So Homosexuals are given the "right" to get married, but "immigrants" aren't given the "right" to stay? What happened to "rights" then?

2015-10-10 9:51 am
If man made boundaries are to be "obeyed" because they were established by man, why not obey God's word? "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." - Leviticus 18:22.

People tend to do as they wish, that is why many will not reach heaven. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Stop believing in your own ideas, what you THINK is right, is not right in God's eyes.

Anyways, makes no sense how homosexuals, which is an abomination in God's eyes, are allowed to do as they wish even though they are disrespecting God, but "immigrants" can't do as they wish, which is to just live peacefully without trying to "hide"? ..Complete nonsense.

回答 (12)

2015-10-10 10:04 am
Posting such hatred and intolerance is SO much against the teachings of Jesus. He said that we should love one another. He didn’t say ‘Love everyone except gay people’, he didn’t say that God, or he, hates gays.

All that stuff comes from the Old Testament, which was written by a few small number of ignorant old men, with their own bigoted opinions.

If God didn’t want a certain percentage of people and animals and birds to have same-sex relationships, he wouldn’t have made them gay. If he wanted them to change, he’d make it happen. The only thing that makes sense, if you believe that there really is an all-powerful and totally good God, is that he was badly misquoted in the Bible.

And bringing immigrants into the equation is pointless. That's a totally different matter.
2015-10-10 10:07 am
So Homosexuals are given the "right" to get married, but "immigrants" aren't given the "right" to stay? What happened to "rights" then?
If man made boundaries are to be "obeyed" because they were established by man, why not obey God

~~~ No real Xtian cares for any old testament laws!
Jesus' Love subsumes (encompasses and integrates) all 'laws'.
Only you hateful, judgmental and vain hypocrites cherry pick OT 'laws' to validate your vain (sin) hatefulness!

"As you do to the least of these, so you do to me!" - Jesus

You are already IN Hell!
With no Love, that's where you exist!
2015-10-10 10:06 am
If we have to obtain a right from society then it's not a right. Thomas Jefferson, no friend of religion, had to appeal to a Creator in order to talk about rights. "all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."
2015-10-10 12:36 pm
The Constitution provides for equal protection under the law. You can't guarantee one group of citizens a right than another group does not have.

Immigrants are not citizens.
2015-10-11 5:17 am
Because marriage is a human right. Are gay people humans? Yep so they should be given the right to marry who they love, especially since it's not a choice and marriage is pagan and pre dates any bible. And the immigrants who are taken back were here illegally. There are ways to get here legally so why not do that?
2015-10-10 10:28 am
So why were you and all other bigots against same sex marriages? Illegals are laws beakers and should be deported. Are you illegally in the US? Better get out before you are caught and jailed.
2015-10-10 10:20 am
"So Homosexuals are given the "right" to get married"

No. That is not what was proposed, and that is not what happened.

As it pertains to the issue of couples entering into the legal contract of marriage, discrimination against these individuals on the basis of their sex was ruled unconstitutional, just like the 14th Amendment clearly makes it.

Your understanding of the law is simply dreadful. I suggest you study constitutional law; *then* things might make sense to you.

Addendum: "Anyways, makes no sense how homosexuals, which is an abomination in God's eyes"

Oh, and when you do, leave your incorrect assumptions about what God's opinion on sexual orientation is outside. In the American legal system, they are completely irrelevant. and that's even *if* your assumptions about the mind of God were correct, which they aren't.

Addendum II: Lauro - "I suggest you study the bible and then you will find real wisdom, you lack it."

Absolutely brilliant.

"Real wisdom", such as...? By all means, shower us with some of this "wisdom" from the Bible that will illuminate us on the issue of 14th Amendment violations in constitutional law. Just copy-and-paste the verses right here in the forum. I can't *wait* to hear this "wisdom".

Well? This is the part where you respond with all this "wisdom" I could find in the Bible. I'll give you a little while to come up with it. I'll check back in, say... half an hour.

I'm so excited...
2015-10-10 9:57 am
Cuz immigrants are given the "left."

They should all stay out of the ring, though. So many rights and lefts and you're brain damaged.
2015-10-10 2:22 pm
but "immigrants" aren't given the "right" to stay? What happened to "rights" then?

- WOW, you have no concept of the difference between citizen and immigrant.

why not obey God's word?

- Because god said - Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's - but that is inconvenient so you ignore it.

People tend to do as they wish, that is why many will not reach heaven.


“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


is not right in God's eyes.

- So that is between them and god, NOT YOU.

are allowed to do as they wish even though they are disrespecting God,

- Because this is the US, NOT HEAVEN, and like god said RENDER UNTO CAESAR WHAT IS CAESAR'S, but then again, that is inconvenient so you ignore it.

.Complete nonsense.

- to you yes, but then you are an idiot.
2015-10-10 2:17 pm
It is not up to you to pass judgement on anyone. "He who is without sin cast the first stone".

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