What's happening to our world, people, values and morals?

2015-10-04 4:57 pm

回答 (26)

2015-10-05 3:48 pm
Too many on drugs or not enough on drugs, especially when we're talking about mental problems.
2015-10-07 4:37 pm
The social tissue is in open decomposition. Thus no collective actions are possible unless there is some kind of profit behind.

Brands are the new gods.

The individual self is completely squashed by the collective aspect of humanity (we need both dimensions, we are social animals, but the individual must survive with his/her pecularities too).

The environment is in the equivalent of a deep coma, exhausted by decade after decade after decade of human looting. And we speed up the looting.

Nobody is interested in wisdom any more. Not even knowledge. Only information -a perpetual snow storm where nothing means anything, and everything gets swept after 5 minutes by the next raging novelty-.
2015-10-07 9:43 pm
Yeah, how about that? They legalized animal whore houses in Europe. That is, you go in and "do it" to goats, sheep, dogs, and who knows what else. That's light-years beyond disgusting. The human race is degenerating fast and furiously. And there's a movement now to get us all to feel sympathy for child molestors and to make adult/child sex into something "normal." And people are eating more than ever, getting fatter and fatter, they smoke, they drink, they do drugs, they're busy buying things they don't need with money they don't have. Atheism (a refusal to investigate the deeper side of life) is rampant. No wonder the power elite wants to exterminate everyone. A very ancient Hindu scripture (Srimad Bhagavatam) foretold what was going to happen, how the human race would sink to the level of animals, and that's exactly what is happening. Now we're waiting for WW3 and possibly some mega-earthquakes and a few volcanoes, and maybe even some meteors hitting our planet. There is talk about the possible extinction of the human race, but seriously, that would be no big loss to the universe, and I think quite a few of us know that already ...
2015-10-06 6:41 am
Sadly, it is a combination of things that's causing this stagnation. There is a way to reverse this process, but in this conceited haughty Nation they are not interested in repairing the breaches and restoring the paths to dwell in.

Therefore, this Nation shall lose its influences as the Lady of Kingdoms and it shall be given to another as the World is being sifted with the Sieve of Vanity.
參考: the reproofs of life.
2015-10-06 12:12 am
The idea of privilege. The notion that because of demographics, whether or not skin color and wealth or lack thereof, should determine a man or woman's fate.
2015-10-05 7:54 pm
Its sad to say values and morals,Seems to have lost there way in this crazy mixed up world we live in now my friend.
2015-10-05 4:54 pm
The world has become more complicated and hence, there was a change in value system and morals
2015-10-04 5:11 pm
It's filthy.
2015-10-04 5:06 pm
The values and morals are disappearing. There are people who are only out to make a quick buck, and only look out for themselves! We can make it. I remain bold and don't fear for the worst.

EDIT: I meant we can make it in this world. Let's not allow the negativities to bring us down, and remain strong.
2015-10-06 8:05 am
It is the apostasy of the last days. The times of tribulation are soon upon us... And there is no pre-tribulation rapture. That is not in the Bible. God's people have gone through tribulations throughout all the centuries, like the martyrs who died at the stake during the Dark Ages. Watch the seminar I list in my sources below and you'll really understand what is truly going on:

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