What do you think of China?

2015-10-04 9:44 am

回答 (48)

2015-10-05 1:34 am
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Oldest country, smartest people, will own everything one day
2015-10-04 9:45 am
animal cruelty
2015-10-04 9:44 am
They eat dogs
2015-10-05 12:49 am
2015-10-05 4:37 am
The fact that they boil cats and dogs alive for food and entertainment, they skin dogs alive and pass them off as mink fur coats, they ran over protesting students with their Tanks, and when I go to China Town for specialty groceries, the older generations push and shove me (and others) around with no "excuse me or sorry" after a bump. I'm not a fan of them.
2015-10-04 12:02 pm
Child abusers
2015-10-04 9:54 am
Great Wall of china
2015-10-04 9:49 am
well I've heard China ruins other countrie's economics
2015-10-04 11:13 pm
It seems like they produce a lot of hard workers. I am bit confused as to why a lot of them migrate , is China that poor of a country?
2015-10-04 10:32 am
It's a large and complex nation with a political system I disagree with. It's also sad that there is so much pollution, especially in the heavily populated areas. The history is fascinating, it is the longest living civilization after all. The food is amazing. The great diversity of the nation has created many interesting dishes and flavors.
2015-10-05 12:06 am
don't care for some of the things they do to the people there being communist
2015-10-04 3:44 pm
Don't like it and do not like their leader.
2015-10-04 9:44 am
hate it
2015-10-05 2:49 am
I think it's an interesting country with an innovative and vibrant history. Politically, I think they have some problems though.
2015-10-05 12:46 pm
A country easy to hate or love…

Love, because of its very rich history, special cuisine and … cheap labor force
Hate, because nothing and no one is of value there, violation of human rights, no strict security measures, too much crowded cities, ANYTHING that moves is eaten…
2015-10-05 1:50 am
Is intresting, love the culture. Is big and pack
2015-10-04 8:46 pm
The food is awesome, the art is pretty, and the music and language are awesome.
2015-10-04 3:44 pm
I don't think about other countries much, I'm not a world traveler. So what do I care?
2015-10-04 10:30 am
I'd love to visit. But would want to scour the country-side, not limit myself to the cities. It's big. I may need a month road trip and a cool tour guide! :) *brings sketchbook/water colors
2015-10-04 10:05 am
its good if you want to make a plate or a cup
2015-10-04 10:05 am
2015-10-04 9:45 am
They have a lot of people and make a lot of things
2015-10-04 9:53 am
A nice country just love it the people are so friendly they are just awesome.
2015-10-04 9:54 am
crowded and ****
2015-10-06 4:09 pm
It is #1 manufacturing country
2015-10-06 11:51 am
Never been their but I've always loved Asian people. They're respectful
2015-10-06 8:22 am
huge population
2015-10-05 11:17 pm
HUGE country!
2015-10-05 8:23 pm
Fancy dishes.
2015-10-05 2:52 am
I'm indifferent.
2015-10-05 12:19 pm
2015-10-05 8:45 am
It's a country
2015-10-05 8:33 am
a great Country with Internal problems who want to be left alone
2015-10-05 6:45 am
Good dumpling soup. Peking duck.
2015-10-05 6:16 am
2015-10-04 11:22 am
I am all for it.. we use our good china twice a year.. thanksgiving and the christmas holidays....
2015-10-05 12:37 am
i want to go there, they have many teas and great scenerys
2015-10-04 11:54 pm
Large country
2015-10-04 9:45 pm
tons of people
2015-10-04 9:15 pm
Very fragile
2015-10-04 3:47 pm
One of the dominating country and comparable to USA
2015-10-04 3:15 pm
healthy diet
2015-10-04 2:46 pm
They are different.
2015-10-04 1:43 pm
2015-10-04 10:09 am
Awesome dramas. Especially those olden-style ''wuxia''(fighting? fantasy?) shows. I have been watching ''The Journey of Flower'' and it has been brilliant to say the least!
2015-10-04 10:06 am
It sounds a great place.
2015-10-04 9:51 am
a beautiful,lovely country
2015-10-04 8:31 pm
They make good food and have a lot of sex.

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