can you outgrow a friend?

2015-10-03 3:40 pm

if so how do you know if you have?


how to deal with it


sorry about all the connected questions its just for a while I've felt me and my best friend aren't really the same and i need help to understand it

回答 (3)

2015-10-03 3:47 pm
Yes and it is completely normal to become further away from a friend you were previously close to. It's in human nature to eventually get bored and want to speak and interact with different people
2015-10-03 3:43 pm
yes. the longest i've ever stayed close to a friend was from eighth grade all the way to now (senior year high school)
2015-10-03 3:43 pm
Yes....happens all the time after high school, some after college and off and on throughout life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:28:49
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