homeschool help???

2015-10-14 6:35 am
I've been homeschooled since I was in 8th grade cause my dad passed away and I didn't want to start at a new school(have moved a ton) but my mom has never homeschooled before and all my books, I teach myself basically it's all self taught stuff. I'm really trying to be smart and get good grades. I'm in my junior year now and I'm really working hard. I wanna do something great with my life but in afraid that I'll mess up from my schooling ways. We made a list of what all credits I need and stuff to graduate so I'm doing fine on that, but idk how I'm gonna get into a college. I want to do something with politics or law I think. Does anyone have any tips

回答 (4)

2015-10-14 6:39 am
I don't have any tips but I have had MANY friends all throughout schooling that were home schooled, graduated HS and went on to college.

You should know that homeschoolings' popularity is on the rise. 😊
2015-10-14 5:41 pm
Almost all states put their 'high school graduation requirements' online. The list is a good place to start giving you what is expected of a high school graduate in your state. Just google for them.

Take the SAT, SAT II and ACT tests. Colleges are interested in seeing those scores. Without them I'm not sure they will even look at your application.

Consider interning at a law firm and working on a political campaign.

And consider finding an adviser if your parent does not want to help with your homeschooling. It is not smart to 'teach yourself'. You end up skipping things you don't understand and miss out on other things because there is no one to make suggestions of things that might help you. Just that you are asking here tells us that you are missing things and need an adviser.
2015-10-14 6:40 am
You can't teach yourself. You need guidance. That's why you ask here. You should talk to your mom about this.
2015-10-17 6:57 pm
You CAN teach yourself. In fact, the majority of students by high school are not lectured at the kitchen table by their moms. A few immature students need that. What you need is someone to oversee your education. You need your mom to evaluate your progress. If a university has a sense your mom was a helicopter parent regarding your education, it'll put you at a disadvantage. If she can't do it, find someone who can.

If you want to be accepted into a 4-year college or university, you will need to take the SAT and or ACT tests. They won't usually look at any student without them, but being homeschooled will make those tests more important. You don't have a GPA to provide them, and even if your mom produced one, GPAs are more of a comparison of students within a school for ranking than a measurement of what you've learned. You should save some of your written essays or research papers for a portfolio. You may want to take a SAT or ACT prep course. Don't rely simply on a book. There is something about taking a prep course from a person who has taken the test. Personal tips can help. Sometimes they're offered at a reasonable price through community college "community education programs" or tutoring centers offer them as well. A homeschool co-op could also put one together.

If you want to start at a community college, which can actually be a good idea, being accepted is easier. They are not selective and if you need any remedial classes, say in math, they offer them to any high school graduate. You may need to take the ACT, but only for placement purposes. Attending a CC first can make university transfer easier, as it gives you a GPA, it'll place less emphasis on your test scores, and it gives a university an idea of how a homeschooled student performs in a classroom environment vs. independently. They love to see "dual-enrollment".

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