Is science a phony religion?

2015-10-03 3:05 am
The earth supposedly travels around the sun at 67,000 mph. Sounds crazy, right? It gets better, The Sun pulls the solar system through the galaxy at 600,000 mph. The math just does not work. At some point we have to cross the path of the sun that's doing 600,000 mph! And at some point we are traveling in the opposite direction as the sun which means we would get left behind or slung out of the solar system. lol.

回答 (39)

2015-10-03 2:26 pm
Okay so first I would just like to mention that science is not a religion... Therefore it can not be a phony one.
Now over the centuries numerous philosophers have gathered information and innovated new technology that can define the mystery of space. Take Isaac Newton for example: He developed/created the three laws of motion. These of which are too long for me to describe. These three laws of motion or considered to be solid facts and evidence to prove how many different things work in the entire universe. The same goes for the statistics that you heard of. These facts were studied for years and years. Many people helped build these facts to be even more solid as they filled them with more evidence and support. Everything you have mentioned in your question is (roughly) correct. Your thinking on the sun however I think you should check up on. There are many videos that can show you how everything works. I hope that I helped you.
Don't take science so lightly...
2015-10-03 3:47 am
Strange. It's like asking if a real story is a phony fiction.

By the way, the math works very well. And it can actually be measured (it is not as if scientists were asked to blindly believe the numbers, they can check them out themselves).

You are driving your car at 100 km/h (60 mph) on the road.

The Earth rotates around its axis. If you are at 45 N latitude, you are going around at 1180 km/h (736 mph)

"The math just does not work." At some point we have to fall off the road since it is going much faster than the car.
And yet, more than three people manage to keep their car on the road without having to drive at 736 mph.

Inside the moving car, two kids are passing toys from one to the other. According to your rule, as soon as one kid lets go of the toy, it should be ripped out of the car.
And yet, it isn't because the toy and the kids all share the speed of the car, which itself shares the speed of the Earth's surface.

All these movements (Earth's rotation on its axis, Earth's orbit around the Sun, the Sun around the Galaxy and the Galaxy relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation) can be separately and independently measured.

Gravity is what keeps the kids seated on the seats, the car on the road and even the road on the surface (without gravity, even ashphalt would eventually float away from the surface). Friction is what allows the driver to use gravity to keep the car on the road.

Gravity from the Sun keeps Earth in a closed orbit. Thus the Earth shares in the speed of the Sun around the Galaxy, and the Sun shares in the movement of the Galaxy towards the Virgo Supercluster, itself "falling" towards the Great Attractor... and so on.

No need for "belief". It can all be measured.
2015-10-03 1:31 pm
Somebody give this guy a sedative and carefully take him to a lab for analysis.

We may have found the last Pure Blood Neanderthal.

Planet Earth is Disgusted with your ignorance. It is in pain knowing that you consume the oxygen it produces.

It wants to whip you out in to the Van Allen Belts to get your Head "Gamma Rayed"

Learn which pot to make doo-doo in before you bother the shrivelled wallnut rattling around in that head of yours with complexities.

I don't rip people up normally, but your arrogance to how you think all the scientists that made all the stuff you use on a day to day basis like the combustion engine, computers etc 'Got the math wrong' on something so provable and on a subject you clearly have no idea of.

Please...don't be a cancer spreading your ignorance.
2015-10-03 5:05 am
You clearly have no understanding of how gravity and inertia work together to preserve orbits. I can't vouch for your numbers since I am a scientist and not an American, so I use metric units. Earth's orbital speed is 29.786 km/s relative to the Sun, and the Sun's orbital speed is 230 km/s relative to the centre of the Galaxy, carrying the whole Solar System along with it. Your numbers are at least proportionally correct. Of course the Earth will be ahead of the Sun at one point and behind the Sun at another point; what's the problem with that? Sun and Earth are BOTH travelling together.
參考: RASC Observer's Handbook 2015
2015-10-03 3:25 am
Actually, the sun goes around the galaxy at about 450,000 mph, not 600,000 mph. But really, that's a nit.

