What's wrong with my son?

2015-10-04 3:35 pm
My son is 13 and he still sleeps with a teddy bear isn't. Interested in dating he hates sports all he watches is cartoons. He should be playing football having a girlfriend and going out with friends.

回答 (181)

2015-10-05 6:46 am
First of all there is nothing wrong with him. Just because he isn't doing what you want him to do doesn't mean he is the problem. I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 17. And I still am 17. Many would say I am a loser. I would argue I hadn't met anyone that truly made me feel special untl then. I never liked normal sports. But then I found something that interested me. That is how I became a second degree black belt in MMA through 9 years of training. Now I have a job, part time. Help to find something that interests him, or if he is interested in something don't turn it down immediately. Think about the idea. Don't constantly bother him though because that will push him away.
2015-10-05 8:53 pm
I'm still waiting for you to describe any actual problems...

I see nothing wrong with anything he's doing.

Okay, so he's got a teddy bear. Some people just like having something to hug while they sleep.

Not interested in dating? Whoopdy do, he's 13, he shouldn't be interested in dating anyway. What's he gonna do for a date anyway? And at least you know he isn't going to get a girl knocked up.

Doesn't like sports? So? It's not mandatory for a 13 year old boy to like sports.

Watches cartoons? Guess what? So do LOTS of people, of ALL ages.

There is literally nothing wrong with your son based on anything you have told us. Calm down.
2015-10-04 11:29 pm
There's nothing wrong with him except a nagging mom who won't accept him for who he is. I love that he sleeps with a teddy bear; he's a sentimental dude. Not all boys enjoy sports and he has plenty of time before he's interested in dating. Would you rather he knock up some girl who will then sue you for child support? Perhaps he's interested in cartooning. A lot of careers grow out of childhood pastimes, but maybe he also just likes them.

Instead of trying to figure him out, accept him and love him unconditionally so you'll be the one he goes to when he needs you. It sounds like he's doing ok as it is. It could be that most kids at school are not nice and not people he wants to be around. That was certainly the case with me, and I turned out wonderfully (fantastic life, great partner, lots of interests that all originated in childhood, millionaire).
2015-10-04 3:46 pm
I'm many years older than 13 and I watch cartoons. That's what people do these days.

Your son needs exercise to be healthy, so you should insist that he gets some. Let him pick a sport. He doesn't have to like football. Maybe he'd prefer kayaking or swimming or running or cycling? Or whatever.

Encourage him to hang out with friends sometimes, but realize that he may be an introvert. Introverts prefer their own company to destress.
2015-10-05 6:11 am
Watching cartoons is no longer a childish thing. Cartoons like Adventure Time, We Bare Bears, and a bunch of Anime ones I don't know much about, are made for a teen/young adult demographic these days. As for the bear, as someone else mentioned, it may just be a matter of being comfortable holding something. I don't have a specific bear I care about anymore, but I'll sleep with a pillow, a bear, a cushion, or bundled up blanket just because it's comfortable. There is no reason whatsoever for your child to need to like sports. Yes, he needs to exercise some, but enjoying sports is just a matter of personality. It isn't even like something most people do, just some people. Kids become interested in dating at various ages, and the later the better I think, less heart break, confusion, and distraction to a young mind and body.
參考: Well adjusted 17 year old with siblings and cousins
2015-10-04 3:41 pm
Dating? he should like football?... damn he's barely a teen...lighten up nothing wrong with him...an dont make him feel there is...wtf??....
2015-10-05 5:14 am
Out of all things that your son could possibly do, you're worried about him sleeping with a teddy bear, not liking sports, and not wanting to date? At least he doesn't want to date right now, meaning you don't have to worry about him getting a girl pregnant at a young age. You also don't have to worry about him going out doing illegal things. Nothing is wrong with him, just let him be a kid for crying out loud!
2015-10-04 3:43 pm
There is nothing wrong with your son, he simply doesn't enjoy those things.
2015-10-06 4:51 am
What is wrong with you. First off let me say I'm 16. Your son in 13 and he isn't doing what you want him to do. So ******* what. Your a bully. Right there. I know because I get bullied and I'm a football player hint hint. It's his life let him live the way he wants to. I sleep/cuddle with a body pillow. So what. At least he ain't out getting girls pregnant and doing drugs like most of this generation is now. Damn. Read a book on parenting
2015-10-06 2:23 am
He's only 13 for crying out loud, he's only 13! Nothings wrong with him! If he was doing this at 16 that would just be uncommon.... Give him another 3 or 4 years for god's sake. A lotta 13 year olds sleep with a doll of Homer simpson....
2015-10-05 11:40 pm
Are you nuts? What do you mean he SHOULD be playing football, hanging out with friends and get into dating? Alright let me tell you how to change him. First tel him that teddy bears couldn't protect you and that he's mature now and don't need to sleep with one. That's a big problem (no offense). For the dating part, just tell him to stay in school and do good there and be a gentleman and the ladies would like it. Now about sports. Tell him all that exercising can do to benefit your health. Let him stretch more and do some jumping. If he's into mind games and stuff like me tell him that sports need to be played with your mind as well. Like in soccer, if you are a tactical player then you would always look for good passes and look for a way to beat offside. Football is pretty violent though but let him watch some NFL, now that the season is on and that's what everyone is talking about. Also play a few games with him (if you are his father) and see if he loves it if not then try getting him to do a more safer sport like swimming even though that takes strength and endurance as well. If nothing works just get him to stretch and jump. That's actually very fun for me and I ain't a big athlete or sports fan either towards most sports.
參考: BTW cartoons are fine for any ages really (i.e. adults watches adult swim) but if you want him more educated let him watch a bit of Animal planet or national geographic. The day I stopped watching Spongebob and turned on Big Cat Diaries was the happiest day of my life. Whenever I'm stressed I watch the strong lions fight back to the wilderness and listen to the beautiful music.
2015-10-05 7:06 pm
Nothing. I slept with my teddy bear till I was 17/18 yrs old. And why push him for dates - he's just in the first year of a teen. Let him alone. Not all guys like sports or dating. Be thankful he's not into girls - you don't have to worry about him having sex when he's too young.
2015-10-04 7:25 pm
He is absolutely fine, there is nothing wrong with him. I’m 13 also and I have 2 guy friends who are twins and they sound a lot like your son. They still sleep with their baby blankets, they aren’t interested in dating (which is VERY normal for a 13 year old and IMHO 13 is too young to date anyways), they don’t like sports all that much which also isn’t unusual, not all guys like sports), and they still love cartoons (which a lot of teens and adults like too). He is still a kid just let him be who he is and don’t push him into doing things you think he should be doing.
2015-10-04 7:09 pm
Just leave him how he already is? There's nothing wrong with him watching cartoons that's not childish atall even adults do it. And you know not that many people have a girlfriend as young as 13.
2015-10-06 3:35 am
The biggest problem your son has is that he has a parent who is judgmental, overbearing, and in a hurry for the boy to "Grow Up" and start acting like a "Man" simple to assuage his parents insecurity and fears that they did something wrong.
The BEST thing you can do is leave the kid alone, and keep your mouth SHUT when it comes to sharing your opinions of him. YOU are probably the reason the kid has a teddy bear. You probably make him feel insecure because you make it obvious that you don't approve of him. You know what happens when a kid thinks their parent doesn't approve of them??? The child ends up believing that their parent HATES them. You should take some parenting classes. And maybe attend a seminar on sensitivity training. Because you come across as an insensitive person who is in desperate need of parenting (As well as interpersonal) skills. I feel bad for your son!
2015-10-04 9:43 pm
I'm sorry, but I think you should leave the "should be" out of this. There is no "should be". Everyone's different, into different things, grow at different stages, etc. If you think he is depressed, then that is a different story. If that's the case, then talk to him. See if you can encourage him Roget out more and be around more of his peers. But if it's just that he isn't doing the typical thugs you think he "should be" doing maybe you should take a step back and encourage him to be himself and do what makes him happy.
2015-10-06 9:21 pm
Is there something wrong with him? Or, does society consider him to be wrong?
You've just stereotyped the right way to behave as being interested in relationships and playing football.

