What are some philosophical issues that I could run into if I became a police officer?

2015-10-07 2:53 am

回答 (10)

2015-10-07 3:13 am
How tall are you?
I`ll make one up in case you run me in! Now, which law....?.............

The Law and Ethics..not always compatible, for starters.

2015-10-07 6:13 am
On average, a police officer a week is killed by an unarmed person. What do you do?
2015-10-07 5:58 am
As a police officer, you have to perform duty according to law. There is nothing else for you to check.
2015-10-09 1:57 pm
I think it would be useful for any police officer to consider law and society in the big picture. Which is asking a lot when one more crack dealer is running from you through backyards, but - that would be one thing, imo.
2015-10-08 12:24 am
Maybe such as presented by http://www.ci.santa-ana.ca.us/pd/documents/2006PolicingPhilosophy.pdf

Also related: "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You" and "A Philosophy of Universality."
2015-10-07 10:41 am
Do I ruin my career and go to prison for shooting this unarmed citizen,or do I employ a "throw down piece",and place a gun or knife in his hand,and save my career and my freedom?
2015-10-07 7:07 am
Only ethics your general values do not come into play because you are sworn to enforce the law as it is not your opinion of it so your only test would be your loyalty to the law
2015-10-07 6:24 am
There in no relationship between philosophy and what job we hold to earn our bread , the only issue that will arise is that if we relate this both.
Although both philosophy and work are interdependent on each other , like if our philosophy is clear or good , then
we will we do our job good and if we do our job good or bad , it will surely affect our philosophy .
Best advise is that whatever we understand philosophically if applied practically in our job which earns us our food , be sure that we will loose our job.
So when at work , do what you feel right at that moment and be ready to face the consequenses , which I think have nothing to do with philosophy or philosophical issues .
Here is small example that can clear your mind , that if you have philosophy of always speaking truth and you just have come out of function with a mob of thousands of people , and some guy comes to you , asking for the address about this mob . But then looking at him you realise him to be a terorist , will you give him a true answer as your fallowing philosophy of truth ? absolutely no .
you see here there is no relation here between this two things but still they are interdependent , in the same way we should do our job , whatever it may be.
2015-10-07 4:28 am
Telephone poles and Donut shops.
2015-10-07 9:57 am
What are some philosophical issues that I could run into if I became a police officer?

~~~ Sorry, but if you were a cop, you wouldn't have the intellect for philosophical thought.
There are rules of conduct, and rules for not getting caught for breaking those rules for conduct.
And then there is the shooting of blacks and the emotionally troubled, the putting as many behind bars as you can, no matter who, because it means income, the tasering of children, the mentally challenged, and the elderly that should be so much fun that you wouldn't have time to wax philosophical.

The question did make me laugh, though!

No philosopher would become a cop!
Lay with dogs, wake with fleas!

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