why do people always say chevy is better than ford or ford is better that chevy their all the same get over it!!!!?

2015-10-05 8:37 pm

回答 (7)

2015-10-05 10:01 pm
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They're ( note correct spelling ) not all the same. If they were, they would look the same inside and out, they would be powered by the same engines and have the same transmissions. This is not the case.

While I agree the the bickering between the two groups can be over-the-top, especially since it is based more on opinion rather than fact, the vehicles may perform similar duties but they are far from being identical or the same.
2015-10-05 8:40 pm
ive had four chevys break down on me, one was actually lemon lawed. of our eight fords we have had no out of the ordinary issues.
2015-10-10 6:12 pm
They are not the same at all Chevro is a lot better made, it's just that the new Chevrolets arnt as good looking as ford, after 2000 is when it seems like ford started to make thier cars a little less tough.
2015-10-05 9:16 pm
you ever hear the phrase "drive a ford, they're the best, ride a mile, push the rest"? it's a matter of opinion. there is no definitive answer - get over it
2015-10-05 9:03 pm
There was a time in the not so distant history that cars did not last much past 50k miles, If you had one go 100k without major engine work you were doing really well. In those days the differences between Ford and Chevy were often quite different between model and model/year.
Chevy had the Corvair - Ford had the Pinto (a good car if it wasn't rear-ended)
Chevy had the Vega (look it up if you want to see what a lemon that was). Ford had the Escort (good car butt ugly) - back in the 50s even more failures. SO it was always a give and take.
These days the engineers have done much better and all American cars have had to compete with the Japanese bringing quality and design up and leveling the playing field - there really aren't many bad auto manufacturers anymore - except maybe for Chrysler BAWAHAHA......
2015-10-05 8:48 pm
they all have good and bad models otherwise they'd be out of business by now.
2015-10-05 8:42 pm
Personal preference, that's all. Ford and Chevrolet make similar quality automobiles.

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