The solar system is perfectly capable of going the galaxy at one speed, while the Earth goes around the sun at a relative speed six or seven times slower. Just like we can ride in a jet plane going 500 mph, and walk up and down the aisle inside, at a much slower speed. There is no conflict at all.

So sometimes Earth is moving around the galaxy at 450,000 + 67,000 mph, and sometimes it is 450,000 - 67,000 mph. (Leaving aside that fact that the Earth's motion around the sun is not aligned with the Sun's motion around the galaxy).
2015-10-03 8:45 pm
Science is NOT a religion. It's quite fact it's the antithesis of religion. There's something in advanced Calculus called the Spin within Spin paradox although it goes by differing names. To satisfy Newton's Laws (He invented Calculus) all the plusses and minuses MUST equal 0. To simplify all this NOT THE SUN BUT THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM Moves 600,000Kh but all the planets individual orbits are dictated by OTHER even more complicated laws!...Does Make You Think There Must Be an ALMIGHTY Spirit! Oh, I Just Remembered Heisenberg's Uncertainty theory which says basically "If it can go wrong it will" and mo' Nature throws an asteroid our way and ALL bets are off!
2015-10-03 3:48 am
Thank Einstein for relative motion. Have you ever been a passenger on a plane where the tail of the plane smacked into you at 347 mph while heading back to your seat because you could only walk at 3 mph?
參考: [n] = 10ⁿ
2015-10-04 10:24 pm
First of all, science is not a religion, it is a FACT. I do not know why believers always equate Atheists with scientists. They are not one and the same. I am a scientist/doctor(MD/PhD), but I am also jewish. I believe god gave us science so we can advance our selves, I do not believe god created us, I believe god created an environment in which life was possible. I believe in evolution. It is possible to be scientifc and religions, you just have to use logic and reason. Secondly, you obviously have absolutely no knowledge of physics or earth science. It makes sense that the earth is sometimes behind the sun, and other times ahead of it. Based on the speeds of both the planet and the star. Even not knowing any figures at all, ever hear of the theory of relativity? Even with my limited understanding of planetary physics, it is pretty obvious your logic at all. If science was so false, why do we discover new medicines ever month, and new procedures, and new ways to prolong death based on deep biological and biochemical pathways. We make MRIs more efficient, neurosurgery is trying to help account for intracranial shift. There are so many things in every sect of science you cannot believe it. Science is not a religion, it is not a belief system, it a way of life, it the avid yearning for knowledge to cure the world's dilemmas or to discover new questions and answer them. I went into medicine to combine my love for biology and disease with my desire to help people as do most doctor. I am sure most PhDs in physics for example go into it because of their desperate curiosity about how the world works, and how to help NASA maybe, I don't know. Science is a calling of sorts, one not to be trifled with. Without science, we would still be in the neolithic age!
2015-10-03 3:06 pm
No. Religion is phony science.
2015-10-03 5:14 am
Science is a method of organising observations into a coherent structure upon which sound theory can be built. The theories are changed as necessary to incorporate new observations.

Contrast that to religion: read a heavily edited old book, insist it is all literally true, and refuse to consider any observations at all, unless they happen to be distortable to match the old book.

And your example is just wrong and makes no sense at all. Which suggests that it is derived from a religion.

2015-10-03 6:44 pm
Why do you religious science-haters insist on being stupid on purpose?

