Job Application!!! What does this mean??? "Are you willing and available to work across a 7 day flexible working pattern?"?

2015-10-03 9:53 pm
Im filling in an online application im at school still, and i dont know what this question mean wheather it means i can work all the time or just certain days...!!! Help!!! this is the question
----> "Are you willing and available to work across a 7 day flexible working pattern?"

回答 (6)

2015-10-03 9:54 pm
they want to know if you can work any day at any time.
2015-10-03 10:17 pm
It's asking whether you would be free to work any day of the week. Like you don't have any exisiting commitments that would stop you being able to work any day.
Since you are still at school, you are unable to. Because the days you are at school, you aren't free to work.
2015-10-03 10:11 pm
You cannot as you are at school. It means any day over 7 days.
2015-10-03 10:02 pm
No is correct answer
參考: Employer
2015-10-03 9:59 pm
If you are at school then put No - you cant be in 2 places at the one time
2015-10-04 12:00 am
No, then.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:32:04
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