Before you say not to be on here looking for legit doctors advice and to just take my cat to the doctor just listen, we're taking him in the morning, I have to wait till morning. So we just noticed it tonight but my cat has been sleeping a lot which I thought was normal but then we realized he's been breathing really fast. There's two places he hides, under the kitchen chair facing the wall or in the bathroom. I figure he's avoiding the light because he's not trying to sit on the cold tiles. He hid under the chair the night before but we thought nothing of it. I've been sick all day today and haven't really paid much attention to him. He normally will on occasion walk around with his mouth open. He's usually into a lot of things with my other cat, sleeping most of the day and up all night. My older cat ha's an upper respiratory infection when we got her from a shelter and this seems different. He's only a few month old, I got him in July. He can't meow, he squeaks. I love him to pieces. We're thinking of a few things, the dust from his litter made him sick since he throws it around, the automatic glade spray near his litter box made him sick or the smoke from being in my brothers room made him sick. We put him in a kennel to keep him or if my brother room and the bathroom floor the night and he just started squeaking and that's the most excitied he's been in at least a day.
The squeaking meow thing is normal for him, but also we took him to the vet today and he has a fever so they gave him 2 shots so we wouldn't have to give him medicine orally and I don't think it's helped much but they said by Wednesday night to Thursday morning he should be better or to bring him back. I'm just really worried. Theres no blood in his stool, he only pees, he drinks lots of water and has maybe eaten once today which worries me more.