Why are we here in this world? No religious answer please :)?

2015-10-05 11:55 am

回答 (122)

2015-10-05 12:01 pm
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To live as happy a life as possible. How you achieve this is up to you. Some want to make an impact, change something, leave their footprint in history. Some simply want a wonderful family and share all the joys of life with them. Some want to help others, and improve other people's lives. That's the beauty of it. YOU get to decide why you are here.

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning" - Ken Hudgins
2015-10-06 8:43 am
You ask " why are we in this world? " You do not want a religious answer. Have you meditated on this question you have? What sources have you searched? (besides the internet) I ask you this : If you take apart a watch with all its parts,big and small and lay it in a bowl,never to be touched again,will it put its' self back together?
Ask yourself "how can the liver in human regrow when a portion has been cut off?" (just like a lizard tail)
Ask yourself " what really is the truth and facts as to why I am here ? " To start, look at the earth,the seasons,the life covering the earth and the knowledge we now have as to space and the planets and then read as much as you can on how the human body is made,the eyes,the heart,the lungs,the muscles,bones,the brain,etc. and how very in depth our make up is and how we function.Do you believe you were once in your mothers' womb,starting out as an embryo,then grew to a human being? Think,question,search for the answer and if all else fails,look to the Bible for answers. You will be amazed what was written thousands of years ago.Remember how humans thought the earth was flat? The answer was in the Bible thousands of years ago.Just because it is the Bible doesn't make it a religion.You read the internet.Is it a religion?
2015-10-05 2:27 pm
Well this is a tough question for two reasons, imo. First, we don't know why we're here. Second, when you limit how people should respond, you may inadvertently be excluding the correct answer, so - I'm not sure it's entirely honest to ask a question then limit how people should respond.
2015-10-06 8:45 am
You're asking a question you don't know the answer to, but are selective about what type of answer is acceptable to you. That is not how you gain knowledge and acquire wisdom. I'm not say it is so, but how do you know that a religious answer is not the only one? Just saying.
2015-10-06 11:51 pm
If you are atheist like me then you should accept that we have no reason to be. We are a random occurance in a chaotic universe, but that doesn't mean we can't be happy and lead important lives. If you can't accept this as the truth then you should probably do some soul searching and figure out why you believe we are here. Perhaps you will find a religious belief or a.deity? Perhaps not. Either way don't let a meaningless.existence cause you an unhappy life
2015-10-07 3:59 am
Why are you being so biased about It ."No religious answers", do you have something against people who actually have a view of a perfect world or are you too caught up in the moment to do anything good for your future. You knew you were going to get hate about it of you put, "No religious answers", so you either don't put it don't ask the question next time because now your going to get more religious answers because you said that.
2015-10-07 1:59 am
Forgive me if i ask why???? No religious answer. Alright. Let's be philosophical. Isn't all vanity. Look what you chose as best answer (no offence meant!). While it is true that the meaning of life is to give life meaning, but tell me, what meaning is life if we will end up dying at the end. What use will the meaning of life be, when you are dead??? there has to be a higher power. We are so wonderfully and beautifully made, to just make a meaning out of life.. if the entire meaning of our existence is to make life meaningful, then surely the 'life we live as to be engineered by someone.... every coincidence has a cause behind it.
2015-10-07 1:42 pm
I believe that just like all other life on this Planet, that we are simply here to preform a basic survival procedure and continue our race. We are born to breed, and everything we do that is not for the good of out race is completely illogical. What we do, is completely irrelevant. And is for our own concinouss to consume as happiness, or pleasure, or achievement. You should do whatever pleases you, with the little time we have. Our mind is a real puzzle, why evolution burdened us with a higher state of mind and intelligence is astounding. It would be much simpler if we didn't have brains like this. School is irrelevant. U spend 12 or more years of your life, studying to get a job, than u work, hopefully become a parent, then eventually die. Our existence is a mistake, and our own planet would do better without us. And your not human, if you cant admit that. -14 years old-
2015-10-09 12:00 pm
To ask philosophical questions on Yahoo, of course!

You define your purpose for being here. Some take a religious approach... In fact I'd venture to guess almost most people under one faith or another. But you still define your purpose. I believe in God, Jesus, all that... But I define my purpose. My reason for being. And that has changed several times. At one time my purpose was to serve my country and protect my countrymen. Another my purpose was to help homeless people and addicts.

Currently my reason for existing is love. I have two kids and a wife who's been my best friend since we went to school together.
2015-10-07 11:27 am
To be honest, this is something I've been questioning for years now and right now, I believe there is no true reason for why we are here... I think that we are here because we simply evolved out of other life forms like everything else has. I don't think there's any real or "correct" reason/answer to why we were put here. In my mind, humans are just another life form that developed from "Mother Earth" and we will eventually die out or become extinct through either a nuclear, biological, or some other form of apocalypse or event. We are just another species that will live, create, destroy and cease to exist. Sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for.
2015-10-06 7:25 am
If religious theory doesn't fit in your world you can always try evolutionary comprehension.

Humankind emerged from the tiniest life forms. The process of evolutionary growth began from the theoretical possibility for us to be existent. For every new generation wave there is a possibility to gain information and knowledge achieved by humans of all the previous generation and make a step further.

According to this way of thinking, the golden era for mankind comes when human will achieve certain level of intellectual and social development, where understanding of life fundamentals by every person on the planet will allow to step beyond the personal ego needs in order to give everyone an ability to live and progress.

In simple words: Humans are able to gather and share information with new generations so the mankind could achieve global equality.

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