Are people less afraid of dying today?

2015-10-06 11:59 pm

Than for example 3 years ago or so..

回答 (6)

2015-10-07 12:05 am
I'm more afraid of my loved ones dying! I don't think I could carry on living myself tbh
2015-10-07 12:01 am
less afraid than when
that is a very very strange question
the topic and the fear or lack of it is different for different people
2015-10-07 12:02 am
i am not afraid
2015-10-07 12:00 am
No. It's always been a terrifying proposition
2015-10-07 12:07 am
Only me left, so no
2015-10-07 12:01 am
No. They are more so. People are less religious and therefore don't see dying as the next chapter in a saga anymore.

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