Why am I not pregnant???

2015-10-11 7:00 pm
Im just surprised I haven't gotten pregnant yet. I have been having sex with the same guy for about three months now, n birth control, no condom and he didnt pull out. We probably had sex about 20 times in the past couple months.

回答 (4)

2015-10-11 7:01 pm
Getting pregnant is like the game pin the tail on the donkey. You can stick it in many many times and never hit the mark or you could get it first go.
2015-10-12 3:16 am
The standard for even thinking about infertility is a year. If you want to pregnant then wait. If you don't you need to start using protection.
2015-10-11 9:25 pm
Even if you are perfectly fertile it could easily take a few months or so to conceive.
2015-10-11 10:00 pm
It can take a normal healthy couple more than a year to conceive. I have no idea why you wouldn't already know that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:34:26
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