How can I deal with line cutters?

2015-10-10 3:53 am
Everytime someones in front of me, their friends gather like theyre going to talk but they cut in front of me and the person in front of them, has his friends cut as well. Its really starting to piss me off since the lunch bell rings right after.
I would say to get in the back of the line but they don't listen and are mindless to anything unless its the internet. The staff dont really seem to notice either. And im not usually the type to stand up for myself but I do when it really irritates me and I dont want to explode and scream at them...

回答 (8)

2015-10-10 8:18 am
I would say, just as I move in FRONT of all of them, "excuse me, I was waiting here first". Placing yourself in front of them will be the least troublesome thing to do, opposed to asking all of them to go to the back of the line. Do it with a smile and do not be rude about it.
2015-10-10 5:08 am
Say, "Hey, a$$hole! The line starts back there! Beat it!" If they give you any trouble, sock 'em in the face several times; I guarantee they won't cut in front of you after that.
2015-10-10 6:39 am
Get some friends of your own together, and all of you stroll around and get in front of the line cutters. Point out that you were in the line before they arrived. If they say, "We wanted to sit together," tell them, "I've got friends of my own. Do you really think jumping a line is okay? Fine, we'll go ahead of you ourselves."

Don't expect any support from the school staff. Unless an actual scuffle breaks out, they'll ignore little arguments like that. If things get to the violent stage, you'd all get in trouble, so assemble your posse and confront that gang with equal forces.
2015-10-10 3:56 am
A really dirty look
2015-10-11 2:43 am
just tell them excuse me but i was here first
2015-10-10 6:17 pm
Don't let anyone bully you. Same as in Stores when someone tries to cut in front of you. # Go to the back of the line and wait your turn. # !!!
2015-10-10 3:55 am

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