What do you think about the ending in Soma?

2015-10-07 9:32 pm

回答 (1)

2015-10-07 9:43 pm
I liked the ending, I did see it coming though, and knew it was going to be, in part, a bit of a downer.
Even then you have to wonder if you did the right thing. The people in the Ark will live happily for thousands of years, but can't grow or change. Humanity stagnated, basically.

As much as the WAU ended up churning out pure horror and misery, it was unemotionally working towards preserving humanity one way or another. It just knew it had to redefine humanity, to allow them to survive in the post apocalyptic world. Who knows what a large group of constructs like Simon could have achieved, had they been able to reach the surface.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:32:48
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