Do we even exist?

2015-10-04 12:35 am
Everything has to start somewhere, before all the scientific things happened with the stars and planets and Big Bang and black holes and what not, how did it begin. When was the point when things started to happen and how was it started or who started it? If it was a god then when did it begin to exist? Am I some aliens school experiment? Am I a persons thought? Do I even exist?

回答 (31)

2015-10-04 1:37 am
Do we even exist?

~~~ Without having to re-reinvent the wheel, lets start out with the 'fact' that everything exists!

Everything has to start somewhere, before all the scientific things happened with the stars and planets and Big Bang and black holes and what not, how did it begin. When was the point when th

~~~ And already we begin with a false assumption.
If 'time' had to "start somewhere", there can be no 'before' that!
'Before' is a feature of 'time'.
For there to be a 'before (and after) there has to be 'time' already existing.
Your world has the appearance of 'time/motion' and you assume it reflects all Reality.
It does not.
'Time' and 'motion' are appearances of the imagination/thought.
No 'start', thus no 'creation', thus no 'causality'.
All that is 'imagination!
'Beyond' the imaginary, all that exists is Here! Now!
2015-10-09 2:12 am
You've bought into the idea that everything has a prior cause. What was before the first cause? This is called the infinite regress problem. When this is a paradox, namely because of quantum physics, you gotta wonder, what did it feel like before you were born?

That's the emotional root to your question. What did it feel like before you were born?
2015-10-06 12:03 am
Does you question exist?
2015-10-05 6:57 am
Yes we exist.
But I can see you're mixed up about some stuff. The main thing you need to know is, yes, we exist, our actions have consequences, and we will all die in the end.

The real question here is: does it have any meaning?
If we're living in the Matrix or an alien's experiment, the question still remeans: we exist and this is the truth... now what?

I think you'll be surprised at how black and white life can be, and also the lies that contributes to people questioning morality and origins of creation (such as the Big Bang theory, evolution and climate change).
If there's one absolute thing that's undeniably reliable, accurate and consistent that would be the Holy Bible.

And do you know why that is? Because God is reliable and accurate because He is all powerful and all knowing, and is consistent as He's the same yesterday, today and forever.

Once you understand this, and study the Bible and have the guide of the Holy Spirit and ministering angels, then it becomes abunduantly clear how misled we were.
Like the saying goes: I was blind but now I see.
2015-10-06 11:53 pm
If you can read this text then yes we exist... but then again am I your conscious or are you mine lol =D . For real Generally anything that has a beginning or has an end can be classified as 'exists'. we recognise the presence of things based on its opposite spectrum. For example does darkness exist? yes only bcs we know there is no light present. in addition the term 'exists' is limited by time... so if its outside the spectrum of time, it doesn’t exist in our 4 dimensions (of polar opposites/birth,death (time)). There are other things out there... yes, but it doesn’t exist at-least in our realm. =D God couldn’t be classified as 'exists' because he/she is not limited by time (is in every present moment in time, all at once in one moment) and is omnipresent (in every dimension and never ends) So to answer your question... Yes we exist lol Here is a cool link to a very similar topic about existence. in reference to God
2015-10-04 2:12 am
Say that was what I was wondering since I was five. What is existence? If we exist here there's got to be another universe because what is the universe's existence? Exactly and what created god? So for now I'm saying that we really don't know. Also like continents cover up countries, what cover up these "universes"?
2015-10-05 11:48 pm
As I christian I can answer this from God's perspective. So if you ask me and basically every other christian, God created EVERYTHING there is not anything God didn't create. Now begins the question ... Who created God? Well that's a very hard question to answer but know this, we humans cannot begin to understand anything beyond what what God wants us to discover. We cannot fully unstand space, time, our physical world, and our creation. Since man (and mans knowledge) is finite, we won't ever see or know the spiritual world while we live on the physical world. Our brains won't let us know anything beyond this world, that's why its frustrating for people to argue the existence of God becuase we cannot see anything beyond our physical wolrd
2015-10-05 2:38 am
Anything I say is only my opinion. I believe the universe is 99.9999% nonexistent potential, which creates the world that is. An infinite string of nothings would include something. We are the something part of an infinite string of existences that don't exist. Scientists call it the multiverse. The multiverse creates this universe out of the parts that work. Anything that doesn't fit, doesn't exist. So our universe is the biggest most complicated one possible. That means bad things and good things because it is a universe of more rather than less.

This universe is finite. It has a beginning and it has an end. I also have an irrational belief that the vast potential that orders and rules this place is called God.
2015-10-04 9:42 pm
Some one said I think therefore I am the very fact that you think of our existence proves we exist and as a Christian the fact that Christ died for me proves this also
2015-10-04 1:54 am
That is a perceptual misconception of the mind's observation. The mind and intellect, which cannot comprehend or know reality and existence as it is, can only at best approximate and know 'about' them. The mind and perception are limited to the material paradigm of linear form and content (specifics and details). Because it is transient and temporary, the mind presumes there is a "beginning" and "end" to everything. The mind is programmed to operate and observe in a sequential manner and misses unseen and undetectable factors that contribute to result of how things actually are in Reality.

Because of our reliance on the mind's intellect and perception, we are subject to their limitations, which must be removed to expand our vision and observation of existence. Even the most prestigious and highly regarded materialist, academics and intellectuals of all fields are stumped with questions that arise from their own limited understanding of existence. When it comes to these matters, most people forget one fundamental fact, which is, energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only made to change form. Therefore existence is eternal and uncaused. This is not a concept or theory made up by intellectual postulation, but the inherent Nature of the Cosmos.

It is beyond me how people commonly ignore this reality, although it is Universal Law. Reality is within the nonlinear paradigm of formless essence and context (significance and meaning). To 'exist', itself, is an nonlinear and formless expression. The tangible is a result of the intangible, which is not constricted by material categories of thought such as "space/time". If we don't exists, how does the question of our existence arise? You have to first resolve this question before you question existence. The material paradigm is a narrow context which limits the parameter of which things are considered.

I never had to question my own existence, since the idea of infinity was introduced to me at the age of five. To me "infinity," as a concept is the ultimate context in which everything falls into, even God. When it was explained to me that God is infinite, it confirmed the security of my beliefs. Throughout my life, I've was exposed to information that kept reaffirming my childhood belief about existence, such as the Laws of Conservation and Thermodynamics. If infinity is the context in which things are considered, existence is effortless, automatic and self-sustaining and there is never a need to question it.

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