will Russia bombing Isis turn into some big world war?

2015-10-09 8:55 pm

回答 (16)

2015-10-09 9:40 pm
We already are in a world war. Against Islam.
2015-10-09 10:15 pm
Only if the U.S. declares war. I thought the U.S. wanted to destroy ISIL also. They should be praising Russia.
2015-10-10 2:38 am
No. Russia aren't breaking any international laws. They have been invited by the Syrian government to conduct bombing missions in Syria. The USA haven't.
2015-10-09 8:57 pm
Are they bombing ISIS is today's question.
2015-10-09 8:56 pm
The entire world is in danger of that, thanks to U.S. weakling and fraudulent President, Barack Hussein Obama.
2015-10-09 9:04 pm
It is too late, the world war has already begun by Islamic jihad. The jihad is in every Western country, the Middle East, Africa, and most Asian countries.
2015-10-09 11:39 pm
Only if the western empire has little in the way of brains.

ISIS ideology is sick! US & its coalition of 60 countries versus ISIS row ONE year, outcome ISIS 10/10!!!!
ISIS so powerful? Or was the coalition playing a dangerous game, to further their own foolish geopolitical interests? Obvious to ISIS ideology getting more recruits from within the west!

http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43093.htm "The people who Brzezinski breezily refers to as “American assets” in Syria are terrorists. It’s that simple. Putin doesn’t distinguish between the “moderate” terrorists and the “radical” terrorists, the good terrorists and the bad terrorists. It’s a joke. They’re all in the same pool and they’re all going to meet the same fate. They all have to be rooted out, apprehended or killed. End of story."

http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/10/09/no-moral-high-ground-for-the-west-on-syria/ "Russia’s intervention in Syria, unlike the West’s, is at the official and express request of the internationally recognised sovereign Syrian government.
I am with the people who are with Assad – the millions of Syrians who do not have the luxury of approaching revolution as a parlour game, who though they may wish to see political transition and democratic reform in Syria, understand that such transition and reform will never take place if the country is allowed to descend into the abyss."

Plus those countries who are associated with "creating" ISIS seem to be losing the plot! They are openly "egging more war". NUTS! Truly nuts!
Should the west be dumb enough to ignite war, it won't be surviving a nuclear Holocaust!
Mutually Assured Destruction only worked when cold hard sanity prevailed! Not when the nutcases run foreign policy!
2015-10-09 11:13 pm
naah, putin isnt that stupid
2015-10-09 11:45 pm
it may do
2015-10-13 3:54 pm
IT is not a matter of if but when and what will ignite the fuse,the middle east has far too much hatred and vengeance and unrest that will result in war and destruction.i can not see any other way for it s end.
2015-10-13 2:33 am
Russia is NOT bombing ISIS. They are only targeting 'moderate' anti-Assad forces. Assad currently has a deal with ISIS to focus their attention on the moderate anti-Assad forces in exchange for selling the oil ISIS produces in exchange for money and arms.
2015-10-10 5:25 pm
I pray war stops and we all live in Peace.
2015-10-10 5:08 pm
Leave Russia alone... Nothing happens except they have control over what happens in Syria and Iraq . Get involved.... Don't know.
2015-10-09 10:21 pm
Yes, because Russia is exposing the West (Israel)'s game plan and they are getting pissed-off.
ISIS-Sharia Law is a too raw and pungent form of Islam for the West (Israel) to stomach.
The West really hates the unifying of Arabs and anything to do with Allah and religion in government.
That's what ISIS is, as an outgrowth of the Baathist party of Sadam Hussein.
You saw what happened to Iraq.
The West can stomach other forms of Islam better, (only to turn on them later).
They can use one and arm them to fight others, but the ISIS ideology is too threatening to the West (Israel).
2015-10-09 9:05 pm
2015-10-09 9:06 pm
The problem for the US is that the Russians are not bombing IS. They are bombing the rebels that have been trained and armed by the US.
I doubt if there will be a world war because the US will back down. Putin has already tested western resolve on these things, so he knows he is not up against a strong leadership.

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