Has it not occurred to you that maybe he may not like football, the same way that I don't like chocolate cake even though lots of people do. I'm 18 and still have teddy bears on my bed because unfortunately I don't have the privilege of hugging people on a day to day basis. People watch cartoons and people enjoy cartoons. Deal with it. And maybe he isn't interested in relationships because the right girl or boy hasn't come around yet since he's only 13, and very much still a young child.

I'm not trying to be a troll, but he's perfectly normal. As long as something makes you happy, and it isn't harmful to health, then there shouldn't be a problem with him having individuality and preferences as a human being.
2015-10-05 9:54 am
You can't hold your own standards to people with different personalities and of a different generation. Thirteen is a bit young to be dating, but I do find the fact that you find him not going out with his friends worrying. If he's happy then you should also be happy. The worst thing you can do is try and project yourself onto your kid and deny him of his own freedom. Being an unsupportive parent will do much more damage to your son than him watching cartoons or still having a teddy bear.
2015-10-05 4:08 am
There is nothing wrong with your son. He's 13 !! He's not supposed to show interest in dating. He's still a kid, he can watch cartoons and sleep with a teddy bear, he can't make his own life decisions yet, he's only young !!
2015-10-06 5:14 am
I'm a girl but I love my teddy bears and know older people that do too and I am 18. Also I love watching cartoons instead of hanging out with my friends. They'd get me in trouble all the time if I hung out with them. Just be happy he isn't into everything and is just an easy going kid. My mom thinks I'm weird but is greatful that I wasn't a problem all the time or really much at all. Btw I hate sports.
2015-10-05 8:33 pm
Nothing. When I was his age I was still playing pokemon, hanging with friends, I was not the most confident person on the planet, I was very intelligent though so I used that skill. You sound like you want your son to be a jock but he isn't. I did not have my first kiss until I was 18, and did not have sex until I was about 19-21, I can't remember anymore lol.
2015-10-05 1:59 am
a girl friend at 13 are you crazy why are you pushing him? let him be.
2015-10-04 4:38 pm
he is absolutely fine
there are different types of guys in this world
and he could be hiding smthng from u
but he is definitely not autistic
2015-10-05 3:15 am
My brother is also 13 and sleeps with a teddy bear. Although he's into sports, he only plays football and baseball because my dad wants him to. He also is interested in dating and watches cartoons. If you want him to be more active and not just watch cartoons all day, just see what he's into. Spend the day with him and just take the time to get to know him more than you already probably do. Sign him up for things he's into. If he likes to sing, put him in a vocal class. Help him express himself.
2015-10-04 6:53 pm
Thirteen is a bit young to worry about these behaviors. Have his testicles dropped yet? I always hated ball games, but I love sailing...is there a sailing club near you that allows non-boat owning members? Most sailing dinghies need a crew of two, and boat owners are always looking for crew. Can he swim. and swim well?

I don't think there is anything wrong...he's just a young kid.
2015-10-04 4:17 pm
just let him be. he's just not as mature as you want him to be. it'll get there. first of all, 13 year olds shouldn't have bfs and gfs.
2015-10-04 4:09 pm
Don't panic or you will chase him down the hole he is digging. Simply, research (quality) things that 13 year olds SHOULD be doing and begin inviting him to do those things. Make time to really highlight these things like playing catch or building things and eventually something will peak his interest. Please don't look around you and compare him to other 13 year olds. Sometimes, it is necessary to do things with originality.
2015-10-07 12:21 am
Nothing is wrong with your son, it's you.
2015-10-06 6:48 pm
I was the same, no girlfriend until 23, I suffered from severe social anxiety, mabye ur son is the same
2015-10-06 5:32 pm
He's 13!!! Leave him alone and stop worrying. Now, when he's 15-16 and still the same, you can worry.
2015-10-06 2:42 pm
There's absolutely nothing wrong with him watching cartoon or having teddy bears, I am 14 years and still have dolls and teddy bears. I watch caillou and other cartoons with my little brother and I think it's fine, even my friends watch cartoon with their little siblings and that's absolutely fine. I think that if he has girlfriends and all maybe it will break his heart one day or something. His friends, I agree with you, I think he should hang out with friends and have fun, but I mean he still is kind of little so I don't think this is the most appropriate time for him to go out alone with friends.
Hope that helped :)
have a wonderful one!
2015-10-06 1:57 pm
There is nothing wrong with him. Not all boys have to play sports. So he has a teddy bear? Some people just like hugging onto something at night. I may ask Whats wrong with you?
2015-10-06 12:19 pm
He's completly normal, he's 13 and it's great he watches cartoons because he's still a kid! I'm 16 and I watch cartoons and it's normal.. What kids today do isn't ; thinking about makeup and bf gf instead of enjoying spongebob
2015-10-06 11:10 am
I think you have had a whole gamut of replies which place the blame game on you. Lets take your points one by one shall we?
1.My son is 13 and he still sleeps with a teddy bear
no problem but can be a problem if you make it so. generally speaking any behaviours you are not comfortable with and which are not dangerous you can ignore. That is a healthy response.
2. isn't. Interested in dating
perfectly normal at 13, partly depends on opportunity your attitude, his peer group etc
3. he hates sports
maybe he is rebelling from you....maybe you are pushing sporty ideas maybe he is overweight shy lots of reasons I cannot guess

