What should I major in?

2015-10-11 3:25 am
I know what i want to do with my life, but it is unrealistic. I wanted to major in film and get a job as a film editor. But I know that it s an unrealistic goal, and it will be hard for me to get a job out of college and make good money. I like being creative, but i m terrible at math. I just want to be able to get a good job out of college and make an decent salary.

回答 (1)

2015-10-11 3:39 am
Depends entirely on what country u live?if in USA visit BLS.gov/OOH for actual info on careers jobs in demand and pay good money.
Visit local pay scale sites for Demand and pay locally.
Visit local community college for programs leading to employment and good paying jobs locally..many paying 35k - 60000$ First year working easily.
Many in better demand than most"4yrs" degree without decades of Debts payments slavery.
Visit local library for books on careers jobs that U may enjoy working for 5 - 10yrs . Books on how to create films locally.
Write in long hand what you mean by "decent" salary.
Books in library can help you b smart about money also.
參考: Exstreet person Employer now thanks library

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:35:40
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