When Earth is directly "in front" or directly "behind" the sun, Earth is traveling 600,000mph in the same direction as the Sun (because the pulls Earth through the galaxy), but 67,000mph sideways. When Earth is directly "beside" the Sun, Earth is either traveling 667,000mph (600,000 + 67,000) in the same direction as the Sun or 533,000mph (600,000 - 67,000) in the same direction as the Sun.
2015-10-03 4:08 am
It all makes perfectly logical sense if you know anything about physics; especially the very interesting stories about how the famous scientists of the past figured out and proved all this. When you read how Galileo, Newton, and others came up with their ideas, it seems so easy. But sometimes the amount of HARD WORK doesn't come through the story clearly enough. So it is kind of insulting when you diss them without really knowing much of anything about them.
2015-10-03 3:14 am
Have you ever heard of gravity? I suggest you look it up.
2015-10-03 7:26 am
Considered as a religion, science is phony. It doesn't make vague claims based on fabricated or anecdotal evidence. It doesn't attribute anything it can't explain to a cranky dude with a beard who lives in the sky/your heart/everywhere. It doesn't require bizarre rituals. It doesn't encourage us to ostracize people based on their religion, gender, or sexual identity. It doesn't use circular reasoning. On all these counts, it fails as a religion. So I guess that if you're looking at science in that light, then, yes, it's a phony religion.

P.S. - Learn physics.
2015-10-05 7:31 pm
No it is a religion, it is based on what is called "logic" which can only explain nature using observed and measurable facts. The problem with this is any effort to measure a fact interferes with what ever is going on. So, the facts are imperfect and the understanding is imperfect and that leads to he obvious conclusion that science is imperfect. So they must "believe" they have correct facts and any belief system has flaws and is considered a religion of sorts.
2015-10-05 3:27 am
Science cannot be a religion because one of the "rules" of Science is we cant use religion or philosophy in any Scientific theories..---Indeed Science is a GAME involving solving problems with chains of experimental evidence WITHOUT evoking religious causes. To say "Goddidit" would be "cheating" and it would not be Science anymore.
Not that many Scientists do not believe in God, but it is against the rules of the Science Game to evoke a religious tenant to solve a given problem ---It no longer would be Science. Yes, some Scientists take the game too seriously and reject religion in their lives altogether--letting it take the place of religion, but many are still of two minds and have no problems---and can play the Science game as well as anybody.--keeping their religion to themselves.
2015-10-04 11:04 pm
No science is not even religion at all.

"And at some point we are traveling in the opposite direction as the sun which means we would get left behind or slung out of the solar system."
Use the Moon around the Earth as an example, the Moon travels around the Earth at an average speed of 1.023 Km/s (0.635663 miles per second), while the Earth travels around the Sun at an average speed of 29.786 Km/s (18.5082 miles per second), both of them move at counter-clockwise direction (when viewed from above the north pole). When the Moon is at new Moon phase, it is traveling at speed of 28.763 Km/s relative to the Sun, and at it's full phase it's traveling at 30.809 Km/s relative to the Sun.

Or if you don't get what i said above let me simplify that "When the Moon is between Sun and Earth it slows down allowing the Earth to catch up and when it's in opposition it sped up and overtake the Earth."
The same thing happens to the planet that is following the Sun while it's orbiting the Milky Way.
2015-10-04 11:37 am
Science is not a religion. Religion relies on belief not fact, evidence or truth. Religious beliefs persists even in the light of contrary evidence. Science relies on fact and evidence. As new evidence is discovered science is refined and altered in light of new discoveries.

The fact that you cannot grasp the facts you cite does not render those facts false. Science is based on evidence not the personal opinion or credulity of individuals.
2015-10-03 7:53 pm
Science is not a religion and no religion is a science.

