is there such things as a selfless deed? (yes, i got this from friends but i actually wanted to find out what others think)?

2015-10-03 3:39 pm

now, if you give a man on the street a hundred dollars are you rewarding him for begging?

回答 (11)

2015-10-03 4:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Giving money to someone to help them in time of need and not wanting it back and not wanting recognition for it is a selfless deed.

Helping a neighbor after some surgery and not wanting pay is a selfless deed. Things like taking dishes of food and picking up items from a store for them until they are on their feet.
2015-10-03 5:53 pm
know the self , thats enough .
2015-10-04 1:18 pm
Ultimately no - we do what we do in an attempt to improve our emotional state. On a good day, if we're reasonably full emotionally, we find pleasure in doing good things for other people. So you could say we do them to please ourselves, and that is true. But we can also do things to please ourselves that take from other people or contribute nothing to the whole. There is a difference. So it is valid to distinguish between selfish and selfless acts, even tho in the end, all our acts are intended to be self-serving.
2015-10-04 8:19 am
This is not a matter of selflessness. It's a given! When one listens to his heart and obeys without porocrastination, regardless of inconvenience, he answers to a higher power and, is rewarded - tenfold for everything he does for others - unconditionally! :D
參考: NDE
2015-10-04 7:08 am
Of course there is. Think of all the times your parents have done things for you in life. That was all a process of life. It's so natural that one does not even stop to think of that as such. As such. Most people obey the rules of the road when driving. Most people show common every day courtesy with strangers and friends. Mere friendship and kindness to a fellow human being is a selfless act. This is what I think.
2015-10-03 10:46 pm
only in altered stats of consciousness
like dreams
2015-10-03 10:39 pm
Yea. It is being taught here. You will have to simply fill up the application form for getting admission into the course. We do not charge any fees. But you have to be regular and punctual. You can learn many things here which will be of use in our day to day activities. Those who have attended this course are now holding big position in different organization with a fabulous salary plus lot of perquisites. All Management techniques are included in it.

It is taught only on philosophic lines.
參考: compiled.
2015-10-04 2:17 am
Is there such things as a selfless deed?

~~~ Yes and no!
The entire universe is 'Self!'!
And any 'deed' done, is done for the 'Self!'!

And there is the 'little' 'self' of the ego, an imaginary construct.
Any deeds by that little 'self', for that little 'self' are still self-ish deeds, done for the little ego self!

A deed just done because it needs to be done, is still 'Self-ish', but not in the same way as the deed done just for personal pleasure.

So, ultimately, the dualistic dichotomy of 'this self' or 'that self' is imaginary.
All is Self.
One Omni- Self!

In common usage, most only know the little figment 'self', and what is done is in service of that 'self'. 'Selfish'.
But even devotional service to the 'Self', is still 'Self' oriented.
To make the 'other' happy is to make 'Self' happy!
In Love, your Happiness is my Happiness!
In Love, two are one!
In unconditional Love/Enlightenment, We are Universal Self!
2015-10-03 11:00 pm

Helping others gives you pleasure. At the very core, it is still a selfish act.
2015-10-03 6:51 pm
Yes, but not in the strictest sense.
Any deed you do is for your benefit even if it is to help someone else selflessly.
You do so because YOU think it is the right thing to do and thus make a better world as YOU see it.
2015-10-03 6:50 pm
Thinks of hinself

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