Life: Whats its meaning? Could we be in a game that our REAL world has made? A virtual existence? Post your comments down below.?

2015-10-04 1:21 am

回答 (21)

2015-10-04 1:23 am
Thanks for your answers! What I mean is basically Could our REAL WORLD's technology advanced so far to having us remember nothing about our previous life and creating a new one inside of a game? If we die in this game do we leave the game? There are so much questions But can't be theoretically proven. Guess there's only one way to find out huh?
2015-10-04 2:23 am

Virtual or not, if you cut off your finger, it gushes blood and you have to go to the hospital. Commit a felony, and you go to jail, act crazy enough and you go to an asylum, so…

What difference does it make if it's a perfect simulation or not.

If it's a "perfect" simulation, then there's no difference, and so it doesn't matter.
2015-10-07 12:36 pm
Here are my ideas to how we live our life:

-It's all a dream.. Now quick wake up!!
-We are in a video game, and when we die/lose we leave our memories/loot behind.
-We are all in a movie called "reality" but no one knows! Well except me... because I did come up with it.
-We are all dead and we just keep watching our memories over and over again.
-We need to find something like a book or something special basically, and when we find it.. it's the end of life and boom! A new world gets created and that special object re-spawns somewhere else.
-Earth is actually a living thing and it plays with us like we are dolls. Btw Earth will have to have 7 billion pairs of hands.
Last one: Life is a game being controlled by Karma

Hope you liked these suggestions!
2015-10-05 10:38 pm
Basically like a non linear video game. You can influence the world arround you. Family can make people happy but others have friends. The meaning is for us to develop and progress as a species and show the rest of the world that we can not get taken down without a fight.
2015-10-04 11:50 pm
Oh my God I kinda love/ kinda hate ideas like these!

I have at some point thought that:
-We are actually live t.v that is being watched by aliens or the REAL world
-We're all just dolls and the world is just a massive doll house that's being played with
-That God plays some sims style game and we're just sims being controlled
-We are actually dead and what we think we're living is actually just our memories
-Life is literally our dream, we are asleep and it is all a dream.

Something that messes with my mind a little is the fact that if everything and I mean everything got bigger by a certain percent we wouldn't notice the difference. Also we will never actually know how big we are, we could be giants or we could be tiny like specks of dust. We could actually be like in Horton hears a who, as in a whole world on a tiny speck.
2015-10-04 8:18 pm
Life has meaning in these areas, among others: loving, learning, earning, creating, realizing.

Related: "The Path of the Higher Self," "Light Is a Living Spirit," "The Physics of the Soul," "Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to God-Realization."
2015-10-05 11:39 am
The possibility that we are in a game is absurd, although a popular notion for movie makers. Why am I so certain? Because by a casual perusal of this site, and a detailed study of politics in the USA and UK and Europe it is obvious that no intelligence force/being/system in its right mind would waste its presumably valuable time with such a complete set of jokers and morons. A moments reflection will confirm the sad fact that man has wasted his time on earth largely in pursuit of wars and money and power. Thank god there is always Fox News to confirm our existence :)
2015-10-05 6:07 am
Life is not a game when you have to eat. The simple meaning to that is to alleviate the hunger so that it goes away.
2015-10-05 5:49 am
Dude, honestly, no one tucking knows and I dont really care about jt or want to know bc thats what makes life fun, you dont ******* know whats the point of it, so just enjoy it seriously. Stop asking yourself whats the point of life or whats its meaning and ****. You make your own point in life and enjoy it in a healthy way.
2015-10-05 7:05 am
I don't know what the ultimate meaning is or even what it may be. Those that say they do are either lying or just wrong, IMHO.

I don't think it is a game or simulation though.

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