why african americans should have education ?

2015-10-05 11:04 pm

writing essay on this topic


3 reasons why

回答 (7)

2015-10-05 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Education matters to our young people- good public schools give them the tools they need:
• to lead fulfilling and, we hope, joyful lives,
• to become strong, contributing citizens and
• to compete in a challenging, global economy, where perhaps now more than ever education is a key to opportunity and success.


2015-10-05 11:07 pm
Because everyone can't become an NBA star. A good education gets you through life after your knees blow out.
2015-10-05 11:05 pm
Because maybe then they can rely on their educational achievements to move up in the financial world that doesn't include drug sales.
2015-10-05 11:04 pm
Nobody should have education, education has a liberal bias. FACT.
2015-10-05 11:19 pm
Considerable research indicates the primary cause of ANY group (not just African Americans) that are stuck in the lowest quintile (lowest 20% on the economic and social Scale) are stuck because of poor parenting.
Associated Facts: All who have two parents at home who don't abuse drugs and who don't abuse their children, and aren't absent because a parent is in jail, are likely to have children who move up to at least the next highest quintile . Some leap up two or three levels in one generation.
The primary cause is: Those parents assure their children get a decent education, are well disciplined, don't end up in jail, and develop the personal discipline characteristics that makes them not only better educated but far more attractive to those doing the hiring.
No one is Owed a job. Without a job you are far more likely to end up in jail.
if parents can't do the job it is a wise investment to provide proper education and discipline rather than just throwing welfare money at the foolish parents.
The majority of students are not college material so we must prepare the majority to be able to get a good job immediately after graduating from high school. Schools should be graded on how many of their graduates either get a good job (not a minimum wage job with no future) or who go to college.
2015-10-07 8:10 am
everyone Must be educated even Muslims
2015-10-05 11:57 pm
Whoever asked you to write this essay and came up with the essay question is a dunce. FACT.

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