It's best to keep them separated. They are not mutually incompatible, as long as one is not used to justify or explain the other.
2015-10-05 6:46 pm
Actually, the motions of the earth and the solar system are just as you question, you are the one who is "crazy, right?" You need to study basic physics and astronomy. I would suggest you study first Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation, and Kepler's laws of planetary motion. To understand all of this deeply you would also have to study a lot of math, including another of Newton's creations, The Calculus, but that is way beyond your ability to comprehend.
2015-10-04 4:15 am
Science answers to no gods, except those for whom its creditors observe, as more often than not in the secular way of life we here engage. If science is a religion, it would have to be a form of paganism. Scientists who identify with any faith in particular, have no trouble relinquishing the tendency of Will to a god, or a sacred God whose Will has its own logic and reason. "Phony" religion is an obscure reference to something ancient and is probably used for its own purpose. Maybe a negative attitude is interpreted or "undressed", like the Laws and Principles of science as ways to take the Universe's Truths out of god or a God's protection.
2015-10-03 9:27 pm
In my view, any science related to items outside of our planet is for academics and politicians. None of what happens out there affects 99.99999999% of humans as to our daily lives. Those employed by companies making products such as telescopes and other times for the space station have jobs in many levels. But as to space I am not concerned. As to science, if it were not for science's advances in the last 70 years you would not be able to be texting via this "smart" phone device to others on earth via the Internet. Is that phony?
2015-10-03 9:09 pm
If you were to investigate your examples, you'd see why they're not only possible, but occurring. It doesn't require faith, prayer, or a minister. You could test it with models anywhere in the world, or the universe, for that matter, and language, belief, and culture does not matter... the results will be the same, everywhere.

Now.... would you like to discuss a "real" religion...?
2015-10-03 8:20 pm
No, science attempts to explain reality. Religion relies on belief in dogma, where questioning is not allowed. Your rant only shows that you do not understand how motion is relative. You embarrass yourself and your teachers, good job.
2015-10-03 5:26 pm
Only in that religion is phony science.
2015-10-03 5:05 pm
NO, THE SCIENCE of the Bibles references are indeed accurate. Note one commentary:

*** g91 11/22 p. 5 The Bible Fought Disease Before Science Did ***
“A Very Accurate Scientific Book”
Hippocrates was a Greek physician of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. who has become known as “the father of medicine,” but much that the Bible says about diseases was written by Moses, about a thousand years before then. Yet, significantly, The AMA News published a letter from a doctor that said: “The best informed medical researchers now doing the best work are arriving at the conclusion that the Bible is a very accurate scientific book. . . . The facts of life, diagnosis, treatment, and preventive medicine as given in the Bible are far more advanced and reliable than the theories of Hippocrates, many still unproven, and some found to be grossly inaccurate.”

WHEN SCIENCES try to use the evolution theory as a part of true science , there is great conflict!

FALSE RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS of hellfire, trinity, immortality of the soul etc. are in the situation AS

EVOLUTION'S pseudo teachings are very comparable to false teachings of religions-- BECAUSE they function on "blind faith" This is not practiced any where in the Bible by true worshippers & people of faith as stated:

(Hebrews 11:1) “11 Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. . .”
2015-10-06 1:51 am
The gravity well produced by the sun is traveling at the same speed. Next question.
2015-10-06 12:31 am
Don't feed the troll
2015-10-05 6:22 pm
2015-10-04 10:57 am
In some cases, yes.
2015-10-04 6:03 am
Science is not a religion.
2015-10-03 11:44 pm
2015-10-03 10:53 pm
To call Science a religion (even if phony) is an insult to it. Your observ ations/conclusions are a bit c o c k eyed.
2015-10-03 7:28 pm
A train travels along a track at 60 mph. You've just "proved" that it's impossible to walk in a circle at 6.7 mph aboard that train. Figure out where your error is in the train problem and you might just have learnt something about the motions of the solar system.
2015-10-03 7:59 am
You're using its fruits to put your question.
The possibility that you are serious is small.
But terrifying.

Ah yes- you're a moon landing denier (link).
2015-10-03 7:30 am
science is mathematical proof of how solar system work. If everything is described in books then there is no need of communication between human and creator. that is why everyone agrees on Education, it gives oppurtunity to communicate, reveal hidden secrets and excellent creator. person who persue it will get the knowledge and miracles.
2015-10-03 5:19 am
2015-10-03 10:03 pm
I come home after work an turn on the light switch in the hall way, there is light, that is science.
2015-10-03 10:42 am
My Answer = No.

Science is its' own doctrine & religion is phony in its entirety = 'religion' shouldn't even be in the same sentence.

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