Will skipping another grade bring my GPA down, or make colleges rethink my admissions?

2015-10-12 3:01 am
My 9th grade year I was taking all 10th grade classes, so at the end of the year they let me skip to 11th. When I started 11th grade they tested me and have seemed to put me in 12th grade classes. I am thinking they will most likely let me skip another grade-- but I'm not positive. Will skipping grades bring my GPA down, or make colleges rethink accepting me? Btw: I am a straight A student, if that has any relation.

回答 (3)

2015-10-12 3:51 am
Skipping a grade won't negatively impact your GPA. What seems odd about your post is that high school really doesn't work that way. Student are able to take a variety of different courses with different levels of academic difficulty. It is very common for students form multiple grades to be in the same class. There are high school graduation requirements that a student who skipped two years of high school without earning the credits would not be able to meet. The same is true for college admissions. Universities expect students to take 4 years of English, as an example. There should be plenty of English language classes that an advanced student could still take to fulfill those requirements.
2015-10-12 3:11 am
It shouldn't bring your GPA down. The way GPAs work, both college and high school, the more classes you take, the more your GPA is affected. If you don't take a class, there isn't a grade to calculate in with all the other grades you do have. Consequently, not taking classes because you skipped grades isn't going to bring down your GPA.

Even with that in mind, colleges look at several things in who they want to admit. GPA is one of them, and you should try to do good (which it sounds like you are), but you also want to do well in relation to whatever other requirements they have (like the SAT/ACT). GPAs aren't necessarily the final deciding factor in whether you are accepted or rejected to a school.
2015-10-12 3:34 am
Simple math shows u how it will not.
They still teach kids how to get"averages" in math school?
As for college, u years of learning b4 parents let u go so don't worry about it.
Do more real world research on how to get educated with out getting burned by colleges myths hypes lies scams.
Libraries can help you learn.
參考: Employer of uninformed kids

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:35:13
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