Writing essays for money will work?

2015-10-03 6:09 pm

I have not yet used any essay writing services. Just want to know whether I will be benefited or cheated?

回答 (7)

2015-10-05 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It would be unwise to say that it is a sin to use such websites. However, such a practice is not a good idea. Seeking some help for writing essays, instead of getting the whole paper written, is acceptable.
2015-10-03 6:11 pm
Academic dishonesty is never a good idea. Having someone pay you, the writer, to cheat them out of their education? Disgusting.

If you want to use your language skills, tutor someone for an hourly fee so they actually learn how to write an essay for themselves, which is the skill they're supposed to master.
2015-10-03 6:13 pm
2015-10-03 6:10 pm
2015-10-03 6:30 pm
2015-10-04 12:11 am
2015-10-03 6:45 pm
If you're a credentialed journalist.

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