4. all he watches is cartoons
if that's ALL he does yes not normal buy him a smart phone like everyone else

5. . He should be playing football having a girlfriend and going out with friends.

I think you need to cool down a bit
However if he is a clinically obese couch potato then you need to act
2015-10-06 8:40 am
I don't think anything's wrong. I'm 13, and I still sleep with a stuffed animal. And if he isn't interested in dating, it doesn't really matter. He's probably not ready yet or something. And everyone likes different things, boys don't have to like sports.
2015-10-06 6:58 am
Nothing wrong so far with your son. His Teddy Bear is his best friend, they get on just fine. Everyone has a pretend friend, even me and I'm 74.

At 13 your son is still a boy, let him enjoy his childhood.

I'm now in my second childhood. Busy doing nothing, working the whole day through.
2015-10-06 4:24 am
YOU think he should be doing these things.

Is your son "functional"?
Can be communicate in ways that others understand what he says?
Is he free from addictions and substance abuse?.
Does he make it to school and get passing grades?
Is he able to take care of himself (brush his teeth, brush his hair, take a shower, get dressed)?

Your son is normal.
There is nothing wrong with him.
It is your attitudes and expectations that are wrong and unhealthy.
He is who HE is . not who YOU think he should be.
參考: degree in psychology.
2015-10-06 12:48 am
Theres nothing wrong with him, I am 22, I still have teddy bears I watch cartoons.
He is only 13 years old, he has just finished primary school and moved onto high school (im assuming), he is still a child. Just give him time to grow up and im sure he will start to mature and gain friends along the way :)
2015-10-05 10:45 pm
No he's 13 and there's nothing wrong with him he probably finds these things enjoyable and it puts him at ease .. Nowadays there's a lot of pressure to do the things you listed and to be honest at 13 he should just be enjoying himself you should be happy knowing he's not Dating and in good time he'll find his way
2015-10-05 8:15 pm
I am fifteen and still sleep with a teddy bear.
There isn't usually anything wrong with holding on to childish likes when society believes you should have moved beyond it. That said, I wouldn't rule out him being intellectually abnormal until you've gotten him checked out.
2015-10-05 6:50 pm
I'm 80 years old and I love the Three Stoges, etc. And by the way- I have 9 stuffed dogs near my bed! Dogs got more sense than people! All they want is love!!
2015-10-05 2:31 am
If you're assuming this is homosexual behavior it is not.
2015-10-08 7:14 am
I'm a 15 year old guy and while I don't sleep with a teddy bear, watch cartoons, and I'm VERY eager to find a girlfriend, I HATE sports! I was never interested in them and I always thought they were dangerous because of all the kids passing out and getting severely injured or even KILLED during sport activities! Not something I wanna involve myself in. Not to mention, most sport players are overly competitive and think a little game is some kind of ticket to Hollywood!! It's pathetic.

I'm actually homeschooled and have been since 6th grade so I have all the freedom in the world to do what I want, WHEN I want! I'm kinda introverted so I spend most of my time in my room which I'am happy with. Sometimes I get bored but I like the idea of being in my room and sex-caming with girls online. It's VERY addicting and fun for me and nobody knows so shhh!! Anyways, I do believe your son is a little too old to be sleeping with stuffed animals. Watching cartoons is fine if that's what he likes to watch but the teddy bear nonsense was supposed to stop at 10.

He's a young man now and needs to do a little growing up but I do NOT suggest you push sports or dating on him! That is COMPLETELY his decision and he needs to start that stuff when he's ready. A girlfriend comes with responsibility and until he is ready to handle that, he doesn't need one anytime soon. I myself believe I CAN handle a girlfriend so I'm very enthusiastic about dating. Some guys are, some guys aren't. It just depends on the person! He's gotta let his life play out on it's own. You can't pressure him into things he doesn't wanna do because that will only lead to a heated debate and that ain't something you want! He has to do stuff when he's ready. Good luck!!!
2015-10-08 12:46 am
I don't see anything wrong with watching cartoons unless its the ones that are aimed at very young children (i.e Dora, Curious George). Spongebob, Adventure Time, and a lot of other shows on Cartoon Network are aimed at boys from the ages of around 9-13. So that seems very normal to me.
However, I think the teddy bear thing is a bit odd. I was completely disinterested in playing with teddy bears and things like that by the time I was 9. I feel like after 10 or 11 most kids are past that stage of playing teddy bears and getting more into dating and friends. I'm not saying there's something wrong with it, it just seems a bit odd to me.
You shouldn't put pressure on your son to live up to societal expectations of what a boy should be like. Not every boy likes sports. Maybe he doesn't even like girls! Try to encourage him to get involved with certain things that may be more fitting for his age without putting him down. If he doesn't like sports, have him join a club.
Have you ever considered that he might have autism or developmental issues? I don't know your son so it's hard to judge off of a few details. He might just be immature and he'll end up getting more into that stuff within the next couple of years. I know some kids like that. However, I definitely don't think its normal to be playing with teddy bears at 13.
2015-10-07 12:29 pm
The question should be..What is wrong with me? not what is wrong with him?....The problem is your attitude and not anything he does
2015-10-07 11:01 am
He is normal . don't you worry
2015-10-07 6:53 am
Why not just ask him, he's your son ? Is it that you are afraid of what his answer may be.
2015-10-07 4:40 am
I hope he never comes across this post. Hopefully you've learned lots since posting it. I'd erase it, like, yesterday, and be there for him if he ever needs - and feels safe enough - to share something about himself with you.
2015-10-07 4:00 am
You should be more concerned if he WAS dating. He s 13. Normally sleeping with a teddy bear at that age would be a little odd but it s ok though just not common, but if I was his friend and he told me that i really wouldn t care. I have no interest in sports and there isn t much wrong with me, and I m a 17 year old guy.
2015-10-07 12:50 am
He's only 13 why do you want him to grow up too fast you should value this time with him whilst you can and be grateful he's not out drinking and taking drugs getting girls pregnant
2015-10-06 11:20 pm
I'm 21 and still have my baby blanket, still sleep with the stuffed animals my boyfriend gives me and take every opportunity I can to watch cartoons with my niece. There's nothing wrong with him at all.
2015-10-06 10:17 pm
Hi, I am Lily.

