Does my family story for school sound okay?

2015-10-14 3:38 am
I have to write a family story for school. This is what I got so far, what's your opinion?

It was December 1857 when my great, great, great grandfather arrived in America on the Titanic. His name was Abraham Lincoln, Abraham is first name, Lincoln his last. Some people called him Abe or Big Daddy. He was okay with both.
After years of hunting Vikings in Australia his life evolved into more advance game. Vampires.
“We should go kill vampires,” he said to his friend, Oscar.
“Ayye!” His friend Oscar Wilde was part pirate.
So they slayed many vampires that infested this world until the population went extinct. Yah!
Big Daddy Abe lived a happy life after that. Though his efforts didn’t spare us from a crappy book trilogy about vampires, we can still live in peace. He also spared me of having to write another manipulated family story about family members who don’t care about me.

回答 (2)

2016-02-11 8:05 pm
Oh Jesus Christ will you teenage girls (Wow that's an assumption) stop with this crap! (Hahaha, no) This is the most tasteless, clichest (Although that's not a real word) plot I have ever seen. I hate this and would never read it, even to save my life. (Good thing you'd never have to).

....Does that make you not want to write? (One negative response won't end writing) Yes? (No, you're not a mind reader) Huh, better find a new plot that you're more loyal to (Pretty loyal to this one, thanks), because if you're dedicated to something and you love it so much (I'm honestly not that dedicated, I'm sticking with this plot but I'm not trying to finish it anytime soon) you don't care about others opinions. (I care about others opinions if they are communicated nicely. Yours, however, is an unwanted and useless opinion).

Thanks, have a nice day!
2015-10-14 3:40 am

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