College?! What?!?
11th grader. really serious about going to college. i'm not sure what i want to major in yet but i do know that i want to go to a 4 year uni. I live in AL and the most well known schools in AL are the U of A and auburn. I dont want to go to a small, insignificant college like troy. Not that there's anything wrong with small colleges like troy its just my preference. im leaning more towards auburn because my mom lives in auburn so i wouldn't have to pay for a dorm. I also just really like the atmosphere in auburn. None of my immediate family graduated high school or college. I make A's and B's mostly, my current over all gpa is a 3.1; i want a 3.5 or above. 9th grade 2nd semester gpa: 2.5, 10th grade 1st semester gpa: 3.3, 10th grade 2nd semester gpa: 3.8. Im making all A's this year so far except for one B in math (my weakness). My 9th grade year i took all standard classes and obviously didnt try very hard to get good grades, 10th grade i took all standard except for honors history and this year i take all standard expect for honors english and history. how/when do i apply to college. Do i apply for scholarships after applying to college. Where/ how do i apply for scholarships. are there any scholarships that you suggest? Any tips for applying to colleges/ scholarships? I heard you can get small scholarships for things like having green eyes? If these kind of scholarships do exist what is the full list and how do you apply for them? Please explain this whole process to me.
回答 (1)
This is not a question that can be answered in the space available here. Go have a long talk with your guidance counselor. This is what they are there for.
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:33:17
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