Don't think you are the only one with this problem, many other parents have this problem with their child (well teen) but there are ways to solve it. I may only be a 12 year old girl but I have a lot to say XD

- Ask him to invite one of his mates (say mates not friends) over for a night (say night not sleepover)

- Buy him something most teens like and are doing/using

- Help him get rid of his teddy, bury it or something. Cut it up and hide it somewhere he will find it. I know it sounds mean but you can say the cat ate it

- Just simply talk to him

- Ask him how he's feeling

All of these simple solutions could help your son.

I hope I helped you solve your problems and I hope your son is happy :-)

Lily xx
2015-10-06 9:31 pm
he's fine, just love and accept him.
2015-10-06 9:27 pm
Nothing is wrong with him and I hope you eased up since reading these answers. Riding him about these "problems" might just lead to new, different problems. Don't you realize how young 13 is? That's not even high school. I bet if he was a girl you wouldn't be worried about her having a boyfriend.

It sounds like you are stressing about the stereotypical things boys are supposed to like (sports, girls, certain tv shows) Spend more time with him to find out what he ACTUALLY likes.
2015-10-06 8:10 pm
Wrong? He's still a child. 13 is to young for a girlfriend. Leave him alone, sounds like a normal kid.
2015-10-06 2:02 pm
I think he is doing good. I wouldt want my son at 13 dating no way, not in this society. But I dont have a son. If he is 17 and still sleeping with his teddy bear I would have a talk with him. At least hes not into drugs and making lots of babies. Hopefully he is getting good grades.
2015-10-06 7:45 am
Nothing Wrong with him.
2015-10-06 6:16 am
13 is too young for a girlfriend and who cares he sleeps with a bear
2015-10-06 4:21 am
Maybe just needs the time to grow up.
2015-10-06 1:33 am
Why are you so concerned about your son not being like everyone else? Instead of comparing him to other 13 year old's, embrace him for how he is. Find out who he really is and do things with him that he likes to do. You will find your relationship with him growing and you will realize how amazing he is and not worry about what other kids he age are doing. There is only one of him, enjoy the gift before you.
2015-10-05 10:10 pm
Your parenting skills a pathetic............
2015-10-05 9:50 pm
nothing is wrong with him he'll get older faster then you think when he's 17 then you should slowly be worried
2015-10-05 9:31 pm
Aw! He sounds adorable. He's got his own pace, walking to his own drum beat. Just enjoy him being in your life. Kids don't have to do anything to be cherished.
2015-10-05 5:25 pm
I am 16 and I sleep with my Cartoon looking pillows On my bed that keep me with company and relax when I sleep, and I love watching cartoon, Cartoon like Adventure Time SpongeBob Squarepants, We Bare Bears and more show, I am not a fan of football myself but I like badminton but don't really play it and I like play basketball to but don't play that much. And don't worry he will get a girlfriend when he is ready and in the aura of love, slow and steady win the race .???? ????
2015-10-05 5:17 pm
maybe he acts different around sxchool? I know my little sister is 12 in second year, she would act all grown up in school and when she comes home would be back to her childish ways and be herself more.
2015-10-05 4:58 pm
You're his parent! It's nobody's fault but yours how your son turned out.
2015-10-05 2:02 pm
I think theres something wrong with you if you think a 13 year old child needs a girlfriend? Ugh
2015-10-05 12:02 pm
leave him alone, he will grow up when its right for him were all diff ok
2015-10-05 8:33 am
Who the hell dates at the age of 13? Be lucky that he isn't caught up in the degenerate sexual culture of this generation which causes tons of unwanted pregnanices and abortions.
2015-10-05 7:47 am
Nah. Why get hurt and run yourself ragged in football? Perhaps girls his age aren't his thing and he really needs a mature woman. Later in life, of course she he is of legal age.
2015-10-05 7:29 am
Family guy is a cartoon whats wrong wIth that
2015-10-05 5:03 am
Totally let him get a girlfriend so he can get her pregnant. Smh. Let your him watch Cartoon. You're gonna regret everything you just said someday because he's gonna change. So I suggest you leave him alone and let him be a kid.
2015-10-05 2:45 am
stop generalizing and stop treating him the way you think he should or shouldn't be. 13 yr old shouldn't have a bf or a gf.
2015-10-05 2:44 am
I'm 17 and I think he just needs to find a hobby. And yes he needs to get out. Trust me, he needs to get out and hang out with people. You need to take him places where he has to be social. It will help a lot. If hes all out going at a young age is raised in the same town and same school he will end up having a great time in high school. I had to move too many times and meet new people. Now im super shy and have bad anxiety. But when i was younger i was out going. Just get him out of the house as much as you can. Take him grocery shopping, to the park, trying out for sports, and working out will be so important. Get him in the habbit of staying healthy or he will grow up depressed.
參考: Experiance
2015-10-04 10:13 pm
just wait a year or two
2015-10-06 1:02 pm
First off there's nothing wrong with your son, you're just making it seem like there is. Second, your son may not be interested in sports or dating (some boys aren't actually), or he hasn't found the right girl yet. Third, it's alright to still sleep with a stuffed animal, because it might be because he feels safe with it. Forth, your son may not want to have friends because he prefers his own company, and nothing is wrong with that!
My question for you is: do you even know your son? Or do you even have a good relationship with him? I'm not saying this to offend you, but the way you asked this question makes me question if your son has a strained relationship with you. I understand that you want him to be like everyone else, but that's not always the case, and you need to bring yourself to accept that. Your son's interests may change in the future, or they may not, but you need to accept your son's differences. Difference is good (most of the time), and you must come to terms with that. Who knows? He might become a successful man in the future.
Think about it.
2015-10-05 5:17 pm
Your son sounds like he chose to be this way. Autism is a choice after all! He should be exterminated
2015-10-05 2:17 pm
U r the 1 with the issue. Tune up ur parenting or u r going to hurt his self esteem... Let him be himself or it will come back to u in a major way. If u don't let him go through the phases of life naturally, he'll end up in diapers in a baby crib at 30 years old putting out ads for Male seeking Male on Craigslist.
2015-10-04 10:03 pm
Ummmmmm theres nothing wrong with your son, he shouldnt be dating or having intercourse at 13, hes a kid, just be happy with that
2015-10-04 5:00 pm
I would take him to the doctor for an evaluation to determine if he is intellectually normal for his age and to see if he is on the austism spectrum. If he is okay on those things, then someone is enabling or even subconciousy encouraging him to stay a small child and not grow up.

