Guy I like is confusing me?

2015-10-06 4:51 am

I met this guy and we got on right away, It started great, but after a while it seemed almost like he was ignoring me and didn't want to be around me. It made me really upset, and I found out he has really bad family issues atm and he said he is not himself and its not me. He started drunk and high every night. I asked him if he just wanted to be friends though, because the vibes i got were that he isn't interested, but he keeps persistently saying no, he wants to go out with me...I dont get it?


I do ask him, and he had to go home for family problems and he keeps telling me to wait for him and try things after. So maybe its just that he has other priorities and im overthinking and he does like me, but at the same time he never texts me or anything and he seems to always do it with his friends.. I just dont get it, the words and actions seem so far apart.

回答 (1)

2015-10-06 4:53 am
why not talk to him??? ---- we are not that confusing we either like you or not

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