Should I forget about her?

2015-10-07 4:24 pm
I hung out with this girl from my class a couple of times. We usually hung out after class was over, and ever since the first time we talked we kicked it off right away. It turned out we had a lot in common and I really started to like her. She also liked me, (she told me). But lately things got a bit weird, and it felt that she was backing off. She kept on saying I'll text you, but never did. I asked once when are you free this week, she said she is very busy. And once while we were hanging out around campus, I asked if she wanted to chill, she said no I have to go... Ever since this occurred, I kind of felt hurt that she doesn't want to hang out anymore, or that she doesn't like me, because I really like her and I do not want for this to happen. However, I decided to let it go before getting hurt even more. I am not talking to her at all, no text, no communication, even though she is in my class. I usually waited for her after class, but not anymore. But the thing is she hasn't hit me up at all. Does that mean she's over me? and didn't even give a **** about what we had together, which I thought was great. Should I do something about it, or just forget it all?

回答 (3)

2015-10-07 4:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are going to have to forget this girl. At first she did like you and hung out with you. But as time went on she realized you are not really her type. This happens all the time. So consider her gone.
2015-10-07 4:27 pm
You had enough indications proving that the fling from her is dead.

So! You are NOT COMPATIBLE even if you wish it.

Knowing it will make way way easier to forget her.
2015-10-07 4:27 pm
I'd ask around but not directly to see if she heard something about you that turned her off. Did you cheat on an ex gf or what? Are you too controlling? Those kinds of rumors could have put her off. I wouldn't contact her since she's showing she's not interested. I'd want to find out why, though.

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