Especially with the youngest child in the family, this can happen. Often with the parent doing it not aware of the harm they're causing the child. If that is what's happening, I'd recommend family therapy for both parents and the boy.
2017-02-17 2:10 am
Think out of the box when it comes to dates. Do things that are unexpected and fun. You want her to feel like when she’s with you anything is possible. Learn here http://AttractAnyWoman.emuy.info/?7yQ8

She’s been on plenty of dinner-and-a-movie dates. Do a little research and find interesting places and things to do around town that’s out of the ordinary. There are hidden gems in every city. Also, get to know the owners of small restaurants and business. When your date is known by the people in the establishment, it feels more like you’re being invited into his inner circle. Just be aware that there’s a fine line between being impressive and showing off. Make sure that you make your date feel like you’re inviting her in and sharing instead of being a douche. It all goes back to intentions.
2015-10-12 1:12 am
Ma'am this is normal. He's still a little kid! Hell, I even consider eighteen year olds kids.
2015-10-10 3:51 am
參考: Being a 13 year old
2015-10-10 2:21 am
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your son. Honestly, I think you should be thankful that you have an innocent and probably wonderful son. Not everyone likes sports or to the degree that you seem to like them. And he might be interested in dating but is shy or doesn't want to share with you. Dating should be low on the priority list for a 13 year old. Be proud and concerned of what your son is doing and less concerned about what he's not doing.
2015-10-09 5:51 pm
Hello, I am a 19 year old who is cuddled with 3 plushies right now, i didnt have any boyfriends until 15 and then i kept having them, they became the ones buying me pushies, and i grew up watching cartoons. Right now i am in Japan with the scholarship of Japanese government for undergraduate studies, if you thinks it might be ok for girls, there is also a guy here with plushies and girlfriends who is 18. theres nothing wrong, he is just 13, and plushies show that he has a kind, caring heart. watching cartoons is not really childish, its a very easy way to get your mind off of stuff for a while, and completely normal when youre 13 :)
2015-10-09 2:00 pm
You didn't raise him correctly you useless parent. SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR DNA!
2015-10-09 4:00 am
Ok I am tired of parents trying to controll a kids life he is only 13 I'd rather have my son hold a teddy bear than hold a gun and kill people. It amazes me how many times parents complain about the sweetest thing a kid does and thinks something is wrong, but think they need to date or they need to do this. Maybe he's not doing this stuff cause he knows you want to embarss him.
2015-10-09 3:06 am
he's probably doing the marijuana. kids these days..
2015-10-09 2:39 am
He's just being himself. He does not at all have to be a stereotypical American male to be normal. If he's happy being who he is, I don't think you should see any problem in that.
2015-10-09 2:28 am
Don't make him have a girlfriend if he doesn't want one lol.
2015-10-09 1:24 am
It means nothing.
2015-10-09 12:54 am
He's 13. I'm 16 and still sleep with my Teddy Bear. I hate sports. I watch cartoons. HMU fam
2015-10-09 12:43 am
There's nothing wrong with him. You should never say that their is something wrong with your child in such a negative way. Some people have interests that are different than others, and he may not have a girlfriend because he isn't interested in girls. Watching cartoons isn't age restrictive, and sports isn't fancied by everybody. Just because there are differences in hobbies does not mean there is something wrong
2015-10-09 12:16 am
You're terrible if you think any of these are problems
2015-10-08 10:59 pm
I think your son is alright not to be one of those douchebags who gets girlfriends at such a young age and brag about his prestige at cod.
2015-10-08 10:27 pm
I am a 17 year old girl with a boyfriend, great social life, and play 7 sports but i still sleep with a stuffed animal, watch cartoons and like to stay home alot. Everyone grows up in their own time theres nothing wrong with him dont you worry
2015-10-08 10:13 pm
I am 67 years old and I have my special pillow.
2015-10-08 9:45 pm
Wow, who cares? Your son likes cartoons and does not like sports? There is nothing wrong with that, as long as he gets some physical exercise. I also hate sports. I have my blanket from childhood still, too.
Consider yourself lucky the hormones have not kicked in yet. Boys mature slower than girls.
If your son gets the idea that YOU think he is abnormal, that would hurt him.
2015-10-08 5:49 pm
Well, by all means, constantly force your ideals into his life. I'm sure that won't cause any problems later on.
2015-10-08 5:45 pm
he's slow growing up, this may not necessarily be abnormal but as time moves on you need to pay attention to his development
2015-10-08 5:41 pm
It sounds like the only problem your son has is YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-10-08 3:14 pm
I am 20 years old and I still feel like a baby, I watch my childhood videos, and pretend to act like a child. I don't feel weird in any way. I don't flirt with boys, except the guy I like. I prefer being myself and wouldn't change for anything. Childhood only lastwhile, make sure your child enjoys it while he can.
2015-10-08 1:25 pm
there's nothing wrong with him... He will change with time for sure :)
2015-10-08 11:43 am
Your son is gay. I am sorry.
2015-10-08 8:15 am
