what do you think about germany? I have to visit germany next week and i wanna know few things about it?

2015-10-14 8:18 am

回答 (12)

2015-10-14 8:50 am
You don't say where you're going, which is relevant in that every region is a bit different.

To get an idea of what it's like, go to the travel section of your local library, find a book on Germany, look up where you're going to, and read about it.

They are pretty strict about certain things like jaywalking and attempting to use public transport for free, and inclined to be a bit formal by default, but when you start getting to know them as individuals, they're okay.
2015-10-14 2:04 pm
And which things do you wanna know?
2015-10-14 9:10 am
i dont know, but i heard the refugees makin the place like ****.. by messing it up, throwing poop everywhere, causing it to be dirty..
2015-10-29 12:25 pm
Well you have a computer so use GOOGLE or Wikipedia and look up "tourism in Germany" seeing as you are not capable of narrowing your question to any particular part to make an answer possible.
2015-10-17 9:03 am
You have not mentioned about what you want to know. But you must go to the Romantic Rhine, Rugen Island and Berlin.
2015-10-21 9:56 am
it depends on where exactly in Germany you are going to, what colour you are and if you are or look like a refugee. Germany has never been known for having great customer service and kind/friendly attitudes and its got worse since ignorant germans have become openly racist about the refugees coming here NOT KNOWING that Germany actually needs them since in the future there will not be enough percentage of German offspring to pay tax in the future which is what pays for out oldies now. Without these future refugees kids there will be no1 to pay tax and to take care of german oldies.
2015-10-14 8:26 am
Full of Germans
2015-10-23 6:49 pm
Love it. Look at the tourism page for whatever city you will be visiting.
2015-10-17 3:53 pm
2015-10-17 5:14 am
No doubt that Germany is a great country for the tourist. I love it due to attractions, destinations and many other valuable things. It is a great place to spend great time with family. The Berlin Wall, Europa-Park and Museum Island are the main attractions of it. You don't forget to visit them.
2015-10-17 4:52 am
I have been heard about the Germany, It is nice place to make a tour or spend your vacations. I don't think so that it is nice place for a traveler.
2015-10-15 10:46 pm
> i heard the refugees makin the place like ****.. by messing it up, throwing poop everywhere, causing it to be dirty.

Leave that out, we're handling it. Sure, Germany currently has a "refugee problem", or whatever you might call it, but we're dealing with it, and everything will be alright soon. We've had bigger problems and got along fine, and the current situation shouldn't hinder tourists from coming to Germany, for fear of being mistaken for a refugee. That just won't happen.

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