Atheists how can you say that after we die that is the end we just go to sleep and never wake up isn't that depressing?

2015-10-03 8:20 pm

回答 (21)

2015-10-03 8:22 pm
Sure it can be depressing, but the fact that something is depressing doesn't mean it's not true. Personally, I find the idea of eternal life horrifying. I don't think people really think the concept of "eternity" through. Death can be a gift after a long, full life. The fact that we die is what makes life precious. Eternal life would be meaningless.
2015-10-03 8:24 pm
We don't actually think that. It's not sleep. It's ceasing to exist. It's game over.
And no - that's no depressing. A little sad, to think that we'll never know what happens to our families, but wishing for eternal life is just fantasy.
2015-10-03 8:22 pm
I'm not depressed by it. If you are, that's fine. Think whatever you want about an afterlife
2015-10-03 8:22 pm
Just because you find reality depressing (I don't) doesn't mean it isn't real.
2015-10-03 8:37 pm
After you die your troubles are over.
2015-10-03 8:33 pm
Why focus on death? Focus on life and live it to the fullest now.
2015-10-03 8:31 pm

Do you think reality makes concessions for what anyone wants to be true?

It doesn't.

Desirability is no reflection of validity.
2015-10-03 8:23 pm
Because as far as I can tell its reality. I'd rather believe in a cold harsh truth than a comforting lie. If not being born yet didn't bother me than I don't see how being dead will.
2015-10-03 8:22 pm
It's just wishful thinking on their parts. They're trying to convince themselves - not you.
2015-10-04 9:21 pm
I think atheists believe something happens after death. But they just deny of "heaven" or "hell" existence.
2015-10-04 6:37 am
To me, it's more comforting than living for eternity up in the sky somewhere.... What would you do all day every day for an unimaginable amount of time?? Scary.
2015-10-04 5:02 am
There is no reason to believe that death is not the cessation of life.
2015-10-04 2:17 am
I have never heard a dead corpse feels depress.
2015-10-03 10:34 pm
we can say it because there is no evidence otherwise
2015-10-03 10:07 pm
isn't that depressing?

- "Believe" whatever fantasy you want, this is still reality.
2015-10-03 9:07 pm
Atheists do not state such but many ignorant Theists seem to claim they know how Atheists think demonstrating not only their ignorance but desperation.
2015-10-03 8:50 pm
Even a Christian would say that truth is more important than false happiness.
2015-10-03 8:49 pm
Yes I've seen this kind of argument before. If there is no afterlife that makes this life meaningless and depressing, therefore there has to be life after death. I just don't buy that line of thinking. I would only accept life after death as possible if there were a way to verify it. Like dead people appearing to us telling us it's real.
2015-10-03 8:39 pm
"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
it seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
will come when it will come".
--Caesar to Calpurnia from "Julius Caesar" (Act II, Scene II).
2015-10-03 8:39 pm
I don't. Death isn't sleep. When we die, we no longer exist as a living thing.

Depressing? No.

We say true things because we VALUE TRUTH -- something I can see you don't.
2015-10-03 8:31 pm
Lots of things in life are other than we might wish they are in reality pretending otherwise doesn't change that.

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