前幾日收到移民局既信 可以去usa 我希望大個可以做獸醫 但我諗唔到去邊到讀 澳洲定係美國我係一個驚孤獨既人 美國個到有親戚住緊 但澳洲就一個都無 咁到底澳洲定美國好?

2015-10-04 11:46 pm

回答 (1)

2015-10-05 5:03 am
It is strictly a personal preference.

However, if you choose the U.S., it is certain that you don't have to worry about staying in the country (I assume the letter is referring to an immigrant visa petition).

But in Australia, you may end up leaving the country eventually.

So the U.S. will be more stable than Australia.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 04:35:04
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