Unexplained High 4G wireless Broadband Data Usage?

2015-10-12 12:41 pm

Hi i have a 200GB activ8me plan and i usually only use 150GB of it But this month I have had a look at the usage meter and it says i have used 150GB in 20days and majority of them is through uploading As well, I changed the password on my wireless to make sure it wasn't an extenal user but it did not get better All i do is play league of legend, check email and skype, my usage pattern has not been any different to normal Have anyone ever experienced this before and how can i solve it? THanks

回答 (1)

2015-10-12 3:07 pm
Playing games and skype can create a lot of upload traffic (as well as download). It is possible a setting in the game or skype has changed, like higher resolution video in skype, or the game has changed how it handles traffic...

You have to try and find out which app causes the high traffic. Stop using one of them (game or skype), and after a week, check the traffic. Then, stop using the other one and a week later check traffic. That should tell you if it is one of those two apps. Same for any other app you suspect if those two do not make much difference.

Your final option is to buy a higher level capped data plan.

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