store wearing shorts in 90 degree weather. I went to beauty school, and only one girl there had a problem with me, and she would make comments about my looks. Saying I looked too young for my age, but at the same time talking about how nice my body was and how ugly hers was. I've had women come up to me and say that my looks make them uncomfortable, I've even had women express how intimidating I am in terms of looks, and I just have to laugh because I think I'm the complete opposite of intimidating. I've tried to be friends with women, I really have, but I get rejected every time. The only girls I hang out with anymore, are girls in my family. I get along with them very well. Have you ever looked at some of the feminists blogs on the internet? That should answer your question. One of them is thisisthinprivilege. It's basically just a bunch of whiny fat women sitting around bitching about how thin girls have it all and we are all bitches and get everything we want, blah blah blah. I've seen lots of blogs run by self proclaimed feminists that talk badly about women that are deemed attractive. Attractive girls are the bane of all women. I think this article sums that up:http://www.marieclaire.com/beauty/a7137/female-looks-rivalry/
I've also noticed women will hate you if you lose weight, or start to take care of yourself. They like to refer to it as "giving into society's ideals" that is why we have women coloring their armpit hair, and running marathons with blood running down their legs. Some female stereotypes I don't like, but most, I don't really care about but feminists? Oh they blow a gasket if you're a woman that does anything that conforms to society, such as watching your weight, and shaving. Feminists blast celebrities that lose weight, even going so far as to say "oh I feel bad for her because she feels the need to conform to today's unrealistic ideals". Oh give me a break. Lets face it, women today want other women to be just as miserable and unattractive as them, so there is less competition, ironically a lot of these women idolize the tall dark and handsome stereotype of men. Go figure.
2015-10-19 7:17 pm
You are doing something wrong. You may not realize it, but something you're doing is driving those people away. You need to step back and think about everything you did or said before your friends dropped you and see if there's a pattern. You might find that they were wrong, but it's more than likely that you're the problem since it keeps happening time and time again.

No, not all women rude and bitchy. You literally said yourself that you are a girl who is nice. Don't throw half the world's population under the bus just because you had a bumpy road in your social life.
2015-10-19 2:28 am
Don't lump all us women together you rude man! I am a female and all i have is guy friends with one or two girl friends. Maybe you just are trying to befriend the wrong type of girl, there are more than one type you know. I for one have NEVER went after a man that is already taken, I don't talk **** about my friends, and For your information You do get what you see when you become my friend. i don't take no **** when it come to my friends. Have you ever thought that maybe these girls ended up liking you and didn't want to be just your friend, Or maybe they could feel the way you think about us females and decided you weren't going to be a real friend, or you may have said something to offend them even if you didn't mean it that way. Men will do the exact same thing if they see something they don't like. Yes its true that someone better looking than us can make us feel intimidated but I can't see why that would be a problem unless you flaunt it, which by what you say you don't. Anyway, the point is try befriending different types of girls and don't automatically think they are going to stand you up, you'd be surprised with who you meet.
2015-10-15 2:42 pm
It's hard to say if you're doing anything wrong, I can only guess at the issue. My guess is that you're very pretty and the girls you've tried to befriend are a) intimidated, b) jealous, c) insecure, or d) immature, or for some reason you just choose bitchy women.
What about your guy friends' girlfriends, do you ever hang out in a group and could make a friend or two that way? If not, my best advice is to choose an activity (perhaps more female centered to achieve your goal) that you enjoy doing, like playing soccer, and join a womens rec league. Something like that can be a real boon to one's social life.......

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