Liberals. What would you say? Read the following article and then tell us what you would say to Blake Simons.?

回答 (4)

2015-10-07 8:49 pm
It's an interesting perspective, particularly:

"The U.S. is a country that was founded on slavery, genocide, rape, and white male patriarchy. The colonizers that we condemn for enslaving Afikans and murdering indigenous peoples are the same people that produced and upheld the document we use to govern our nation to this day."

I understand his contempt and anger, as laws are not enforced equally depending on your race. This is extremely well documented.
2015-10-07 8:49 pm
I would tell him that the state of racism in the US is a disgrace but that violent revolt is not the only answer. And I would point out to him (and to other people seeking to discredit an entire movement) that other Black Lives Matter leaders do not agree with him on that point.
2015-10-07 8:49 pm
Seems they have something in common with republicans. they love guns.
2015-10-07 8:48 pm
I'm not clicking the link to that Right Wing website.
Reports show that it was put there to infect your PC. Don't fall for it!

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