
2015-10-04 2:16 am
1. 如果我受聘時,未有CRE成績,可能之後先去考OR先出成績,咁會吾會調整番薪酬。
2. 我參加遴選中考了CRE,受聘前出CRE成績,會吾會調整番薪酬。

回答 (1)

2015-10-04 7:15 am
1. No. Once you are appointed, you must follow the merit system for promotion.

2. No. There is no indication your CRE result is considered.

Bottom line - unless you are certain that your CRE result is considered, your highest level will be strictly based on whatever qualification you have presented.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 16:02:50
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