My puppy ears are changing they look so different then when i brought him home has any one else heard or seen this?

2015-10-08 6:39 pm

回答 (4)

2015-10-08 7:03 pm
Yep... some breeds start floppy but stand up as the cartilege gets strong enough... and all breeds change a little during teething time as well.
2015-10-08 6:54 pm
oh the shame of it all .....his ears are changing ......WHY do you care ????????? you going to love him any less ????????????????
2015-10-08 8:25 pm
Puppies will grow and change a lot while growing. It's normal.
2015-10-08 6:49 pm
Well it does depend on what breed your pup is, some breeds do have ears that do start out floppy and then start to stand up.

This a prime example of such a breed, Australian terrier

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