Once you have realized you have taken something too far is there a way to go back?

2015-10-06 1:53 am
I was warned by my professor that the subject matter I choose can affect my view on life. I did not realize what they meant by that and just continued on making whatever I enjoyed.
Now I have made a truly objective piece of art and it is disturbing me because I feel like I have desensitized myself in ways I could not have imagined when I began work on it. I want to make more but am fearful of the impact the work may have on my life. I do not want to describe it for I do not want others to think the subject matter is interesting and want to make one for themselves. Lets just say it involves a massive amount of nasty pornography and only the naughty bits. Now I realize this it is easier to deal with but still haunts me. Any ideas? What to do?

回答 (3)

2015-10-06 2:00 am
And the winner for the 2015 Susan Gretchin's Award For Proving Art Is Subjective And Therefore Unimportant To Anyone But The Artist goes to...

There IS a way to get re-sensitized to what used to turn you on sexually. See a sex-therapist for details. On THIS I'm being serious
2015-10-06 3:49 am
You feel you have been desensitized or disgusted by the making of porno films?
2015-10-06 1:56 am
You have to put it behind you and stay as far away from it as you can, so you can move forward. You can do it.

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