Oh god I wish you were my parent.....0 That came out creepy anyways my mom is the total opposite she's like you have to go to school go to college get a job and earn money no time for boys and sh*t
2015-10-08 7:00 am
Nothing. Unless he wets his bed lol. Nothing at all. Rather have him be calm than to be out getting into trouble. Enjoy it! I didnt start partying til i was 21 22. Im a girl...just was shy in school. I played a GB.. Listen to music..and ate cheetohs while watching cartoon. Everyone is different. Take care
2015-10-08 5:09 am
If you think he needs a girlfriend at 13 your a shitty parent
2015-10-08 4:04 am
I really hope you're joking. Because most 13 year olds still do that.
Also he shouldn't have a gf at this age. Unless you wanna be a grand dad. Lol
2015-10-08 3:40 am
Well nothing is wrong with him. Maybe he just didnt griw up yet mentally
2015-10-08 2:26 am
Let the lad have his child hood we only get one you will notice when he is ready
2015-10-08 2:02 am
He is 13.. so what if he sleeps with a teddy bear.... DONT JUDGE HIM... JUST LOVE HIM !!!
2015-10-08 1:51 am
This is only said because I've seen this but I do not know your whole situation. Bu, has anything traumatic happen? I've seen this mostly in sexually assaulted/abused kids and kids that have had a loss of a loved one and they just haven't fully grieved. I would suggest a therapist to get to the root of any problem. That being said I'm 21 years old and love Disney! lol.
2015-10-08 1:48 am
Omg shut up he is 13
2015-10-07 11:30 pm
Well many children dont grow up equally and have the same interests like others do. My family constantly would ask me (and still do) why im not in a relationship and why i am not interested in things that other teens are interested in. Its just not how want to live my life just yet. Your son is still young and enjoying his childhood. You really dont have to worry these things are normal. If he isnt interested in sports, find what he is interested in and get him involved in that so he can become more social. Sleeping with stuffed animals is completely normal (i still do it because its super conforting lol). Trust me you really dont want him to grow up so quickly because soon he will slip from your grasp into adulthood, enjoy that he is young and innocent now and communicate with him of his interests, likes, and dislikes and everything will turn out great in the relationship you have with your son as a parent.
Hope this helps:)
2015-10-07 11:29 pm
Congrats!! You babyed him to poop much as a child and now. He needs to do things more on his own from now on.
2015-10-07 10:59 pm
Every kid is different. Let him prosper at his own rate. If you keep making his behavior out to be weird he is only going to resent you. It's not weird what he is doing. It makes him geneuine/real. Authentic.
2015-10-07 10:07 pm
Nothing is wrong with him. I have never had a gf and I'm 15. I always watch cartoons and so do most people I know. I was sleeping with stuffed animals since I was 1 year old to 14 years old. I've actually always loved sports but its not bad if he doesn't like them, some people don't like other things! DAMN!
2015-10-07 9:32 pm
talk to him
2015-10-07 8:56 pm
My son is almost 13 and still act like a child. Cherish these moments before they grow up to fast and you will never see them again. My son also sleep with his blanket since he was a baby.
2015-10-07 8:37 pm
It's his choice
2015-10-07 7:49 pm
he is different
2015-10-07 7:12 pm
There is NOTHING wrong with your son!
I have grand children, in college, and they still
hang onto their teddy bears.
2015-10-07 6:29 pm
while yes he should be going out with friends, he should not have a girlfriend until he's maybe 19 or so. Anyway something is missing. He's found solace in inaminate objects that can't hurt him with words or physically. You have not taught him how to cope, nor have taught him how to get along with others (so he will have a tough time later on), and have not taught him about sports or to have neighborhood friends and probably you have not interestedy ourself in organizations so that he could model after you. He does enjoy his own company thought and at some times in life that's good, however if a kid doesn't learn to get along with others around 6 or 7 then they fake it the rest of their lives. Socially you have put a trip on your kid so don't be surprised if he doesn't want to support himself in the future. It starts with you so get out and talk with other mothers and find out how they treated their kids at 6 or 7 and begin getting your kid out of the house (supervised at first). Some things he will have to train in with a mentor first before he gets out and does things with a friend or a team.

Perhaps your kid thinks he's not normal physically when he really is. Or perhaps someone has touched him and he's not admitted it or he wondered about it or was afraid about that occurring. Maybe he needs some judo skills.
2015-10-07 6:13 pm
It sounds as if you are trying to build a blue print of "proper" behavior for a boy and force your son to conform to it. That is the wrong way to go. Your son is an individual with his own set of strengths and weaknesses. Very few people actually fit into that narrow range of behavior that society considers to be acceptable. Allow your son to be the person that he is and celebrate his individuality.
2015-10-07 5:49 pm
2015-10-07 5:27 pm
Sounds like YOU need counseling !
2015-10-07 4:35 pm
Nothing wrong so far with your son. His Teddy Bear is his best friend, they get on just fine. Everyone has a pretend friend, even me and I'm 74.

At 13 your son is still a boy, let him enjoy his childhood.

