Why do guys only want to have sex with me? Is it because I am too ugly to be a girl friend ?

2015-10-08 9:18 pm

回答 (7)

2015-10-08 9:23 pm
I think because you're getting too close to the wrong guys. There are good guys out there that won't even ask for sex unless you do. Just have to surround yourself with them. Be careful about where you meet these guys. You're beautiful and worth more than just sex. You have value and someone will come into your life that will treat you like such.
2015-10-09 12:10 am
no. they want to have sex with you because you are a girl. when it comes to sex, we really don't discern between ugly and beautiful. naked we are, after all, all the same.
2015-10-08 10:26 pm
Keep on searching then. If all of them just want to have sex with you with no obvious sign of having a serious relationship, don't. My principle is "only have sex with a girl whom I want to marry", either before or after marriage. I kept that principle of mine and guess what, now I'm married to the only girl I ever had sex with, and she never had sex with anybody else but me.be no one sex object. the trouble with the guys you went out for they did not care anything about you, all they were after was what was in your pants.no friends with benefits...You Shouldn't Have Casual Sex ....For men, sex can be purely physical. I am not saying that men can never connect the physical and the emotional when it comes to sex, but unlike women, they can separate the emotional and physical, allowing them to have recreational sex without getting attached.What further complicates matters is that men and women don't seem to understand each other. Women get angry with men for remaining emotionless and unattached, and men get angry with women for developing feelings for them when they told the women from the beginning that the relationship wasn't going anywhere. Let's be clear. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with having casual sex. But if you participate in it, you need to know that it rarely, if ever, leads to something more meaningful. Women, you need to tattoo this on your brain. If you engage in casual sex with men, do not expect it to go anywhere. Do not spin it into some kind of personal challenge, thinking that you will be the one to reform him. Do not tell yourself that his actions are showing you that he really cares about you. Do not think that this is anything more for him than what it really is: Sex for sex sake.
2015-10-08 10:06 pm
You're talking to the wrong guys that's why. Plain and simple.
2015-10-08 9:26 pm
Because they are immature
they think sex is everything when a close emotional connection is best long term
How you look does not matter when someone cares about you then you are the most beautiful woman in the world
2015-10-08 9:25 pm
I'll be your BF.
2015-10-08 9:23 pm
its cause most of us are hormonal assholes and only care about sex

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