Is there a perfect band for my music taste? (Extreme metal)?

2015-10-04 3:33 am
i love technicality, like sweeping and tapping. also really heavy slams every now and then. mostly gutturals and high screams.

is there anything that fits this taste?

heres a link to ishitrobots they are pretty much exactly what i am looking for:

i want basically technical slam

回答 (2)

2015-10-04 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Check out "Ben-Wa Baby Heads" and "Reinsertion of Aborted Remnants" by Retch. They might be up your alley.
2015-10-04 4:05 am
Well in life there is never something perfect thats really hard to attain, but getting real close is possible. But in the music world its hard because tastes change and bands cease to exist. It appears you know exactly what you want so again its possible. But suggesting it is a whole other story, you need to look yourself. Your the best judge there is

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