I'm now in my second childhood. Busy doing nothing, working the whole day through.
2015-10-07 10:35 am
poor kid
2015-10-07 8:28 am
If he did what you think he should do, then you would wish he was home with his teddy bear.
2015-10-07 4:26 am
I'm 21 and still sleep with a life size stitch like from Lolo and stitch. Your son is still developing
2015-10-07 2:42 am
Nothing original man did not Evan develop sexualy till his 20s its a sign you son could live into his 90s or Evan 100 but be warned late starters have lots more children
2015-10-07 2:20 am
You are a horrible parent. What your son is doing is very normal. I have known children and grown ups older than him that watch cartoons and even Sesame Street and Barney. Not all boys are interested in sports and there are many guys that have not started dating until they finish their college career. He is only 13 and he does not need to get serious with any girls if he doesn't feel like it. What your son does and does not do is really none of your business. So mind your own business and let your son live his life. It's his life and not yours. Also if he wants to sleep with his teddy bear that is fine. Your son is very normal. I applaud him and praise him for being the way he is. Shame on you.
2015-10-07 2:03 am
at 13 you should be happy he doesn't have a GF...that's so young! now sports and being more active , yes I agree tell him to join something even if its not a sport but he shouldn't waste his time on cartoons. Teddy Bear ...ahh whatever I knew a girl who slept with her blankie til she was 21
2015-10-07 1:54 am
They love it
2015-10-07 1:08 am
I agree and disagree with you. I agree that he shouldn't sleep with a teddy bear. I agree he should be hanging out with his friends. I agree he should be into sports. I don't agree, nor disagree he should be dating right now. I think 14 is the normal age to start.
2015-10-07 12:04 am
You are the problem, or at least your stereotypes and expectations are. 13 is very young (it's an 8th of the average lifespan) so stop worrying and let him live his.life.
2015-10-06 10:43 pm
There isn't nothing wrong with him he can just do what he loves.
2015-10-06 10:22 pm
He is finee, I'm 15 and sometimes i stil watch sponge bob. cmon people. srsly??
2015-10-06 8:01 pm
Nothing wrong with him just give him some time you are expecting things to work too fast
2015-10-06 7:30 pm
No. He does not have to have a girlfriend or be playing football. Just let the kid live his life. It's probably just a geeky phase anyways. All kids go through them.
2015-10-06 5:47 pm
At 13 people still watch cartoons and do all of that stuff. Well at least I did. dont force him to grow up let him grow up at the pace he wants to. if you force it, it can backfire terribly. hes only a child once in his life so let him enjoy it when he can
2015-10-06 4:17 pm
What's wrong with you ?
Leave him a lone he is still young .
2015-10-06 4:09 pm
Let it go, it is his interest
2015-10-06 11:58 am
NO, whats wrong with you, instead ?? I am 26, I like to watch Pokémon, Tom and Jerry, I am going out with friends, I like sports. I like to cuddle with my pillow and I am married.
2015-10-06 11:45 am
u should ask him what r his dreams & aims...he must be capable of getting more than what u wish...trust me if u encourage him to that what his real passion is he can be extremely successful...just talk & let him be natural...God bless:)
2015-10-06 7:32 am
Look how well keeping child-like mannerisms well into early adult life served Roy and Walt Disney; they drew out their imaginary friends and characters seen in their dreams.....and from that, the Brothers Disney built an empire.

Hugh Heffner spent full days AND nights in silk pajamas and ordered childhood favorite snacks between dinner meals---while he literally surrounded himself with editorial work on Playboy magazine; his "immature" obsessions served him well, too.

Many famous pop culture icons of music, TV, theater, box office film, literary and/or print media---all share one common thread: To some degree, they never fully grew up--and individual components of such fueled their passion for successes.

Point here: Chill and take solace everything is going to be OK; let your son live his life--and be supportive of his thoughts, dreams and decisions of life.
2015-10-06 7:09 am
It is normal I think... let him choose what he wanted don't push him to do what is not he want maybe he is a late bloomer that he wanted to relax a little...
2015-10-06 6:16 am
I am a pro gamer, I don't rly love sports, but nothing is wrong with me because I sit inside and play video games all day. It's something I like to do and nobody could ever discourage me from it. With the teddy bear, hell, I still sleep with a stuffed dog, and I'm 14.
2015-10-06 6:05 am
You have to let children develop themselves. Children usually are innocent, and you have to let that wear off. You should rather him being immature and playing with a Teddy bear than with friends and girlfriend. When children are around other children for a certain amount of time, they pick up the attitudes and problems that someone else's child has and you end up as the parent being angry and emotional, and that is in your position. Let the innocence wear off. Would you like for him to end up with a wife and child at 13 or fourteen? Most teenagers are worried about breaking the rules, having sex, doing drugs, keep him that way until he breaks out of it. Just.. Let him express himself. Your image for him, is not good. It shouldn't be your expectations, don't set high expectations and expect them to live to that. He probably doesn't want to do what you want him because he is basically tired of you. Children want to make their own decisions, sometimes you cannot keep them from right or wrong, you have to let them find out the hard way. They will take your help for granted. Do not force him to-do something he does not want to, that is peer pressure from his own parent! Football jocks are generally big Assholes. You will have a big hairy *** for a child. Keep him away from that mentality and he won't have the sense of entitlement of a king. Stop expecting your child to be you. He is your child. What if you want him to have a girlfriend and he ends up with a boyfriend? That's another problem. Pull yourself together. You are forcively pushing him to-do something he shouldn't, you are a bully. And it sounds like to me you do not want your child in the house, am I correct? Why else would you be such an enthusiast of him getting out of the house? I know you want the best for him, but intelligence is the best for him. Don't let him grow up with his head embedded in an iPhone screen, and him ruin his life because you wanted him to do something.
2015-10-06 5:47 am
1. So what if he isn't into girls he only 13!! You want him screwing around and possibly getting a girl pregnant?? 2. Not everyone is into football or sports so get over it. 3. who cares if he sleeps with stuffed animals he will grow out of it. **** man I really hope your not his dad
2015-10-06 2:10 am
There's nothing wrong with your son. Maybe, he's either autistic (e.g. Chris-chan) or immature. My friend is not interested in sports, but rather was lost into the world of horror stories - I have a similar interest, except it's a different genre - fanfiction and young adult fiction. Also one of my friends is not interested in sports, but on a rather complete contrasting turn, he watches retro kids' TV shows and movies and enjoys drawing cartoons from scratch the old-fashioned way. It depends on interest and personality, you should know it better than that.

My backstory: When I was about his age, I was attempted to do the screenplay for the movie. The screenplay was complete, but the movie did not do its justice by itself, thanks to Old Shame. I wrote fanfiction, still am and always will.
2015-10-06 1:37 am
No that's normal. Some people develop at a different pace, it's okay.
2015-10-06 1:01 am
Remember that he is only 13 and you can't expect too much from him.
2015-10-06 12:55 am
there is nothing wrong with him all though he is a little childish i mean i am still afraid of the dark and sleep in my mommy's room
2015-10-05 10:45 pm
Nothing wrong with it. It just means he's an introvert. If he's happy, then you should be happy for him.

