Has Hillary Clinton done anything illegal in her time as Secretary of State?

2015-10-11 12:56 am

回答 (12)

2015-10-11 12:59 am
I don't like classified information on personal servers do you?

It may be a political thing, but in every IT department anywhere in the country, that kind of basic knowledge is so so basic.

Don't put a bunch of work related stuff on your personal computer or phone or whatever.

THAT is super bad in the IT world...what she did would get anyone fired in the private sector.
2015-10-11 1:05 am
It's hard to imagine that -any- high-level US official has never done anything illegal. But whatever she did it couldn't have been too obvious, because the Republicans have spent millions of our tax dollars 'investigating' and have found nothing. I mean, if she really broke the law that badly, why do they have to keep making sh*t up?
2015-10-11 12:57 am
Not that know of. I believe we all have done something before.
2015-10-11 1:03 am
I don't think anything's confirmed. But her behavior when asked about her email server beared striking resemblance to "OJ fleeing in the Bronco."

So whether she did anything illegal or not, she already made herself look guilty to the public.
2015-10-11 12:56 am
Yes. Many crimes were committed
2015-10-11 1:01 am
it is illegal to run a private server it is also illegal to have top secret material on it as well as to erase it in my opinion
2015-10-11 1:00 am
Considering she really hasn't done anything but screw up every piece of Foreign Policy ever. The only thing she did was illegally use a personal server to keep the prying eyes of the Government away from what she was doing. Which of course are all of about 13 felonies.
2015-10-11 7:45 pm
2015-10-11 2:08 am
There isn't enough time to elaborate on all the evil illegal things that woman has done. Hillary is a corrupt liar. I won't vote for Hillary. Hillary is more corrupt than Nixon ever was. I'm voting for someone that isn't a Clinton, a Bush or an Obama.

"Clinton's Corruption"
by Jack Kelly

"No one is buying that Hillary is anything other than the candidate of Wall Street"
2015-10-11 1:40 am
Well, it's starting to look like it. The FBI doesn't usually waist their time on trivial dead end cases. It's against the law to view or store Top Secret information on your private computer or server because it can obviously be hacked. The Feds have a history of prosecuting officials that do that. She better stay on Obama's good side.
2015-10-11 1:21 am
If she HAD, would that not be proof positive that every last Republican in the US Congress (a MAJORITY of Congress, BTW!) is either too dumb to have noticed, or too stupid to understand their responsibility to impeach her for it?

Is your concern that the Republicans are morons, or just that they are lazy?

Or MAYBE she has not broken any laws?
2015-10-11 1:00 am
If she did, wouldn't she be forced to resign?

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