Combinations and Permuatations?

2015-10-02 10:47 pm
There are five seniors and four juniors are nominated for President, Vice President, and Treasurer of student government. A president will be chosen first. A vice president will then be chosen from the remaining nominees. A Treasurer is chosen last. Assuming that everyone has an equal chance of winning, what is the probability that a senior will win President and Vice President and a Junior will win Treasurer? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent

回答 (2)

2015-10-02 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
prob =(5/9)*(4/8)*(4/7) = 80/(9*8*7) = 10/63 = 0.1587


15.9% (to the nearest 1/10 of a %)
2015-10-02 11:05 pm
[ 5 / 9 ] [ 4 / 8 ] [ 4 / 7 ]

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