I'm 18 and still sleep with teddies, have yet to date/be kissed and spend my free days indoors. I always have done. I'm perfectly happy.
2015-10-05 9:29 pm
There is nothing wrong with that. Your son is trying to keep hold of his childhood. You should enjoy that because half he kids of society are getting drunk and/or having babies!
2015-10-05 9:24 pm
He is innocent
2015-10-05 7:59 pm
Your son is still a kid, lt will pass in maybe a year or so. Just enjoy him while he is still young and innocent they grow up fast
2015-10-05 7:32 pm
Give him a ate at or so. That will change on the girlfriend and going out with friends. As far as cartoons I'm 23 and I love watching cartoons.
2015-10-05 7:25 pm
If you have to ask then I suggest that you speak to his teachers, friends etc. Spend time with him and help him develop socially by getting involved. Meaning sports, hobbies, etc. My son was interested in cars, so his dad redid a classic car with him. He skied because we bought the pass and snowboard. He rode motor cross and atvs as the neighborhood kids had them. I do recall him jumping off waterfalls at 13 and swimming in gravel pits, but I had him swim laps and diving lessons also at that age. You must be actively involved. Church youth group also!
2015-10-05 7:11 pm
I Don't See nothing wrong. he still has time for all of that.
2015-10-05 5:11 pm
there is nothing wrong with him I still sleep with a teddy bear and I am over thirty
2015-10-05 4:55 pm
U ever see step-brothers lol anyone lol
he just needs friends and to grow up. gotta make him do it, he'll thank u for getting him out of that someday just force him to watch less tv and play outside id start with.
2015-10-05 12:50 pm
At the age of 13 sleeping with a teddy bear is not a thing to be worred about but not taking to sports is smething to be worried about because it has an impact on ones health . Watching cartoons is an interesting hobby .Try to introduce one or two girls from known families to join and watch cartoons with him . He will gradually get used to them as a teenager .Right now he is a kid and absolutely nothing wrong with him . As his mother you should not be unnecessrily worried because you have enough things to do as a housewife .
2015-10-05 11:45 am
At 13y/o I doubt many boys would have a girlfriend. Not all boys are into sports but it would be nice if he had a hobby or was in a social group. He does seem to need a bit of a push to get him active. It worries me perhaps he is not being accepted by his peers and may even be bullied so just stays home and entertains himself.
2015-10-05 9:19 am
The fruit does not fall far from the tree. Like father like son, Parenting does not happen from afar. You as a parent must lead the child in the right direction, be part of a group, join social clubs, be part of a team, put your self out there, volunteer with good organizations, and o yea, take your son with you.
2015-10-05 8:43 am
millennials not intrested in doing manly stuff and not really gay.
2015-10-05 8:34 am
Stop pressurising him he probably has depression and social anxiety trust me if you keep nagging him it will drive him towards suicide.
2015-10-05 8:17 am
He is fine. Leave him be for a year or so more. The world is in such turmoil...can you blame him. Every one does not mature at the same rate or level. Do not make him feel ashamed or guilty.
2015-10-05 3:20 am
Personally I had a bear until 16, not that abnormal. Normally people who have one for that long simply need something to do with their arm, personally I needed one simply because I had one arm under my pillow and couldn't sleep without having something to wrap my other arm around. Now if he has an emotionally attachment to the bear and in a few years still does than it might be more of an issue.
2015-10-05 2:21 am
Let him try horseback riding. Very calming and an amazing sport
2015-10-05 2:05 am
Thats exactly like me, except Im a girl haha????
2015-10-04 11:50 pm
2015-10-12 5:29 pm
In my books, 13 is too young to date. Girls his age don't understand the difference between being loved and being flattered by a guy. I doubt he knows this difference either.

There's nothing wrong with watching cartoons. It just happens to be what he likes. What's wrong with that? If you really want him to watch more mature tv (which I don't know why you would as I don't see why this would bother you), I'd suggest finding a "grown up show" about something that interests him. But really, the idea of TV is mostly for entertainment, no?

Why on earth is it a problem that he doesn't play football?? There's millions of other possible things for him to do! What's so great about football that you think there's something wrong with him if he doesn't play it? He might just be scared of the ball, which is perfectly reasonable!

There's nothing wrong with sleeping with a teddy bear. It's just something that creates extra comfort. I'm 22 and I still sleep with my barney stuffed animal. I have a steady job, I'm working toward my future dream, and I'm living on my own. I use it because I enjoy it. Hopefully this shows you that you can be mature and still have a comfort toy.
2015-10-07 8:42 am
The problem is that you babied him too much. It's time for you to put your foot down and force him to play football or some other sport and put the teddy bear in the trash. It's time for him to man up.
參考: Father of two sons
2015-10-07 2:20 am
I think you are a very caring and good parent. A loving parent could be worried for kid's little problems.
But dont worry its not so much wrong with him. He has childish nature.
You may buy football and other sports things for him. Invite his cousins in your home to stay few days. It could help. Do you have friends and come to your home, if he dont see you have that also be a reason he feels to have friends. He enjoys watching cartoon so he do it.
Dont deny if he ask you to play with him anytime.
And pray to the only creator god for his good even you dont believe in god because a loving parent can do anything for kids.
2015-10-06 12:02 am
You're the problem. I have a brother just like him. I know what kind of parent you are.
Someday he will get older and have your *** hauled out by police and an ambulance.
2015-10-05 10:25 pm
he is retarded
2015-10-05 9:40 pm
he may be gay but that is fine and actually is viewed as the "cool" thing now since supreme court ruled it cool and homosexuality has a very progressive nature about it
2015-10-05 12:04 pm
He is probably gay. Pay an 18 year old prostitute to try to seduce him and see what happens.
2015-10-04 5:27 pm
Nothing wrong with him this is 2015 he is he alpha male of this decade he will be soon getting pussy just introduce him to tinder
2015-10-05 10:09 pm
He may be 13, but he still has the 3 year old mind set.

Not an insult. Just what's happening.

By the time he is 21, he will have broken out of it.

It's simply taking him longer than most to get there.
2015-10-04 4:05 pm
maybe you take him to a psychiatrist to find out if hes autistic or something like that

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